C Support:
Zelkov: Why are you staring at me?
Louis: Greetings, Zelkov.
Zelkov: I asked you a question.
Louis: Hah! I meant nothing by it, I assure you.
Louis: But if you have the time, might I invite you to join me for a cup of tea?
Zelkov: This invitation makes little sense to me. You and I are not exactly close.
Louis: It is because we aren’t close that I invited you. I should like to get to know you better.
Zelkov: Dispense with the pretense, please. What is it you want?
Louis: My dear Zelkov, I have no ulterior motive here. I merely thought we could bond over tea.
Zelkov: Regrettably, then, I must decline.
Louis: What a shame. I suppose I’ll have to put away my specially made soothing tea.
Zelkov: I do not understand you.
Louis: Well, it’s plain to see that you don’t sleep much.
Zelkov: I fail to see your interest in the matter.
Louis: It doesn’t impact me directly at all. But as your friend, I am concerned.
Zelkov: This is going nowhere.
Zelkov: Whatever your intentions might be…stay out of my affairs.
Louis: My dear Zelkov. You’ll find it will take more to dissuade me than that.
B Support:
Louis: Good day, Zelkov. Would you care to join me for a spot of tea?
Zelkov: Louis, I am beginning to suspect you are attempting to spy on me.
Louis: Hahaha!
Louis: Very well. I shall be plain with my intentions.
Zelkov: At last. By all means, proceed.
Louis: I would like to take care of you, Zelkov.
Zelkov: Excuse me?
Louis: You see, I am the eldest of four brothers.
Louis: My mother died early on, so I had a tumultuous upbringing in a house solely of men.
Louis: With my father providing for the family, it fell to me to look after my brothers.
Louis: My impulse to take good care of people remains strong even to this day.
Zelkov: And you direct this impulse toward me?
Louis: Indeed. You strike me as someone who wants looking after.
Zelkov: Thus the incessant invitations to tea, I surmise.
Louis: Quite so. In a way, I feel as though you could be one of my younger brothers.
Zelkov: Ridiculous. I am older than you, you know.
Louis: That matters little to me.
Zelkov: I suppose it matters little to me as well, so long as you have no ulterior motive.
Zelkov: I do understand the yearning an older brother feels to care for a younger one.
Louis: Ah! Do you have siblings as well?
Zelkov: Perhaps I do.
Zelkov: In any case, your efforts are wasted. I have no desire to be cared for.
Louis: I suspected you’d say that.
Louis: Please forgive me for running roughshod over your own feelings on the matter.
Zelkov: …
Zelkov: In lieu of an apology, I will accept a relaxing cup of tea.
Zelkov: You possess leaves which help to impart a restful sleep, if I recall?
Louis: …
Louis: Wait right here, Zelkov! I shall prepare it at once!
A Support:
Louis: Where are you going, Zelkov?
Zelkov: Regrettably, I cannot stay for tea this time. There is work to be done.
Louis: That’s a shame.
Louis: In that case, are there any chores I might take care of for you?
Louis: I could have your place tidied by the time you finish your work.
Zelkov: As I’ve told you, Louis, I have no desire to be cared for.
Louis: Hah, you’ll have to forgive me. I can’t help but feel the need to look after you.
Louis: I credit this instinct to your strong resemblance to my brothers.
Zelkov: …
Zelkov: I had a younger brother. Long ago.
Zelkov: Not only a brother, in fact. A family.
Zelkov: They were killed.
Louis: My condolences.
Zelkov: I am uncertain exactly why, but…drinking tea with you reminds me of them.
Zelkov: It is painful to remember that what is lost can never be regained.
Zelkov: But the tea… The tea is lovely.
Louis: Ah, Zelkov…
Zelkov: How foolish of me.
Zelkov: Please forget what I’ve said.
Louis: I will not, I think.
Louis: I shall await your return with a freshly brewed pot of tea.
Louis: Hopefully that will entice you to return.
Zelkov: Hm-hm, you are a strange one.
Zelkov: But if you insist on waiting around for me…then the least I can do is enjoy the tea.
Louis: I’ll hold you to that. Now then, off you go!
Zelkov: Farewell.