C Support:
Timerra: Hey, Jade! Got a sec?
Jade: Certainly, Princess Timerra. What do you need?
Timerra: I hear that you’re from a mining town, so you know a lot about minerals and stuff.
Jade: That’s right. My father was a gemologist, so I picked up a fair bit of knowledge.
Timerra: Perfect! Seeing as you’re such an expert, want to go mineral hunting with me?
Jade: You’re going mineral hunting?
Timerra: Yup!
Timerra: See, I’m on the hunt for a big, fabulous jewel-to-be.
Timerra: I already have a place in mind, but I’m not sure how to go about finding a gem there.
Jade: Ah, I understand why you came to me.
Jade: I wouldn’t mind joining you, but…if you’re interested in jewels, why not visit a jeweler?
Jade: You are royalty, after all. I’m sure they’d sell you as many rare stones as you want.
Timerra: Yeah, but that’s no fun.
Timerra: I’d much rather find one for myself. You know, do it the old-fashioned way!
Jade: I see. That’s a rare perspective.
Jade: Well if that’s the plan, I’ll be happy to guide you.
Jade: I’ll take a few notes along the way. I might be able to mine some ideas for my next novel.
Timerra: Perfect! I get a dazzling jewel, and you get a dazzling protagonist. Win, win!
B Support:
Timerra: Welp, the mineral hunt came up empty.
Jade: Sorry, Princess Timerra. I did worry we might walk away empty-handed.
Timerra: Nah, don’t sweat it. It was still fun exploring the mine with you.
Timerra: Honestly, if you’ve got time, I’d love to give it another try someday soon.
Jade: Of course. I’ll accompany you as many times as you’d like.
Timerra: Hey, here’s an idea.
Timerra: If we get a big chunk of mineral, let’s polish it up nice and cut it into two matching jewels!
Timerra: That way, you and me have sparkling mementos for our friendship. Great idea, huh?
Jade: A jewel for me? I feel like that would be a bit of a waste, to be honest.
Timerra: Huh? What do you mean?
Timerra: Now that I think about it…you don’t really wear jewels, huh?
Jade: No, I don’t.
Jade: For me, jewels aren’t something to be worn. They’re something to protect.
Jade: I used to be a guard at my hometown’s local mine. Bandits were a constant nuisance.
Jade: That’s why I wouldn’t be able to enjoy wearing one. My instinct would be to lock it away.
Timerra: Wow. “Waste” is right.
Jade: Yes, exactly. I’m glad you understand.
Timerra: No! What I mean is, it’s a waste for such a beauty not to wear jewels!
Timerra: That settles it. We’re going to march back there and get the prettiest gems you ever saw.
Timerra: And so help me, you’re gonna wear yours!
A Support:
Timerra: I can’t believe we still couldn’t find any minerals.
Jade: Indeed. All of the local mines seem to be exhausted…
Jade: If we’d gotten there a bit sooner, we might have found something…but it’s hard to say.
Timerra: Guh…I just want a couple of jewels. Is that so much to ask?
Timerra: I got so pumped about you wearing one. Bet it would have looked great.
Jade: …
Jade: Hm.
Timerra: Hey, are you laughing?!
Jade: I am.
Jade: Not at anything in particular. I’m just happy.
Timerra: About what?
Jade: I’m happy that you’re thinking of me like this.
Jade: You said you wanted to find jewels for yourself, but now you’re focused on finding one for me.
Jade: I’m just taking a moment to…enjoy the feeling.
Timerra: Hey, hey! Look at you, getting all mushy on me.
Timerra: I just think you deserve some extra beauty in your life, you know?
Jade: I appreciate that very much, Princess Timerra.
Timerra: Ugh…
Timerra: Nope, not letting it end like this. Come on, we’re going to a jeweler right now!
Jade: Huh? You’re just going to buy jewels now? After all of our searching?
Jade: Heh.
Timerra: Hehe, yup. I’ve officially given up on the old-fashioned way. Is that bad?
Jade: Not at all. Besides, we didn’t need to find a rare gem. I’ve been standing beside one all along.