C Support
Zelestia: Lady Nel, would you like something to drink?
Nel: That will not be necessary.
Zelestia: How about something to eat? I brought some bread.
Nel: I am not hungry.
Zelestia: I suppose I can eat this later, then. Perhaps you should get some rest.
Nel: Zelestia.
Zelestia: What is it?
Nel: You have, of late, been fussing over me a great deal. Why?
Zelestia: Well, I, um… I was unable to protect you in a past battle.
Zelestia: I don’t want that to happen again, so I decided to stay by your side and keep you safe.
Nel: The sentiment is appreciated.
Nel: But our relationship is no longer hierarchical. We now aid the Divine Dragon as equals.
Nel: You served me well in our world. And I consider your duty in that regard fulfilled.
Zelestia: If that’s how you feel, then I suppose I should do as I please from now on.
Nel: Very good. Then I bid you farewell.
Zelestia: ♪Hm, hm-hm-hm, hmmm…♪
Nel: You are following me.
Zelestia: I hope you don’t mind. This is what it pleases me to do. I want to stay by your side.
Nel: …
B Support
Nel: Zelestia. I wonder if you have considered forging some…new friendships.
Zelestia: New friendships? What do you mean?
Nel: I mean creating bonds with additional people, thereby broadening your perspective.
Zelestia: Oh, heh… If that’s what you want, I’ll do my best to follow your orders.
Nel: That was not a command.
Zelestia: For you, Lady Nel, I’ll befriend hundreds of people! Whatever it takes to make you happy!
Zelestia: …
Nel: You are crying.
Zelestia: I’m so sorry. I tried to make friends, but I was unsuccessful.
Nel: Tell me what happened.
Zelestia: I’m not sure. I made an effort to try talking to many different people…
Zelestia: But most of them ran away when they saw me coming.
Zelestia: The rest kept talking about Zephia and The Four Hounds. Things I don’t fully understand.
Zelestia: The conversations got uncomfortable, and I couldn’t tell them that I wanted to be friends.
Nel: Hmm…
Zelestia: Do you think it’s because I’m a Mage Dragon? Perhaps it’s too hard for people to accept us.
Nel: No. We dragons can certainly form close bonds with the little ones.
Nel: The Divine Dragon demonstrates that fact time and time again.
Nel: And there is no reason you cannot do the same.
Zelestia: That’s true. But then…
Nel: If you are apprehensive, then perhaps I should accompany you as you make your efforts.
Zelestia: Would you?! I would greatly enjoy an outing with you.
Nel: Hm-hm. Very well. Then it shall be so.
Zelestia: Hm-hm, yes!
A Support
Zelestia: Lady Nel! I went to town today and talked with everyone again!
Nel: And forged a number of new friendships, by the sound of it.
Zelestia: I did, hehe! And it’s all thanks to you.
Nel: I merely helped to remind you of the courage you already possess.
Nel: It seems you require no further assistance from me in this matter.
Zelestia: Actually… There is still something else I was hoping you could help me with.
Zelestia: I know this is probably out of line and too bold of me, but…
Zelestia: Lady Nel, would you forge a friendship with me?
Nel: I must decline.
Zelestia: Wh-what?! You…you don’t want to be my friend?
Zelestia: I knew it. You hate me!
Nel: Of course not! Please do not misunderstand.
Zelestia: What do you mean?
Nel: I apologize for my brisk tone. It is merely the way I am accustomed to speaking.
Nel: I must decline to forge a new friendship with you because we already have an existing one.
Zelestia: Oh, we’re…already friends?
Zelestia: That’s wonderful!
Nel: You are crying.
Zelestia: Because what you said just made me so happy.
Zelestia: Wait, am I dreaming? I must be dreaming.
Nel: You are not dreaming, Zelestia. And, without a doubt, you are my dearest friend.
Zelestia: Your dearest friend? I’m honored, Lady Nel. You are my best friend as well.
Zelestia: I want to stay by your side as your best friend forever. Please let me attend you going forward!
Nel: What?
Zelestia: Are you thirsty? Would you like something to eat, perhaps?
Nel: Our dialogue appears to have come full circle.
Zelestia: I can’t imagine anything more wonderful than to be by your side as a friend, Lady Nel.
Nel: If it pleases you this much, then it cannot fail to please me.
Nel: I am glad beyond words for our friendship.