C Support:
Jade (Helmet): …
Bunet: Jade? What are you doing?
Jade (Helmet): Practicing mindfulness.
Bunet: Ah… I heard a rumor that you deal with stress by meditating in your armor. Seems it was true.
Jade (Helmet): Did you need help with something?
Bunet: It’s just that you look so appetizing.
Jade (Helmet): Excuse me?
Bunet: Your armor-clad stillness─it calls to mind one of my favorite dishes.
Bunet: You take a crabshell, stuff it with vegetables, meats, and rice, and stew it for three days.
Bunet: Oh… I’m getting hungry.
Jade (Helmet): You’re making it difficult to meditate, Bunet.
Bunet: Aw, I can almost taste them…
Bunet: Those hearty bites of sumptuous stuffed crab…
Jade (Helmet): Please go away, Bunet.
Bunet: Oh, was I bothering you? Farewell, then.
Jade (Helmet): …
Jade (Helmet): Now I’m getting hungry.
B Support:
Bunet: Good news, Jade. I am going to treat you to that stuffed crab stew we discussed.
Jade: I don’t recall any such discussion.
Bunet: “Jade’s Repose.” That would be a good name for it, don’t you think?
Jade: Oh. Right. I remember now.
Jade: You kept talking at me while I meditated inside my armor. Then you compared me to seafood.
Jade: It involved something like…cramming different ingredients into crab shells.
Bunet: Yes, yes. Anyway, that armor of yours… May I have a lick?
Jade: This conversation is over.
Bunet: Your armor may prove to be an interesting substitute for a crab shell. So much room…
Bunet: At what heat does one stew metal, I wonder?
Jade: You’re not getting anywhere near my armor.
Jade: You’re also…very obviously not listening to me.
Bunet: Come again? Oh, yes. Sorry.
Jade: I will admit, this chat is making me very hungry. Are you going to cook that stew or not?
Bunet: Yes, of course. Nothing is finer than sharing a meal with a friend.
Jade: Yes, as long as that’s all this arrangement is─a friend sampling the cooking of another friend.
Bunet: Good. Then I will get cooking.
Bunet: But first, just a quick taste of that armor…
Jade: No!
A Support:
Jade: Bunet, do you have a spare moment?
Bunet: Ah, Jade. I do.
Bunet: Is that a flower I smell?
Jade: I wanted to thank you for cooking that delicious meal the other day. This flower is for you.
Bunet: For me?
Bunet: I’m touched. Would you be offended if I took a little nibble from one of the petals?
Jade: You want to know what flowers from a friend taste like, right?
Bunet: I didn’t realize you had taken up mind reading.
Jade: I’ve experienced enough of your habits to detect a pattern.
Bunet: I see. Well, understanding cuts both ways.
Bunet: Here. Look.
Jade: Wow. This food looks amazing. Why did you prepare all of this?
Bunet: I anticipated that you might come thank me.
Bunet: In preparation, I went ahead and made this modest feast for you.
Jade: Thank you, Bunet.
Jade: Is this our dynamic now? Thanking each other back and forth through polite gestures?
Bunet: Strong friendships have been built on less.
Jade: I suppose it does offer a reliable framework… with defined boundaries.
Bunet: Agreed. Now that that’s settled, I’ll just…
Jade: Touch my armor and you’re a dead man.
Bunet: Heh. Fair enough.