C Support:
Panette: Hello, Pandreo. Have you a moment to spare?
Pandreo: Of course! I always have time for my sister. But first you’ve gotta tone down the formality.
Panette: Ah, all right. You see, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.
Pandreo: Nope, nope. You’re still speaking in that highfalutin way.
Panette: You don’t really expect me to─
Pandreo: Yes, I do. I know you make an effort to sound fancy, but come on. It’s only me here.
Pandreo: You can drop the silver-spoon act around your own brother.
Panette: …
Panette: Fine. Why are you working for the church?
Pandreo: That’s what you wanted to know, huh?
Panette: Dad was a drunk. Mom was a corrupt priest who couldn’t be bothered to look after her kids.
Panette: They were lousy parents.
Panette: So why would you wanna follow in their footsteps─serve their church?
Pandreo: I told you what happened after you left, right? They disappeared.
Panette: Yeah. So?
Pandreo: Well, the church’s followers needed someone to guide them.
Pandreo: That’s why I stepped in.
Panette: Hmph. So that’s what it was.
Pandreo: I know it’s been a while, but if you’d like to come pray with us, you’re always welcome.
Panette: No. I think I’ll pass.
Panette: I’m done with our parents, and I’m done with their church.
Panette: I’d sooner drop dead than step foot in that place again.
Pandreo: Fair enough.
B Support:
Panette: How come you’ve never told me off for running away from home?
Pandreo: Why would I? I was glad you got out when you did.
Panette: Huh. I always imagined you’d hold a grudge against me for flying the coop.
Pandreo: Nah. I just wasn’t brave enough to do likewise. Wasn’t sure I could make it alone.
Pandreo: Meanwhile, look at you. A retainer! You struck out on your own and made a life for yourself.
Pandreo: I’ll bet those parents of ours would be glad to see how well you’re doing.
Panette: I doubt it. They probably don’t care about me one way or another.
Pandreo: …
Pandreo: Listen. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but I’m not one to keep secrets.
Pandreo: Mom and Dad tried to find you.
Panette: What?! Wolfdung… There’s no way.
Pandreo: I was surprised too.
Pandreo: Maybe they were just concerned about… keeping up appearances. Hard to say.
Pandreo: At any rate, that’s the truth. I figured you should know.
Panette: …
Panette: What am I supposed to do with that?
A Support:
Pandreo: …
Panette: Hey, brother. You praying?
Pandreo: Yes. I’m glad to see you showing your face here.
Panette: I’ve got so many bad memories of this place that I really didn’t want to.
Panette: But this isn’t our parents’ church anymore. It’s yours.
Panette: So I figured it might be all right to stop by─ just for a few minutes.
Pandreo: Well, it’s great to have you.
Panette: Yeah. So, um… Guess I’ll pray real quick.
Panette: …
Panette: I prayed for peace.
Panette: And while I was at it…I prayed that our parents are OK. Wherever they are.
Pandreo: Good for you, Panette.
Panette: What do you think they’re doing right now?
Pandreo: No idea. To be honest, I have a feeling they’re dead.
Pandreo: But who knows? Maybe we’ll find them someday, just like you and I found each other.
Panette: Now that we’re adults and we have a little distance from…everything that happened…
Panette: I’d like to think we could sit them down and have an honest-to-goodness conversation.
Pandreo: That would be nice.
Pandreo: I think they’d be proud of us. Of you, especially.
Panette: …
Pandreo: Panette, listen. I need you to survive this war.
Pandreo: I… I can’t bear to lose any more of my family.
Panette: Duh. I’m not gonna go dying on you.
Panette: In fact, I’ll do you one better. I’ll save your priestly hide too.
Pandreo: Haha, glad to hear it. With the fearsome Panette protecting me, I know I’ll be all right.
Panette: You know it! You and me, we’re gonna survive this thing together.