C Support:
Ivy: Hortensia.
Hortensia: Something on your mind, Ivy? Or are you just here to admire my pretty face?
Ivy: Hmm. I’m just happy.
Ivy: We’ve been through so much, but we’re finally together again.
Ivy: You’re my only family now. I want you to know that you are important to me.
Hortensia: Guess it’s a relief to hear a half-sister counts as family.
Ivy: That has never mattered to me. I have always thought of you as my sister.
Ivy: And you are all the family I need.
Hortensia: Yeah, well… No need to make it awkward.
Hortensia: But I feel the same way, so… Thanks.
Ivy: Hmm. You have your mother’s smile.
Ivy: In fact, you seem to resemble her more and more each day.
Hortensia: You think so?
Hortensia: I’m flattered… I’m really glad.
Hortensia: It’s only thanks to her I get to call you my sister in the first place.
Ivy: …
Hortensia: Ah, I don’t mean to dig all that up. I’m not holding a grudge or anything.
Ivy: I know…
Ivy: Even so, it is because of my mother that you─
Hortensia: Oh, y’know what? I just remembered something I gotta do…somewhere. Sorry, Ivy! Talk later!
Ivy: I’m sorry, Hortensia…
B Support:
Hortensia: Ivy… Do you remember much about my mother?
Ivy: Of course. She was quite memorable.
Hortensia: Maybe you could tell me a little about her…
Hortensia: What do you remember most?
Ivy: …
Ivy: My clearest memory is her smile.
Ivy: My mother hated all of Father’s…other women. Your mother especially.
Ivy: So she was badly mistreated by my mother and by all who sought her favor.
Ivy: Yet even through all of that, she never seemed to stop smiling.
Hortensia: Yeah…
Ivy: By her charm and wits, she eventually won even my mother over.
Ivy: She turned her biggest enemy into a friend through sheer determination.
Ivy: It left a powerful impression on me.
Ivy: It made me realize how strong a parent can be for a child.
Hortensia: How strong?
Ivy: Yes.
Ivy: It seems to me your mother fought those battles to carve out a niche for you.
Hortensia: For me?
Ivy: Yes. She was the sort of person who shone a light on everyone who knew her.
Ivy: And you were the reason she shined so bright.
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: This was something I needed to hear.
Hortensia: Thank you, Ivy.
A Support:
Hortensia: Hey, Ivy?
Ivy: Yes?
Hortensia: Do you think…I could be like my mother someday?
Hortensia: I mean, obviously I’ve got her looks already. But I’m not sure I have her other qualities.
Ivy: You know, Hortensia…
Ivy: I think you do.
Ivy: You lost her when you were seven, correct?
Hortensia: Yes.
Ivy: But you kept living in the castle, even without the benefit of her protection.
Ivy: You know what a viper’s den of intrigue that place is. No ordinary child could survive it.
Ivy: But your charisma made that possible.
Hortensia: What are you getting at?
Ivy: Your wit and charm won you allies in the court and a safe place in the castle. Sound familiar?
Ivy: You thrived in the academy as well─you even skipped enough grades to catch up to me.
Ivy: All that was done by virtue of your own merit.
Ivy: Do you see it yet?
Ivy: You said you hoped you could become like your mother someday.
Ivy: But you already are. Your light shines on everyone you touch, just as hers did.
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: I…I can’t believe that’s how you see me.
Hortensia: Thank you.
Ivy: I should be thanking you.
Ivy: Your example has given me courage more times than I can count.
Ivy: Thank you for shining your light on me, Hortensia.
Hortensia: Aww…
Hortensia: I’m gonna do all I can to live up to the image you have of me.
Hortensia: It was so hard not to just despair and give up when we were separated.
Hortensia: Father was gone. You were gone… I had no one.
Ivy: I’m truly sorry, Hortensia. From now on, we’ll be together.
Hortensia: That better be a promise…because you’re not getting rid of me.
Ivy: Absolutely. We will never be separated again. I promise.
Ivy: I am blessed to have family like you, Hortensia. I will never willingly let that go.
Hortensia: Good. Me neither.