C Support:
Goldmary: Oh no… What am I going to do?
Lapis: What’s wrong?
Goldmary: Well… My parents run an inn beside the finest hot springs in Elusia.
Goldmary: I’m sorry if that makes you jealous. I can’t help that I grew up an only child in the lap of luxury.
Lapis: Uh, wow! Sounds lovely!
Goldmary: Yes, but…my parents have just informed me that the inn is having trouble with bears.
Lapis: Bears, huh? Ugh, they can be tricky to deal with.
Lapis: There’s no time to lose. We’d better write up a letter telling your parents what to do.
Goldmary: But I don’t know anything about bears.
Goldmary: I have so many talents, but dealing with terrifying predators isn’t one of them…
Lapis: Leave it to me. I’m from a village where we deal with them all the time, so I know my stuff.
Goldmary: Really?
Lapis: Here’s an example. Let’s say you find a bear eating your crops.
Lapis: So you say, “HEY! Get outta here, fur face, or you’re in for a world of hurt!”
Lapis: The bear will be like, “Oh, sure thing,” and have lunch elsewhere.
Goldmary: Wow…
Lapis: Seriously! I’m speaking from experience here. I’ve done it dozens of times.
Goldmary: All right, you’re the expert. I trust you.
Lapis: I know lots of bear-management methods, from intimidation to good old-fashioned combat.
Goldmary: Please teach me everything you know.
B Support:
Goldmary: Thank you so much for all your help, Lapis.
Goldmary: My parents wrote to let me know that the bears have stopped giving them trouble.
Lapis: That’s great! What a relief.
Goldmary: They sent this along to thank you.
Lapis: Huh? Wait a second. Is this…
Goldmary: An invitation to relax and enjoy your stay at my family’s inn─as soon as the war is over.
Goldmary: I may be biased, but I really do think you’ll find our hot springs to be the finest in the world.
Lapis: Wow, that sounds like such a treat! Thanks!
Lapis: I have to say, Goldmary, I’m surprised you’re from a little village. You’re so sophisticated.
Goldmary: Oh, don’t be silly. You’re right, though. Go on.
Lapis: Let me guess. You were born in a rural area and then raised in the big city?
Goldmary: No, I lived in my home village until just a few years ago.
Goldmary: I was there right until I had to leave for the academy, actually.
Lapis: Huh. Your village must be way different than mine.
Goldmary: I’d be curious to hear about the differences.
Lapis: Sure thing. Next time we talk, I’ll tell you all about where I grew up.
Lapis: I’ll even make us lunch! I know just the thing to whip up for the occasion.
Goldmary: Wonderful! Usually I’m the one making the food, so this will be a nice change of pace.
Goldmary: I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.
A Support:
Lapis: Hello, Goldmary! I made lunch. Hope you brought an appetite.
Goldmary: Mmm, these look delicious. What are they?
Lapis: They’re yam dumplings, made with yams from my village. Go on─eat up!
Goldmary: I’ve never heard of them before. I hope they taste as good as they look.
Goldmary: Mmm… My goodness!
Goldmary: They’re wonderful! I didn’t expect them to be so intensely sweet.
Lapis: That’s all from the yams. I didn’t use sugar.
Goldmary: I hope you don’t mind if I help myself to the rest.
Lapis: By all means! I’m sure my parents would be glad you’re enjoying their yams so much.
Goldmary: Are they farmers?
Lapis: Mm-hmm. The land is infertile, though, so they’re pretty poor.
Lapis: And bears are always roaming around, so we’d have to hunt them down and eat them.
Goldmary: That explains how you came to know so much about handling that bear situation.
Lapis: I learned a lot from dealing with those bears. Above all, I learned how to fight.
Lapis: Then I entered Brodia’s fighting tourney─my ticket out of poverty.
Lapis: By winning the tourney, I earned a spot as Prince Alcryst’s retainer.
Lapis: So you might say I have bears to thank for my success.
Lapis: No one in the tourney held a candle to them, after all!
Goldmary: Hehe, they do set a high bar.
Lapis: And now, you might say I have those bears to thank for my friendship with you.
Goldmary: You’re right. And I’m very glad for that.
Goldmary: I don’t often let my guard down around people, but…I feel like I can be myself around you.
Goldmary: If it’s all right, I’d like it if we could spend time together more often.
Lapis: I’d love that!
Goldmary: Great! You and I can chat about all the aspects of village life the big city folks can’t understand.
Lapis: Hehe, sounds like a plan!
Lapis: It’s nice to have a friend from the country─ even if it’s a different country’s country.