C Support:
Fogado: Ah… What am I going to do?
Lapis: About what, Prince Fogado?
Fogado: Oh! Hey, Lapis. You know I’m in charge of the Sentinels, yeah?
Fogado: We’ve got a real thorn in our side. A group of rogues making trouble by an oasis in Solm.
Fogado: They’re a slippery bunch. Even with our numbers, we can’t stamp them out.
Lapis: Have you considered making a device that will get rid of the rogues for you?
Lapis: You know─something that can drive them off without you having to lift a finger.
Fogado: Hm, not a bad idea. But I don’t know anyone who could make something like that.
Lapis: Me, of course!
Fogado: You?!
Lapis: I’m pretty crafty. Ever since I was young, I’ve been able to make everything I needed.
Lapis: So…yeah! I bet I could whip something up.
Fogado: All right… Let’s give it a whirl. Tell me if you need any materials.
Lapis: See if you can find any trash or tree branches lying around. That ought to do it.
Fogado: What? Really?!
Lapis: Yeah! The sooner you get that stuff, the sooner those rogues will be out of your hair.
Fogado: Um, all right. I’ll go trawling for…anything that looks useful, then.
Fogado: Me? Desperate? No, I’m just trying to solve my problems with a big pile of trash…
B Support:
Lapis: Prince Fogado, look at this!
Lapis: I’ve put the finishing touches on my rogue- repelling device. I call it…Fogado Mark II!
Fogado: It’s…a dummy that looks like me.
Lapis: Exactly. Turned out well, don’t you think?
Fogado: Actually, yeah. In silhouette, it bears quite a resemblance.
Lapis: Doesn’t it?
Fogado: You made all this from random scraps of trash? I’ll admit, I’m impressed.
Lapis: I couldn’t have done it without your help collecting materials.
Lapis: It did take a couple tries to get right. My original prototype actually…exploded.
Fogado: I…see. So you’re going to set this handsome─ possibly explosive─fella up at the oasis?
Lapis: Exactly. But it wouldn’t be very effective if it just stood there stone-still, so…
Fogado: Hold up. Did it just…
Lapis: Yup! It moves with the wind. Nifty, right?
Fogado: Uh…yeah. Very nifty.
Fogado: As much as I admire the craftsmanship, do you really think this will scare off rogues?
Lapis: In the right light, I think it will be quite intimidating.
Fogado: Ooo, but if they get close enough, they’ll see that it’s not real.
Lapis: Come to think of it, you may have a point.
Lapis: It’s based on effigies in my hometown used to scare bears. I’ve never tested it on people.
Fogado: You know what? It’s worth a shot. I can’t say I have any better ideas.
Lapis: All right, then. Hopefully it does the trick!
A Support:
Fogado: Lapis, guess what? Your device worked like a charm!
Fogado: With that thing’s help, we caught every last one of those rogues!
Lapis: Oh, really?
Fogado: Yup. You did say that this device was great at warding off bears.
Lapis: Yes…
Fogado: It worked. That thing caused quite a stir among animals inhabiting the oasis.
Lapis: The animals? But we were hoping to spook the rogues, not the local wildlife.
Fogado: Well, as you can imagine, a horde of agitated tigers and gators sent the rogues running.
Fogado: As soon as they were out in the open, we swooped in and captured every last one.
Fogado: It was a perfect mission, all thanks to you!
Lapis: I guess we achieved the result we wanted… even if the process was a little unorthodox.
Fogado: Pat yourself on the back. At the end of the day, it was well made, and it did the trick.
Fogado: Now tell me, do you have devices like this placed around your hometown?
Lapis: Yes. We use a variety of devices to repel bears from my village.
Fogado: Yeah? How about you take me to see them in person?
Lapis: Huh? Why?
Fogado: I’d like to take a closer look. Bet I could learn a lot about creative defense strategies.
Lapis: I’m not sure how helpful it will be.
Lapis: But if you do want to visit, you should wear a disguise so no one knows it’s you.
Fogado: All right! It’s a date.
Fogado: Hm, what disguise should I wear? Maybe some bear fur?
Lapis: That might not be a good idea, unless you want to get turned into bear stew…