C Support:
Jade: Hello, Jean.
Jean: Ah! Jade?!
Jade: Sorry, did I startle you? You look so scared…
Jean: Not at all! My heart is beating the normal amount.
Jade: Hmm…
Jean: So, if you don’t need me for anything, I’ll just be going now.
Jade: You are scared. Is it me?
Jade: Am I frightening you somehow? I’m not trying to be scary…
Jean: …
Jean: I’m not scared. Really. I just…have a hard time around you.
Jade: Around…me?
Jean: Um, yes. Monsters I can deal with.
Jean: Cramped spaces, the dark, bugs, wild animals─ none of that stuff is scary to me.
Jean: You…on the other hand…
Jade: What are you getting at, Jean?
Jean: People like you… It’s hard for me to… I’m sorry!
Jade: There he goes.
Jade: I wonder what he meant by “people like you”…
B Support:
Jean: Jade…I’m really sorry about before.
Jade: For saying that it’s hard to be near me?
Jade: Don’t worry, Jean. No apology necessary, but I would like an explanation.
Jade: Why do you have a hard time around “people like me”? What does that mean?
Jean: Well…
Jean: People say that…you’re cold─almost inhuman─ on the battlefield.
Jade: I suppose that’s not…always untrue.
Jean: Then is it true that you never hesitate to rush right into battle?
Jade: Ah. Guilty as charged.
Jade: Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear. I understand now.
Jean: You do?
Jade: You were living a relatively peaceful life until you joined our ranks, right?
Jade: I can see why soldiers with bloody pasts and bloodier weapons might make you anxious.
Jean: U-um, wait, no. That’s─ That’s not what I…
Jade: It’s OK, Jean. I’m not judging you.
Jade: I really do understand. I’ll give you some space.
Jade: …
Jade: Sorry again for causing discomfort.
Jean: Jade, wait!
A Support:
Jean: Jade!
Jade: Yes, Jean?
Jean: You had it all wrong! I’m not scared of you!
Jade: But you said it was hard to be around me…
Jean: I did, but I wasn’t finished…
Jean: I know that the reason you rush into battle isn’t because you’re bloodthirsty. It’s to protect us.
Jean: But either way, it always puts you on the front lines.
Jean: So when it’s over, you come home hurt worse than anyone else. Am I right?
Jade: Oh…
Jean: I worry about you. I get so worried sometimes I can hardly stand it.
Jade: Oh, Jean…
Jean: People who throw themselves into combat like you don’t tend to live very long.
Jean: That’s what makes you hard to be around─the idea that one day you might not be there…
Jade: …
Jean: But…I think I’ve gotten over that.
Jean: However injured you get, I can always heal you.
Jean: You fight so hard to protect me, so I should do my part to keep you alive too.
Jade: That’s very noble of you.
Jean: I’m really sorry for the way I acted before.
Jean: From now on…
Jade: From now on, we’ll fight side by side…as allies and friends.
Jean: Yes. That’s exactly right, Jade.
Jean: I’m really glad we’ve got that straightened out.