C Support:
Lindon: Ah, Mauvier! Do you have a moment? I’d like your help with an experiment.
Mauvier: Sir Lindon. Of course, I will help however I can.
Lindon: I need you to take this ear of corn…and throw it up into the air.
Mauvier: What sort of experiment is this?
Lindon: I’m going to blast the corn with Elthunder and make it explode.
Lindon: By my calculations, this will cause its kernels to “pop” evenly, making for an immaculate snack!
Mauvier: This seems…ill thought out.
Lindon: Well, you know what they say… “No risk, no reward, no snacktime.”
Lindon: I suppose the most likely risk is that you might “pop” instead…and not evenly, at that.
Mauvier: Then I must decline.
Lindon: What? Oh, come now! Haven’t you learned that you should always help your elders?
Mauvier: Have you not learned to never cast Elthunder near other people outside of battle?
Lindon: Hm! You argue like an elder yourself.
Mauvier: I am more than happy to help with any and all experiments.
Mauvier: However, I will not risk my life for corn. My apologies, Sir Lindon.
Lindon: Oh, very well. I suppose snack time is postponed…for now.
B Support:
Mauvier: Sir Lindon, you dropped something.
Lindon: Oh! How clumsy of me. Thank you, Mauvier.
Mauvier: This is…the likeness of a young woman. She is quite beautiful.
Lindon: Ah! I heartily agree.
Lindon: This is a drawing of my late wife.
Mauvier: Oh. Your wife, Sir Lindon.
Lindon: She wasn’t just beautiful. She was kind, loving… and the best friend I could have asked for.
Lindon: It’s been some time since she passed, yet my love for her continues to grow.
Lindon: Ah, how I wish I could see her smile once more, taste her cooking again…
Mauvier: It hurts to see you sad. If there is anything I can do…
Lindon: Do you mean it? Oh, what a wonderful offer. Thank you, Mauvier!
Lindon: Now, take this corn and hurl it skyward.
Mauvier: What?!
Mauvier: Not this again!
Lindon: Oh, but…my dear, late wife loved corn, you see. She would want us to celebrate her this way.
Lindon: Now then, whenever you’re ready! I’m standing by to blast!
Lindon: I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry. I probably─no, almost definitely─won’t miss!
Mauvier: No. Goodbye, Sir Lindon.
Lindon: Mauvier? Mauvier, wait! You still have my corn!
A Support:
Lindon: …
Mauvier: Sir Lindon? Is all well? Is that your wife’s picture?
Lindon: Hehe, you’ve caught me in a vulnerable moment. How embarrassing.
Lindon: A man my age should know when to let go of the past. Quite unbecoming of me…
Mauvier: There is nothing at all embarrassing about having a deep love for your spouse.
Lindon: Ah, you’re right, of course.
Lindon: We raised three children, you know. They’re all grown now, living their lives.
Lindon: They have their own homes, their own families… It’s become difficult to gather all of us together.
Lindon: The further we grow apart, the brighter my memories seem to shine.
Lindon: More and more, I find myself looking backward rather than forward.
Lindon: I’m not sure how to change that…or if I should.
Mauvier: Having memories you enjoy looking back on is proof of a life well lived.
Mauvier: My own life knows more regrets than happiness.
Lindon: Ah, but you are now free to carve out a new life─one more fulfilling than my own, perhaps.
Mauvier: Hmm. Thank you for the kind words, Sir Lindon.
Lindon: Think nothing of it. Now…do you find yourself in the mood for experimental snacking science?
Mauvier: I should have known!
Lindon: You speak of regrets? Never tasting Elthunder- popped corn would be most regrettable indeed.
Mauvier: It is my understanding that I have a fulfilling life ahead, so be true with your aim.
Lindon: Huzzah! Let the experiment begin!