C Support:
Saphir: Phew! Another glorious sweat. That smell’s how you know the training’s done.
Saphir: Right. Next, a bath, then chow.
Panette: Saphir, pardon me, but we simply must do something about that vulgar tongue of yours.
Saphir: Uh, hey, Panette. What’s all that, now?
Panette: Though we hail from different countries, we are both employed in the service of royals.
Panette: In our position, one must act─and speak─ unimpeachably. At all times.
Saphir: Unimpeachably, huh?
Saphir: Well, I’ve talked this way my whole life. Feels like I’d remember it being a problem.
Panette: Oh, but don’t you see? A knight’s bearing speaks to the bearing of her nation.
Panette: If she makes even the smallest misstep, it may linger as a national mark of shame!
Saphir: Is that right…
Saphir: So you’re saying if I act how I please, folks’ll get the wrong idea about my whole kingdom.
Panette: Precisely so. I am glad you appreciate the gravity of the situation.
Panette: But never fear, dearest Saphir!
Panette: I shall give you a master class in proper speech and manners!
Saphir: Uh, OK? Is that…good?
Panette: Indeed! I will begin planning. Prepare to learn like your life depends on it!
B Support:
Saphir: …
Saphir: How much longer…do I gotta do this kneeling crap?
Panette: Ah-ah-ah! Language. Try again.
Saphir: At what length…did my lady say…I’m to continue…this kneeling crap?
Panette: Only one hour longer.
Panette: Any courtier worth her salt must be able to kneel for at least that time.
Saphir: An hour?! Uh… An hour, you say? Indeed?
Saphir: That’s fine… Only my back’s on fire now. Legs went numb ages ago…
Saphir: Urgh…
Saphir: AUGH! Forget it! I’m done!
Saphir: Only combat’s allowed to be this exhausting!
Saphir: Sorry, but I’m gonna call it here. This stuff isn’t for me.
Saphir: My kingdom’ll have to make do with my strength. They’re not getting manners.
Panette: Tsk, tsk, tsk! If it tests your endurance, then it must be useful training, no?
Panette: Here I thought you were made of sterner stuff.
Saphir: C’mon…
Panette: The Saphir I know would never throw in the towel midway through training.
Panette: Perhaps I had you mixed up with another, more tenacious gray-haired beauty. My mistake.
Saphir: Oh, fine!
Saphir: You made your point! I’ll keep going!
Saphir: No way am I gonna quit after you bring training into it like that.
Panette: Good! I would expect nothing less.
Saphir: Let it never be said that I didn’t fight to the bitter end.
Saphir: I’m gonna get so prim and proper so fast it’s gonna make your head spin!
A Support:
Saphir: Hm.
Panette: Astounding! Two entire hours of kneeling. Easily your personal best.
Saphir: Is that so? For one such as myself, this interval of kneeling is hardly an exertion at all.
Panette: Your speech, too, is flawless.
Panette: I never expected you to make so much progress in so little time.
Panette: Impressive work, Saphir. I count myself quite proud indeed.
Saphir: You are gracious to bestow upon me such lavish praise. I am truly flattered.
Saphir: And glad to have figured all that stuff out, so I can finally go back to talkin’ like normal!
Panette: What?!
Panette: But why? We have hardly scratched the surface!
Saphir: Listen, I get that manners are important now. But I only needed a handle on the basics.
Saphir: Now that I’ve got it, I can focus on serving my kingdom in the way I’m best suited.
Panette: Hm… I suppose that makes a kind of sense.
Saphir: You’ve taught me something valuable. Trust me, I’m not gonna throw it away.
Saphir: I’ll make an even better knight now that I know how not to be an embarrassment.
Panette: Haha! Well, it seems my lofty estimation of you was exactly on point.
Panette: Perhaps I ought to follow your example. You know, spend more time training my body.
Saphir: I’d be happy to give you a few pointers, if you’re interested. Fair’s fair.
Panette: Truly?!
Panette: Imagine my manners, combined with a well-knit physique like yours… I would be flawless!
Panette: All right, Saphir. You have yourself a bargain.
Saphir: Wondrous, m’lady! Do be certain to prepare yourself well, however. We’re gonna go hard.
Panette: Why, of course! I will become so strong that even you kneel at my feet, so to speak.