C Support:
Kagetsu: …
Kagetsu: Yes, I see it! Princess Ivy, dinner tonight shall be…bum-bum-ba-BA! Vegetable stir-fry!
Ivy: I see.
Kagetsu: Your response is very underwhelming. Do you dislike stir-fry?
Ivy: I don’t have strong feelings about the menu.
Kagetsu: Then what does it mean when your face wears this dubious look?
Ivy: I am thinking.
Ivy: You have the ability to see the future.
Ivy: You never predict anything important, but your predictions are correct every single time.
Kagetsu: Kind of you to notice!
Ivy: It was not a compliment. I don’t understand how you do it. I find it unsettling.
Kagetsu: I am unsettling? Why?!
Ivy: You are an unknown quantity. I dislike unknown quantities.
Kagetsu: You dislike me, Princess Ivy? We each have our tastes, I suppose, but…this makes me sad.
Kagetsu: Wait! Even if you do not like me, I like you enough for both of us. So there is no problem!
Ivy: …
Ivy: Hahaha!
Ivy: You are a strange one, Kagetsu.
Kagetsu: Ah! There you are! There is your joy!
Kagetsu: To bring such joy to your face is at least some compensation for your dislike.
B Support:
Kagetsu: Ah! Princess Ivy! I was raised in Pale Sands.
Ivy: OK… Why are you telling me this?
Kagetsu: You said you dislike unknown quantities.
Kagetsu: So, I am going to tell you everything about myself. Then I will be known.
Ivy: Not the worst idea, I’ll grant you.
Kagetsu: Once you come to know me, we will no longer be princess and retainer, but friend and friend!
Kagetsu: It is worth trying, at least.
Ivy: Uh…haha…
Kagetsu: What else can I tell you? I have two siblings, brother and sister. Both younger. Very cute.
Kagetsu: My father has great swordsmanship. My mother has strange powers, which perhaps came to me.
Kagetsu: I care very much for my family, but I have also long dreamed to see the world at large.
Kagetsu: That is why I explained to them in writing my decision to leave. And I am on this journey now.
Ivy: …
Kagetsu: Oh no! Have I done something wrong?
Kagetsu: How foolish of me! I should not have presumed you would wish to hear my entire life story.
Kagetsu: Please forgive me, Princess Ivy. I should have noticed sooner it was not what you wanted.
Ivy: No, that’s not it. On the contrary, I am actually… rather pleased.
Ivy: I had no idea that becoming friends with me was so important to you.
Ivy: I’m flattered. Thank you.
Kagetsu: Ah, you are too kind!
Ivy: I don’t dislike you, Kagetsu.
Ivy: I do dislike unknowns. They make me wary. But that doesn’t mean I dislike you as a person.
Ivy: And after today, I think it’s safe to say my impression of you has improved.
Kagetsu: Wonderful! So, we may become friends soon?
Ivy: Not the worst idea.
A Support:
Kagetsu: Our time has come, Princess Ivy!
Kagetsu: Let us draw anchor, hoist our mainsail, and set this boat of friendship on its maiden voyage!
Ivy: …
Kagetsu: Hmm… It appears we are stuck in port.
Kagetsu: Perhaps I was mistaken, and it is not yet time.
Ivy: That’s not it, Kagetsu.
Kagetsu: Oh?
Ivy: The truth is…I don’t have many friends.
Ivy: When I was growing up, adults were always conniving and scheming.
Ivy: I grew to learn that was how the world worked.
Ivy: As a result…it was quite a long time before I met anyone I could trust enough to call a friend.
Kagetsu: As crown princess, you must have been limited in your contacts.
Kagetsu: I imagine it was cold and harsh to be raised in this type of environment.
Ivy: Yes.
Ivy: That’s why I found you so disconcerting at first.
Ivy: When someone is friendly toward me right away, it’s my instinct to be suspicious.
Ivy: But you’ve never tried to take advantage of me. You don’t seem to have any ulterior motives.
Kagetsu: Hahaha! Of course not! I am much too simple for schemes.
Ivy: Until recently, I couldn’t have hoped to understand your…purity.
Ivy: That’s why you felt like an unknown. You could not be what you seemed, so…what were you?
Ivy: Now I’ve realized you’re exactly as you appear. That’s your charm, in fact.
Kagetsu: Oh! Such kind words.
Ivy: So, Kagetsu… That’s why…
Ivy: I would like us to be…friends.
Kagetsu: Are you certain? Wonderful, wonderful! Yes, Princess Ivy! Of course!
Kagetsu: Let us be friends until time itself comes to its end!
Ivy: Hm-hm! Yes, let’s.