C Support:
Yunaka: Zappy morning, Panette!
Panette: Good morning, Yunaka. You seem to be in good spirits. As usual.
Yunaka: Always! It’s one of my redeeming qualities.
Panette: Mm-hmm. In point of fact, I have been meaning to ask you about that.
Panette: Why do you insist on pretending to be cheerful all the time?
Yunaka: You think I’m acting? You think I’m so talented, I can keep it up all the time? I-I’m flattered!
Panette: Ah-ah-ah. Do not bluff a bluffer.
Panette: I can tell that this is not your true manner.
Panette: When I began serving the boss, I had to swap out my own dialect for a more proper one.
Panette: Since then, I have had a keen ear for others’ false tongues.
Yunaka: Takes one to know one, doesn’t it…
Yunaka: I can’t answer your question, though.
Yunaka: If I spoiled the mystery, who would you harass with prying questions? My hands are tied.
Panette: Hm. So be it.
Panette: Forgive me for probing.
Panette: But this duplicity… Somehow it does not sit right with me.
Yunaka: Uh huh…
B Support:
Panette: Yunaka, I cannot help but wonder about your past.
Panette: I understand wanting to preserve some secrecy. But please…tell me a little about it, won’t you?
Yunaka: OK…
Yunaka: My parents abandoned me when I was small. After that, growing up was anything but easy.
Yunaka: I don’t like thinking about it. And I like talking about it even less.
Panette: I am so sorry.
Panette: I know well the pain of being neglected by one’s parents.
Yunaka: You too? Really?
Panette: Alas, yes. My father was a hopeless drunk. My mother was always out partying.
Panette: Who knew that we hailed from such similar backgrounds?
Yunaka: I wouldn’t have guessed. But it’s reassuring, in a way. Maybe I feel a little less alone.
Panette: Hm?!
Yunaka: Bandits. Incoming on our position.
Yunaka: I count…nine. No─ten.
Panette: Thought they could get the jump on us, eh? We’ll show them.
Panette: Listen up, pinheads! If I was you, I’d think twice about messing with me and her!
Panette: One more step and we’ll turn your intestines into outtestines! Got it?!
Yunaka: We’re not here to kill anyone.
Yunaka: But if you’re here to be killed, well… My hands are tied.
A Support:
Yunaka: Hear that? Could be more bandits.
Panette: Oh? You goons back for seconds?
Panette: Ha! Ain’t often I meet bandits who whine like kitty cats!
Yunaka: Oh, no no no, hold up. That actually was a cat. Tricksy little hairball set me on edge!
Panette: Oh! Right you are. What a relief!
Panette: I must say, Yunaka, I rather enjoy that vicious demeanor you adopt during combat.
Yunaka: I could say the same about you! You’re usually so polite, but you really let ’em have it!
Panette: Yes. In moments of danger, I sometimes feel my blood boil as it used to.
Yunaka: I know the feeling. I slip into my old ways sometimes too. As you saw.
Yunaka: We do have a lot in common, don’t we? But… Let’s keep this our little secret.
Panette: Indeed. Which reminds me… I apologize for needling you about the way you speak.
Panette: Really, it was quite conceited of me. Glass houses and all that.
Yunaka: I get it. Some good came out of it, though. I learned my act needs work, for one thing.
Panette: We could practice together, perhaps?
Yunaka: Zappy! Great idea!
Panette: Um, you know, I have always meant to ask…
Panette: What is this “zappy” business all about?
Yunaka: Oh. Well, uh…
Panette: Yes?
Yunaka: That’s another one of my mysteries! Wouldn’t wanna spoil it until we know each other better.
Panette: Ah! In that case, you give me no choice.
Panette: I shall see to it that we become the very best of friends!