C Support
Rafal: Sister.
Nel: Something has upset you, Rafal. What is it?
Rafal: Is it not obvious? Already you are throwing yourself to the front lines.
Rafal: You have not yet fully recovered. Allow me to fight at the front instead.
Nel: Your concern is appreciated. But with the dragonstone you gave me, it is unfounded.
Nel: My ability to transform is no less than it was prior to the shattering of my own stone.
Rafal: That is true enough.
Nel: Moreover, as you know, my new stone was empowered directly by the Emblems.
Nel: It is a piece of that which imparted to you your own power to transform.
Rafal: Yes. We were fortunate that the dragonstone yielded by the Emblems was exceptionally large.
Rafal: That is why I was able to split the stone into four pieces and give two of them to you.
Rafal: I was initially concerned that the split would reduce potency, but that has not been the case.
Nel: Indeed. So there is no reason for you to be concerned about me.
Rafal: I will accept that…if you promise to call upon me the moment you are in danger.
Nel: Thank you. Should such a moment come, I will do so.
Rafal: And I will be there.
B Support
Nel: Rafal.
Rafal: Yes?
Nel: I am concerned about your wound. You were reckless about protecting me in the last battle.
Nel: One misstep and that cut could have been fatal. Is it healing properly, at least?
Rafal: It is, thank you. And yes, I am told that if the slash were slightly to the right, I would be dead.
Rafal: I was healed with a staff, but evidently there will be permanent scarring nevertheless.
Nel: This is entirely my fault.
Rafal: A scar is a small price to pay for the opportunity to protect you. I would do it again.
Nel: Please refrain. I beg of you.
Nel: You cannot possibly think that I would be pleased to see you sacrifice your life. Do you?
Rafal: No. I do not.
Rafal: Even so, I cannot bear the thought of you being hurt again.
Nel: I understand how you feel.
Nel: But I do not understand why you must be so… Ugh!
Rafal: I watched over you for a thousand years after you sacrificed yourself for my sake.
Rafal: I spent every waking moment of that time keenly aware of the depths of my foolishness.
Rafal: A fear that you would never wake held me constantly in its grasp. It nearly drove me mad.
Nel: Rafal…
Rafal: Hear me. I will do anything not to lose you again.
Rafal: Protecting you is all I care about. Whatever may become of me, I am prepared to accept.
Rafal: And if you truly understand how I feel, that is all I need say. Now, I will take my leave.
Nel: Wait! Please, listen…
Nel: How can I make you understand?
A Support
Rafal: I see that your injuries have been treated. Good.
Nel: You have been waiting all the while. I apologize for taking up so much of your time.
Rafal: The time is irrelevant. That hit, on the other hand, was meant for me. And you stole it.
Rafal: I said I would protect you, no matter what becomes of me. Do my words mean so little?!
Rafal: If your aim is to trample my heart, then so be it! But do not make yourself a martyr!
Nel: Hm-hm. The shoe appears to have found its way to the other foot.
Rafal: Nel!
Nel: I understand you are angry. But now you will hear me.
Nel: The thousand years you spent in watch passed me by in an instant.
Nel: In our native world, we were never truly twins.
Nel: One might say it is because we could not be twins that we fought against each other.
Rafal: What is your point?
Nel: Now, in this world, everything has changed. We share a dragonstone.
Nel: Do you not see? That makes us true and equal halves of a whole.
Nel: And if that is so, then your protection of me cannot be one-sided.
Rafal: …
Nel: If your wish is to protect me, and not to be protected in turn, then we will never be equal.
Nel: If we are two halves of a whole, then I must protect you as well.
Nel: Your pain is my pain, and your joy is my joy, and your fear and your hardship are mine also.
Nel: So do not tell me ever again that what becomes of you is irrelevant.
Rafal: …
Rafal: You are absolutely right. Please pardon me for my arrogance.
Rafal: I have allowed my fear of losing you to govern my entire relationship with you. That is wrong.
Rafal: We are indeed equals─halves of a whole. I beg you, forgive my impudence.
Nel: There is nothing to forgive. All that you have said and done has been out of love.
Rafal: How is your wound? Tell me truly.
Nel: It is likely to remain with me forever. Yours?
Rafal: The same. For the rest of my life.
Nel: Hm. Twins with matching scars.
Rafal: No need to be so happy about it.
Nel: On the contrary, this scar is proof that I have been a shield for my brother.
Rafal: Haha… You are impossible. There is no competing with you.
Nel: A laugh now…and a smile as well? This day will live forever in my memory.
Rafal: A smile? Never. You must have imagined it.
Nel: You cannot fool me, Rafal. It is impossible.
Rafal: Why, because we are two halves of a whole?
Nel: Precisely.
Rafal: My mind is your mind, I suppose. Let it always be so, dear sister.
Nel: Indeed.