C Support
Zelestia: Can I speak with you for a minute?
Mauvier: What do you need?
Zelestia: Nothing per se. I just thought it might be nice to chat a little.
Zelestia: Your voice and mannerisms… They remind me so much of the Mauvier that I knew.
Zelestia: …
Mauvier: Why are you crying?
Zelestia: I’m sorry. I just… I really wanted to apologize…
Mauvier: What for?
Zelestia: For letting you die! You were like family to me!
Zelestia: If only I had pushed myself a little harder back then. If only I hadn’t left you alone!
Mauvier: …
Mauvier: Look at me.
Zelestia: Yes…
Mauvier: I cannot accept your apology.
Zelestia: Oh…
Mauvier: I am not the aggrieved party. The words have no meaning to me.
Mauvier: I may have the same face as your former ally, but we are not the same person.
Zelestia: You’re right. I apologize for acting foolishly.
Zelestia: You’re just so much like him. It’s hard not to feel as though he’s back.
Mauvier: I will admit to experiencing similar thoughts when we first met.
Zelestia: Your name is also Mauvier, is it not?
Mauvier: Yes.
Zelestia: I imagine you already know, but I’m Zelestia.
Zelestia: If it’s all right with you, I’d like for us to be friends.
Mauvier: Very well, Zelestia. I look forward to working with you.
Zelestia: Likewise, Mauvier.
B Support
Zelestia: Are you on break as well? Do you mind if I join you?
Mauvier: By all means.
Zelestia: Thank you.
Mauvier: You are staring at me.
Zelestia: I apologize. It’s just so wonderful to be able to spend time with you like this.
Mauvier: Hm… Is it.
Zelestia: Don’t worry. I’m not confusing you for the Mauvier I knew before.
Zelestia: It’s just…really nice to spend time with a new friend.
Mauvier: I see. Even so, I will admit to some curiosity. What was my analogue like?
Zelestia: The Mauvier I knew was the one who started the Four Winds.
Zelestia: He was a stickler at times, but he was kind and strong. A remarkable second-in-command.
Mauvier: He was in a position of authority, then?
Zelestia: Yes. As founder, he could have made himself the leader, but he insisted that I take that role.
Zelestia: Although, there were times he took charge, like when I would forget to eat regular meals.
Zelestia: He would sometimes scold me too! “Sit down and eat properly!” Hm-hm!
Mauvier: It seems you had a good relationship.
Mauvier: If only I could say the same.
Zelestia: Oh?
Mauvier: No matter. Thank you for indulging me.
Zelestia: Do you know my counterpart from this world very well?
Mauvier: Not very well, but I do know her.
Zelestia: I’d like to hear about her sometime.
Mauvier: If you insist.
A Support
Zelestia: Do you remember my request? I wanted to hear about my counterpart from this world.
Mauvier: I suppose I did agree to that.
Zelestia: You look uncomfortable. Is this an awkward topic for you?
Mauvier: No, but bear in mind that much of what I am about to tell you does amount to hearsay.
Zelestia: Of course.
Mauvier: In this world, we formed a group that came to be known as the Four Hounds.
Mauvier: The group’s purpose was to enact the will of Sombron. Your counterpart was its leader.
Zelestia: So then, were you the second-in-command in this world?
Mauvier: That role was filled by a different man.
Mauvier: Zephia, the Four Hounds’ leader, claimed to think of us as a family.
Zelestia: Claimed to?
Mauvier: Her actions did not match her words. She was harsh, destructive, but above all, lonely.
Mauvier: I have heard that her draconic instincts were abnormally powerful, even for a Mage Dragon.
Mauvier: It is said that her home village was destroyed by an uncontrolled surge of her magic.
Mauvier: Some go so far as to say that if Sombron was not the Fell Dragon, then she would be.
Zelestia: No, that couldn’t possibly…
Mauvier: What I do know is that she relentlessly sought Sombron’s affection, pushing all others away.
Mauvier: The Four Hounds were always at arm’s length from one another. Personally, I never minded.
Mauvier: But perhaps it is because we were not a true family that we went so very wrong.
Zelestia: I see…
Mauvier: Not a pleasant tale, I know.
Zelestia: Mauvier, I… I don’t think we should aspire to be friends after all.
Mauvier: It seems I have offended you.
Zelestia: Not at all. I think I would like for us to become more like family, as we were in my world.
Mauvier: Would you? Why?
Zelestia: I suppose I want to make sure you don’t feel compelled to go down the wrong path this time.
Zelestia: I know we’re strangers now, but building strong bonds can help make you feel like you belong.
Mauvier: This is indeed rather sudden.
Zelestia: The heart is drawn to those who need it most. You really don’t understand this, do you?
Mauvier: Perhaps I do not.
Mauvier: But if we are aspiring toward a familial bond, I suppose I can make an effort to try.
Zelestia: Haha. Thank you, Mauvier.
Zelestia: Let’s agree to support each other. I’m excited to get to know you better as a family.
Mauvier: I look forward to it as well, Zelestia.