C Support:
Pandreo: Louis! Are you peeping again?
Louis: Pardon me, Pandreo, but I would never do anything so gauche as “peeping.”
Louis: I prefer to think of it as “observing from afar.”
Pandreo: Hahaha! Oh, well, excuse me. That’s nothing at all like peeping.
Pandreo: Whatever, bud. If you get bored of…not peeping, you’re welcome to party hardy with me.
Louis: Party…hardy?
Pandreo: Yup!
Pandreo: You and me can let our hair down and do some good old-fashioned male bonding!
Louis: Hmm. Male bonding…
Louis: I’ve wondered lately if that may be something worth observing firsthand.
Pandreo: Well, what do you know! Serendipity.
Louis: Quite so.
Louis: Pandreo, I would be exceptionally pleased to accept your invitation.
Louis: Let the two of us explore all the ways in which two men may grow ever closer.
Pandreo: How is it you make everything sound suggestive?
Pandreo: Anyway, I’m glad you’re on board. Though you should know I take my partying seriously.
Pandreo: We’re gonna shimmy and swing till dawn, so you can forget about sleeping!
Louis: I shall match you measure for measure, Pandreo!
B Support:
Pandreo: Ow, ow… Ooo, that smarts…
Louis: Haha… We may have “partied hardy” a bit too much last night, wouldn’t you say?
Pandreo: Yeah. I tell ya, after so much carousing, I have a headache. And an everything-else-ache.
Louis: For all that, though, I enjoyed myself.
Louis: It’s nice to “go out with the guys” every so often, isn’t it?
Pandreo: I’m glad to hear you say so. That makes this full-body migraine worthwhile.
Louis: I find that hard partying does give one an appetite. Do you like grapes, Pandreo?
Pandreo: Sure, I like them all right.
Louis: In that case, I’ll fetch some pastries. The filling was made with grapes from my hometown.
Pandreo: Ooh, so it’s a local delicacy, huh? Sure, give me all you’ve got!
Louis: All I’ve got?! If you like, but I feel I ought to caution you against overindulging.
Pandreo: Well, I’m not going to eat it all by myself.
Pandreo: I’m thinking it might be nice to put some treats out for my flock.
Louis: Oh? You keep animals?
Pandreo: My congregation. They like having a casual environment to pray and hang out, you know?
Pandreo: I’m sure a platter of tasty pastries will bring even more people in the door.
Pandreo: Plus, one of my congregants is a merchant. He might want to import those grapes of yours.
Louis: Ah! Very considerate of you.
Louis: Always thinking of ways to assist your flock, aren’t you?
Pandreo: Hahaha! That’s my whole job!
Pandreo: I might not always look or act like it, but I am a man of the cloth.
Louis: Hahaha! My doubts have been thoroughly laid to rest.
Pandreo: With all that said, I can’t quit partying! You’ll come with again, right, Louis?
Louis: Naturally! I am at your command, Pandreo.
A Support:
Pandreo: …
Louis: Ahem…
Pandreo: Oh! Sorry, Louis. I didn’t see you there.
Pandreo: I get very focused when I’m praying.
Louis: Never fear. I had hoped not to disturb you.
Pandreo: Did you have a question?
Pandreo: I’ve already told you all the good “observing” spots I could think of.
Louis: No…there is something else on my mind today.
Louis: I thought I might ask you to say a prayer… for my mother.
Pandreo: Hm. Forgive me if I’m misremembering, but…
Pandreo: I thought your mother passed away.
Louis: You recall correctly.
Louis: I was very young then and too devastated to do anything but take each day as it came.
Louis: Though it embarrasses me to admit that it’s taken so long to realize this…
Louis: I don’t believe I ever gave my mother a proper send-off amidst all the tumult.
Pandreo: I see.
Louis: My family were never very deeply religious, you see. No offense intended.
Pandreo: Oh, none taken. Religious or not, you wish her a peaceful rest. I respect that.
Pandreo: I’m sure she will be glad to hear that from her place in the heavens.
Louis: Thank you, Pandreo.
Pandreo: Are you sure I’m the right messenger, though?
Pandreo: A man of the cloth I may be, but I’m not what most would call conventional.
Pandreo: You don’t think someone else might be more suitable?
Louis: No. My choice is deliberate.
Louis: If someone is going to give her a memorial service, I would prefer it to be a dear friend.
Pandreo: Gotcha. Well then, I’m happy to help, Louis.
Pandreo: Let’s pray, shall we? Our guiding soul, who art above…
Louis: …
Louis: Mother… May your soul find peace.