C Support:
Citrinne: Ha! Hyah! Hup!
Citrinne: Ah…
Citrinne: That was a bit better than yesterday…but still far from acceptable.
Lapis: Citrinne? What are you doing up so late?
Citrinne: Ah!
Citrinne: Oh, Lapis. You frightened me.
Citrinne: If you must know, I was just…brushing up on my ballroom dancing.
Lapis: Hmm. You’re not a very good liar. I could see you using magic. Are you training in secret?
Citrinne: You found me out.
Lapis: Working this late can’t be good for your health. You should really get some sleep soon.
Citrinne: I appreciate your concern, Lapis, but…I can’t let myself rest.
Lapis: You can’t?
Citrinne: If I had your strength, I might not have to train myself well into the small hours of the night.
Citrinne: But…things are different for me. I must, must, must grow stronger.
Lapis: Oh. Citrinne, that’s…
Citrinne: Don’t stay up for my sake. I promise to rest as well, but only after I’ve done enough for tonight.
Lapis: …
Lapis: Just don’t push yourself too hard, OK? G’night.
Citrinne: Good night, Lapis.
B Support:
Lapis: Ahh, I love packages from Mom and Dad. I wonder what this could possibly be…
Lapis: Haha, as if I don’t already know.
Lapis: Ooo, they sent some really good ones this time! These look extra yummy. Mmm…
Citrinne: Lapis? What has you cooing and humming?
Lapis: AH! Citrinne?!
Lapis: You really scared me. Don’t sneak up on people in the dark, making such a scary face…
Citrinne: Should I have worn a mask? I doubt that would have been less frightening.
Citrinne: This is just my face, Lapis. Don’t be cruel.
Lapis: Sorry. I didn’t mean it. You just really startled me.
Citrinne: Oh, what tasty-looking yams! Did you have someone fetch these from the countryside?
Lapis: No, I didn’t. They, uh… I…
Citrinne: It looks as if your parents sent them. Does your family…own land near a potato farm?
Citrinne: It was my understanding that your parents live in town. Is that not the case?
Lapis: Uh…
Lapis: OK. I’ll tell you the truth, Citrinne. My parents don’t live anywhere near town.
Citrinne: Oh?
Lapis: My parents─actually, my whole family─lives in the countryside where these taters came from.
Citrinne: Is that so? But you’ve always said that─
Lapis: I lied. I shouldn’t have, but I did. Please don’t tell anyone else, OK?
Citrinne: I won’t. Of course I won’t. But…I’m confused. Why would you lie about such a thing?
Lapis: I was trying to make myself seem less…you know…rural.
Lapis: I worry about that all the time. Prince Alcryst is royalty. You’re part of his extended family.
Lapis: A bumpkin like me doesn’t belong next to such noble company.
Citrinne: Lapis! That’s not true! It doesn’t matter if─
Lapis: It matters to me. I wish my family tree was as impressive as yours, but…
Lapis: Things are different for me.
Citrinne: Oh, Lapis…
Citrinne: You and I make a perfect match.
Lapis: Huh?
Citrinne: You see your family’s social standing as your hindrance, while I see lack of strength as mine.
Citrinne: Each of us has what the other lacks.
Lapis: Huh. You’re right.
Citrinne: Your secret is safe with me. I’ll leave you be. I have to begin my midnight training, after all.
Citrinne: Good night, Lapis.
Lapis: G’night, Citrinne.
A Support:
Lapis: There you are, Citrinne! I’ve been waiting.
Citrinne: Oh? Whatever for, Lapis?
Lapis: I was hoping to join you for midnight training. It’s sure to be more fun with a partner, right?
Citrinne: Oh my! But it would be terrible of me to deprive you of a full night’s rest.
Lapis: Please. I’m the terrible one. I still feel bad about the last time we talked.
Lapis: Besides, I can’t sleep if I know a good friend is working through the night.
Citrinne: Lapis… You’re so kind.
Citrinne: I had something that I wanted to offer you as well. Here, take this.
Lapis: A note? No, an address. What is this?
Citrinne: That’s the mailing address for one of my family’s spare manors in the heart of town.
Citrinne: We haven’t lived there in quite a while, so it’s only staffed by grounds- and housekeepers.
Lapis: OK…but why are you giving me the address?
Citrinne: If you wish to hide your rural origins, you must consider where your care packages come from.
Citrinne: Think of this as your new forwarding service!
Citrinne: If your parents send their packages there, the staff will swap addresses and route them here.
Citrinne: Why, your family could even use that address as a vacation home. Or they could just move in.
Citrinne: The manor is theirs to use as they like.
Lapis: Wow…
Lapis: Citrinne, thank you. I didn’t realize how much you cared.
Citrinne: Think nothing of it. I’m just looking out for one of my dearest friends.
Lapis: It’s a wonderful offer, but…I can’t accept it.
Citrinne: What? Why not?
Lapis: My family isn’t noble, but I’m proud of them. I can’t ask them to hide where they’re from.
Lapis: I’m still nervous about other people finding out, but at least I won’t have to worry around you.
Citrinne: Oh my…
Citrinne: We are quite the pair, aren’t we? Each of us has what the other lacks.
Lapis: And we both reach out when the other needs help.
Citrinne: Not a bad working relationship.
Lapis: Not bad at all.
Lapis: Do you think Prince Alcryst had this balance in mind when he selected us as his retainers?
Citrinne: Oh, I doubt it. I know you’re enamored with him, but Alcryst isn’t that clever.
Lapis: What? I-I am not!
Citrinne: Goodness! You’re blushing. Your cheeks are as red as the carpets in the royal court.
Lapis: Come on, don’t tease me.
Lapis: Besides, those carpets aren’t that red. You should see the tomatoes they grow back home!
Citrinne: Oh? That sounds like a fun day trip. Would you show me around sometime?
Lapis: Sure! But don’t bring any money. The farmers back home prefer to use a barter system.
Citrinne: How rustic! I’ve always wanted to try bartering. I could stand to part with a few necklaces…
Lapis: Heh, careful! With goods like that, you’ll end up needing that spare manor for tomato storage.