C Support:
Kagetsu: Jade! Face me! Show me your skill in battle!
Jade: No, thanks. I’ll pass.
Kagetsu: So quick to turn me aside! Why?
Kagetsu: I have heard your strength has won you tournament victories in Brodia.
Kagetsu: Such strength is meant to be shown and used. Do not keep it to yourself!
Jade: I didn’t receive orders to engage you. I have no personal grudge against you. Why fight?
Kagetsu: Jade, Jade, Jade. You disappoint me!
Kagetsu: What I hear of your skill is so exciting! Please, I must see it for myself!
Kagetsu: How can I earn the favor of this bout? I will do anything you ask.
Jade: Anything?
Jade: In that case…
Jade: Would you be willing to answer a few personal questions before we battle?
Kagetsu: Heh, easily. May I ask why?
Jade: I need to round out a character for a new book I’m outlining. You can help me fill in the gaps.
Kagetsu: I need only talk about myself?
Jade: That’s right. And it sounds like we have a deal.
B Support:
Kagetsu: I come from Pale Sands, which is located on Solm’s northeastern frontier.
Kagetsu: My home is not commonly visited by outsiders. Its culture is precious and unique.
Jade: What was different about it? Any examples come to mind?
Kagetsu: My clothing, for a start. It must seem different to your eye.
Kagetsu: Our architecture as well. You will not see finer woodworking anywhere.
Kagetsu: We also worship differently. We do not revere Divine or Fell Dragons.
Kagetsu: We have other dragons. They are long and lithe. I have not seen them in other countries.
Jade: Hm! Interesting. I’d like to see that myself.
Kagetsu: I can show you pictures in scrolls. But you must agree to another duel with me.
Jade: We haven’t had our first duel yet! Now, let me get through all of my questions.
Jade: What can you tell me about your family?
Kagetsu: Apart from my parents, I have one younger brother and one younger sister.
Jade: Ah. You’re the firstborn, then?
Kagetsu: Yes. It was my parents’ intention for me to carry on our family’s legacy.
Kagetsu: I was…unable to do this, however.
Kagetsu: I could not bear to live all of my days without ever knowing the world at large.
Jade: Oh?
Kagetsu: Yes. It was for that reason I decided to leave.
Kagetsu: I left written words behind to explain my intentions, and to ask them not to look for me.
Kagetsu: And so I left, and here I am.
Jade: That’s an amazing backstory, Kagetsu. Your life is like an adventure novel that writes itself.
Kagetsu: We each have our stories.
Kagetsu: Now, will you indulge me in that duel?
Jade: Sure. I’m out of questions, and a deal is a deal, so…I’m ready when you are.
A Support:
Kagetsu: Your strength is incredible! I have never been so cornered by my opponent!
Jade: You put up quite a fight yourself. I can’t believe we ended with a draw.
Kagetsu: It is rare I take pleasure in stalemates.
Jade: It was satisfying, wasn’t it?
Kagetsu: Tell me, Jade, how did you develop such strength? Does it come from your family?
Jade: Not at all. My upbringing was rather peaceful and quiet, actually.
Jade: My father is a gemologist, and my mother is an artisan. She makes the most beautiful jewelry…
Kagetsu: So they are untrained in battle.
Jade: That’s right. When I was younger, I helped my mother with her work.
Jade: Unfortunately, I turned out to be all thumbs…so I eventually took a job guarding our local mine.
Kagetsu: This change is quite sudden.
Jade: Is it? It didn’t feel that sudden. I’ve always enjoyed physical tasks.
Jade: Bandits would keep trying to steal from that mine…so I got plenty of exercise. Fun times.
Kagetsu: Ah. Now I understand.
Jade: I guarded that mine for years and years… Folks in town started calling me the “Iron Wall.”
Jade: Eventually a royal soldier heard about me and suggested I enter Brodia’s fighting tournament.
Kagetsu: And you won it straightaway, I’d imagine.
Jade: I fought my way to the top spot, met Prince Diamant, and officially became his retainer.
Jade: Whoops. I meant to ask you more questions, but I ended up going on and on about my own past.
Jade: I guess it’s just like you said, Kagetsu. We each have our stories…
Kagetsu: Indeed. And now that our tapestries interweave, they point us toward our shared future.
Jade: Like turning the pages of a novel.
Kagetsu: Precisely! So when will we have our rematch?
Jade: Just name a place and time, and I’ll be there.
Jade: I can already tell that, in the novel of my life, our duels are sure to be pages worth rereading.