C Support:
Merrin: Ah, Rosado. This was always meant to be our fate.
Rosado: I know. This had to happen.
Rosado: The last thing I want to do is fight a friend, but our destiny is inescapable.
Merrin: Agreed. We have no choice but to battle it out here and now, fair and square!
Merrin: Let’s do this!
Rosado: Cool versus cute!
Merrin: The superior style wins!
Rosado: You’re a devoted student of cool, while I’ve dedicated my life to the pursuit of cute.
Merrin: A twist of fate brought us together, and now it’s up to us to decide which force is stronger.
Merrin: So, here’s what we’re going to do…
Merrin: You find the cutest object you can. I find the coolest object I can. Then…the big reveal!
Merrin: We show these objects to one another, and whoever’s heart is most captivated…loses!
Rosado: You’re on. I’m going to bring something so cute your heart will explode!
Merrin: Do your worst. Whatever incredibly cool object I bring…it’s going to…blow your mind!
Rosado: With that out of the way, let the captivation competition commence!
B Support:
Merrin: The battle to determine the superior style, cool or cute, cute or cool…
Merrin: It’s on, Rosado. You ready?
Rosado: You bet I am. This is the moment your heart is stolen away forever, Merrin.
Merrin: Hit me with whatever cute object you brought. I’m ready!
Rosado: Feast your eyes…on THIS!
Merrin: What’s that…a drawing of some sort?
Rosado: Oh, no, no, no. Take a closer look.
Rosado: This is a drawing, to scale, of none other than the northern Elusian miniature woolly hare.
Merrin: What?! No!
Merrin: The northern Elusian miniature woolly hare is so tiny and so fluffy and sooo adorable! Look at it!
Rosado: Mhm! I happened to come across the little one, so of course I took the chance and sketched.
Merrin: And in such detail! Ugh… You know how much I adore rare creatures!
Merrin: I hate to admit it, Rosado… Your cute drawing has captivated my heart.
Rosado: Looks like I win the day!
Merrin: Not so fast. You haven’t seen what I brought.
Merrin: It’s an ornamental hair pin. And there, inlaid among the filigree, is a detailed wyvern design!
Rosado: Oh no. Oh no! Aaah, it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!
Merrin: I know what a big wyvern fan you are. Your heart didn’t stand a chance.
Merrin: I mean, look! Each and every one of its fangs has been painstakingly crafted.
Rosado: The craftsmanship is over-the-top magical! And over-the-top cool!
Merrin: Ugh… Cool!
Rosado: Aw… Cute!
Merrin: This contest…
Rosado: Is a stalemate!
A Support:
Merrin: …
Rosado: …
Merrin: Rosado, I think I finally figured something out.
Merrin: We’ve been at these cool-vs-cute-offs for a while now, and we still can’t declare a winner.
Rosado: Agreed. There’s no resolving this.
Rosado: You’ve won me over with every single cool thing you’ve brought.
Merrin: The same goes for me. I’ve adored every single cute thing you’ve shown me.
Rosado: There’s only one thing we can say for sure. Coolness and cuteness…are both amazing!
Merrin: Yes! It doesn’t matter which one wins. What matters is both are great!
Merrin: I’m sorry I dragged this ridiculous competition on for so long.
Rosado: What do you mean?
Rosado: It was totally worth the effort. Now we know that coolness and cuteness measure up equally!
Merrin: Hold on.
Rosado: What is it, Merrin?
Merrin: You were very cool just now, Rosado. Many times cooler than I’ve been lately.
Rosado: Ah… I could say the same about you, y’know. But with your cuteness!
Rosado: Your satisfied smile every time you got me… That was so beyond cute.
Merrin: Haha. Thanks, Rosado.
Merrin: So, how about this… Let’s just keep mastering our own, individual, equally amazing styles.
Rosado: I like it. You continue to be the genius of cool, and I’ll keep aspiring to greater heights of cute.
Merrin: We can be rivals and we can walk different paths, and we can still cheer each other on.
Rosado: Heh, yes! Rosado and Merrin, best foes forever!