C Support:
Kagetsu: Aw…
Kagetsu: How could I be so foolish? Dropping my onigiri, my one and only lunch… What do I do?
Kagetsu: I had so much to do today. Now I fear I will collapse from hunger…
Merrin: You look like you could use a snack. Do you like sweets? I have some to share.
Kagetsu: Merrin?
Kagetsu: You would help me in my hour of need? My gratitude knows no bounds…
Kagetsu: With all my heart, thank you…
Merrin: You’re very welcome. Enjoy.
Kagetsu: Sweet… And delicious! Oh, now I am full of energy!
Merrin: Wow, you devoured those. You must’ve been very hungry.
Kagetsu: Yes! That hit all my spots. Thank you!
Kagetsu: Now I can challenge Princess Timerra to single combat without worry!
Merrin: Excuse me?!
Merrin: You’re going to challenge my princess to a fight? No! No, you certainly will not!
Kagetsu: Why not? Fighting strong opponents is fun.
Kagetsu: I have some skill, so I think Princess Timerra will find our duel challenging.
Merrin: Yes, well, as retainer to Princess Timerra, I will not allow you to put her in harm’s way.
Kagetsu: You are much too worried.
Merrin: To think, I helped someone who wants to attack my princess. What a truly unforgivable mistake.
Merrin: If you insist on fighting her, you’ll have to defeat me first!
Kagetsu: I would gladly take you on.
Kagetsu: Ordinarily, at least. But I would not feel right about repaying you so roughly.
Kagetsu: Very well, Merrin. You have persuaded me to step back from this for now.
Merrin: Huh…
Kagetsu: You are so wary! I am not lying!
Kagetsu: My contest with Princess Timerra will simply have to wait until another time.
B Support:
Kagetsu: Merrin. Do I have your permission to issue my challenge to Princess Timerra yet?
Merrin: Please. You’ll never have my permission.
Kagetsu: Truly? I am greatly vexed.
Kagetsu: Still, I am in your debt, Merrin. Out of respect, I will wait until you change your mind.
Merrin: You’re very aggravating, you know that? Why must you insist on fighting my princess?
Kagetsu: I have journeyed far from Pale Sands in search of strong opponents to face in battle.
Merrin: Pale Sands… You mean the remote region in Solm? The one shrouded in mystery?
Kagetsu: To me, it is everything outside of Pale Sands that is shrouded in mystery.
Kagetsu: That is why I set out on my journey─to explore the strange world outside my home.
Kagetsu: I have met many strong opponents in my travels.
Kagetsu: I have also seen how each country’s customs, culture, and history inform its fighters.
Kagetsu: This is why I seek a duel with Princess Timerra. I wish to learn more about Solm!
Merrin: So that’s what this is all about.
Merrin: In that case, I will fight you.
Kagetsu: You?
Merrin: I am a royal knight, and a capable one at that. Do you doubt I’d make a worthy opponent?
Kagetsu: I do not doubt it. But should I defeat you, I will challenge Princess Timerra next.
Kagetsu: Do you have any objections?
Merrin: Fine by me. But just a heads-up…you will not defeat me.
Kagetsu: Haha, your confidence is delightful. Come then, show me what you can do!
A Support:
Kagetsu: Try this!
Merrin: Ha! Not good enough, Kagetsu!
Kagetsu: Ha!
Merrin: Hyah!
Kagetsu: …
Merrin: And that’s that. I win.
Kagetsu: I…lost?
Merrin: You did. Though, you are just as skilled as I am. In fact, you might even be stronger than me.
Merrin: But I’ve sworn to protect my princess. And the power of my conviction will not be overcome.
Kagetsu: Conviction, you say…
Merrin: I won, Kagetsu. You will not challenge Princess Timerra, you understand?
Kagetsu: Yes… It will be as we agreed.
Kagetsu: But perhaps you would consider rematching me yourself?
Merrin: You want to fight me again? Do you mean…as a substitute for my princess?
Kagetsu: No, that is not what I mean.
Kagetsu: I have become interested in your power of conviction.
Kagetsu: It clearly gives you great strength.
Kagetsu: Studying this will teach me much about your culture and the world, I feel!
Merrin: Ah, in that case, yes. I’d be happy to spar with you as much as you like.
Merrin: In fact, sparring with you will make excellent training for me as well.
Kagetsu: Marvelous! Then let us consider each other training partners from today!
Kagetsu: I am certain this will lead to deep and meaningful bonds of friendship!
Merrin: Haha, I’d like that very much, Kagetsu.