C Support
Mauvier: There. Now all that remains is to pack these up and put them away.
Rafal: Greetings. Do you require any assistance?
Mauvier: Thank you, Lord Rafal, but no. The tools are now neatly organized.
Rafal: You are planning to sort the weapons next, are you not? Perhaps I can assist with that.
Mauvier: You need not trouble yourself.
Mauvier: It seems you have something on your mind. Can I assist you somehow?
Rafal: I can see that my efforts to be considerate have come to naught. No need to rub it in.
Mauvier: Not at all. You are still new to this world. If I can ease the transition in any way, I will.
Rafal: I do not require anything at the moment.
Mauvier: Good. If that changes, I assume you know how to find me.
Rafal: I would extend to you the same offer. I know you have a tendency to overwork yourself.
Rafal: Try to rest now and again.
Mauvier: Thank you for your concern.
B Support
Mauvier: Ugh… Three more trips should suffice.
Rafal: Hauling crates, are we? Allow me to help you.
Mauvier: The sentiment is appreciated, Lord Rafal, but that is entirely unnecessary.
Rafal: Whatever you think of my appearance, I possess more than adequate strength for this task.
Mauvier: I am aware of that.
Mauvier: Why do you seem so eager to be of assistance to me?
Rafal: Are my efforts to help you a nuisance?
Mauvier: No, but they are somewhat perplexing.
Mauvier: Perhaps if you explained the reasoning behind them, I would be more inclined to accept.
Rafal: …
Mauvier: This appears to be difficult for you.
Mauvier: I will not force the issue. When you feel inclined to explain, I will be ready to listen.
Mauvier: For now, I will return to my work.
Rafal: Ugh… I should have expected he would notice.
Rafal: I must decide how much to tell him.
Rafal: It is not an easy decision, but I ought to be certain how I feel before I speak with him again.
A Support
Rafal: Mauvier. Speak with me for a moment.
Mauvier: Very well. What about?
Rafal: Our conversation the other day. There is something you should know.
Mauvier: Is this about why you have been so eager to be of assistance to me?
Rafal: Yes. There was a man by the name of Mauvier in my world who greatly resembled you.
Rafal: I caused that man’s death.
Mauvier: So this is a matter of atonement.
Rafal: That is not what I… Ugh…
Rafal: Perhaps you have a point. This guilt I feel is a heavy burden.
Mauvier: I am not the person you hurt, Lord Rafal, no matter how much I may remind you of him.
Mauvier: Regardless of your feelings, I am in no position to accept an apology or to offer forgiveness.
Rafal: That is true enough. To you, my account is no more than the tale of a complete stranger.
Mauvier: Precisely. Anything I might offer you would ultimately ring hollow.
Mauvier: You should focus your efforts elsewhere.
Rafal: Wise words.
Rafal: No amends I make to you will counteract the evil I have done at all.
Rafal: My paltry overtures have been nothing but a childish attempt to soothe my own ego.
Mauvier: If it is any consolation, I understand how you feel all too well.
Mauvier: I also have a great deal for which to atone.
Rafal: I hope that you are able to do so.
Mauvier: Neither of us can alter the past. The best we can do is improve the future.
Mauvier: If we can make the world better than it was before we damaged it, that will be a start.
Rafal: You set a fine example. Perhaps following it will ease my burden.
Mauvier: If that is the case, I will be glad for it.
Mauvier: Now, I have more crates to haul. Would you mind lending me a hand?
Rafal: Certainly.