C Support:
Merrin: Yunaka, do you have a moment?
Yunaka: Sure.
Merrin: About that sparring match just now. I feel like your attitude needs…adjusting.
Yunaka: What do you mean?
Merrin: A sparring match isn’t a fight to the death. But you went right for my throat back there.
Merrin: I’d like it if you slowed things down a bit. Try being a bit more…sporting.
Yunaka: What? No, sorry, but that’s ridiculous. I’m not gonna do that.
Merrin: Excuse me?
Yunaka: Merrin, I know you think it’s super stylish to pause for a monologue in the middle of a fight.
Yunaka: But if you’re gonna do that, you might as well point to your kidneys and ask for a shanking.
Yunaka: With me, the worst you get is a bump on the noggin. A real enemy would eviscerate you.
Merrin: I know that! I just wanted to test out a bit of verbal repartee.
Yunaka: Test it for what? If it’s no good in an actual engagement then what good is it?
Merrin: I get it, I do. But what’s wrong with a bit of verbal jousting during sparring matches?
Merrin: Dropping a catchphrase during combat spices things up. A mid-battle monologue sounds cool.
Merrin: Just do what you need to do after I’m done talking. We’re allies, after all.
Yunaka: No. It’s a bad habit to make light of combat.
Yunaka: I thought for sure you’d understand that, seeing as you’re a knight. Guess I was mistaken.
Yunaka: If that’s all, I’ll be going.
Merrin: Come on, Yunaka. You’re right, of course, I just wanted to have a bit of…fun.
B Support:
Merrin: Ah… Well, that should do nicely.
Yunaka: Hey. What are you up to?
Merrin: Oh, hello. Just taking care of some weapon maintenance.
Yunaka: Ah! That’s, uh… That’s quite an interesting scimitar you’ve got there!
Merrin: I bought it at a curio shop. It is pretty cool, isn’t it?
Yunaka: Understatement of the century! That weapon’s a masterpiece! A work of art!
Yunaka: Look at the curve─so smooth, so steady! That’s traditional Solmic craftsmanship!
Yunaka: Look at the edge! Only Solmic blades combine rich majestic history with deadly killing power!
Merrin: Huh, I guess I didn’t realize. You know, you got pretty excited there all of a sudden.
Merrin: If you like it that much, maybe I’ll give it to you. I’m not even using it really.
Yunaka: Are you serious?! What an incredible gift! I’ll happily take it off your hands! Give it here!
Merrin: Ah now, there’s just one thing…
Merrin: I’ll give it to you if you agree to let me do a bit of monologuing when we spar from now on.
Yunaka: What?! Come on, what’s that got to do with anything?
Yunaka: No matter how badly I want the scimitar, it’s not worth letting you monologue in combat!
Merrin: Too bad. I guess I will be using this majestic killing blade after all.
Yunaka: Ngh… Fine! Forget it, then.
A Support:
Yunaka: Look at that! Nice and clean.
Merrin: What are you up to?
Yunaka: Oh, nothing much. Just polishing up this here dragon figurine. Nice, right?
Merrin: Oh, wow! You are not kidding! Look at that! Dragon, dragon, dragon! I love dragons.
Merrin: What kind is it? What does it like to eat? It’s so cute and so cool.
Yunaka: Someone’s excited all of a sudden. If you like it that much, I could be persuaded to part with it.
Merrin: Really? I want it. I really, really want it! Please, I’m begging you!
Yunaka: Just one condition. No more silly chatter during combat. Not even in practice.
Merrin: Oh. I see. So that’s your play, is it?
Yunaka: A familiar tactic, isn’t it?
Merrin: …
Merrin: …
Merrin: What do you say we put an end to this pointless and very annoying quarrel?
Merrin: I won’t practice my monologues ever again. Now please, just give me the dragon!
Yunaka: Great. As long as you’re done with that ridiculous behavior, consider me satisfied.
Yunaka: Now that that’s settled… Can we revisit negotiations for that incredible scimitar?!
Merrin: Of course. It’s a trade. My weapon for your figurine.
Yunaka: Deal!
Merrin: Deal. This is all yours.
Yunaka: Eeee! Yes! OK, here’s your dragon─take good care of her!
Merrin: Ooo! Hello, my cute little dragon!
Yunaka: Aaah, the color’s gorgeous! And the smell… Freshly oiled! It’s so perfect I could cry!
Merrin: Where did you get this? Your taste is exquisite! How much was it? Details, I want details.
Yunaka: Where’d you get this?! Who’d you buy it from?! How much did it cost?! Tell me everything!
Merrin: I asked first! Just spill it, please.
Yunaka: Didn’t hear a word you said! You talk too fast! You answer me first!
Merrin: That doesn’t seem fair!
Yunaka: What? Why not?!
Merrin: Haha.
Merrin: So, are we…friends now?
Yunaka: Hehe, now that you mention it…
Yunaka: We do seem to have a lot in common, don’t we? Not everyone gets so excited over stuff like this.
Merrin: Ha! So true! Yeah, you and I are going to get along great.
Merrin: Now, I’m happy to answer questions, but, uh, can you repeat them? You were talking so fast.
Yunaka: All right, from the top. The first thing I want to know is where exactly you bought it…