C Support:
Seadall: Hmm…
Rosado: You can look. I don’t mind.
Seadall: Uh, what?
Rosado: You’ve kinda been staring at me. It’s OK. I know I’m adorable.
Rosado: You were admiring my cuteness, right? Admire away.
Seadall: Oh, well, I suppose you’re not wrong.
Seadall: I do appreciate the way you take care of yourself and your appearance.
Seadall: Your hair is so shiny, it practically glows. And your skin…it’s the picture of health.
Seadall: I’m dying to know what your beauty secret is.
Rosado: Haha! Aw, thanks so much!
Rosado: I don’t have any beauty secrets, though.
Seadall: That’s…not possible.
Seadall: You have to be doing something. Watching what you eat, exercising vigorously─something.
Seadall: It’s not possible to look like…you…without putting in some kind of effort.
Seadall: If you’re telling the truth, it’s just not fair. I put a lot of work into being…me.
Rosado: I don’t know what to tell you. I really don’t do anything special.
Seadall: Please.
Seadall: Maybe it’s something you’re not aware of…or maybe you’re just keeping your secret from me.
Seadall: Either way, I’m going to figure it out. As a dancer, my craft demands it.
B Support:
Rosado: Zzz… zzz…
Seadall: All right, then. Rosado is taking a nap.
Rosado: …Mmm…cute…
Seadall: He must have some kind of secret beauty regimen. I mean, just look at him.
Seadall: Though, I have been keeping an eye on him and I still can’t figure out what it could be.
Rosado: …Mmm…hehe… Mmm…
Seadall: Ugh, what a terrible position to sleep in. Absolutely awful for one’s posture.
Seadall: Hmm… Sleep is supposed to be good for the skin. But that can’t be it. Everyone sleeps.
Seadall: I must remain patient─he’s bound to do something interesting soon.
Rosado: I feel great this morning!
Seadall: So, he just woke up and now he’s washing his face. I’ll finally learn his secret.
Seadall: With skin that dewy, he must be using a special moisturizer.
Seadall: What could it be? I have to know.
Rosado: ♪Hmm-hmm!♪
Seadall: How strange. No moisturizer…at all.
Seadall: He washed his face and then just moved right on to washing his hair.
Seadall: And he’s not even using shampoo.
Rosado: Nice and refreshed! Now, time to find some breakfast.
Seadall: What? No oil-infused conditioner or scented styling cream? He─ He didn’t even dry it!
Seadall: Is this really happening? Does Rosado truly have no special beauty routine?
Seadall: No… I bet it has something to do with what he eats. Surely that’s his beauty trick.
Seadall: I will not give up until I figure this out. If Rosado can look that…incredible…so can I.
A Support:
Rosado: …
Rosado: The roast chicken’s delicious today. Want some, Seadall?
Seadall: O spirit of the cards! Cast your divine light and reveal Rosado’s beauty secret to me…
Seadall: No one can be that beautiful and not have a trick up their sleeve!
Seadall: He…he lives as he pleases, and he eats as he pleases!
Seadall: And here I am, being so particular for the sake of my dancing─foregoing flavor.
Seadall: Spirit of the cards, are you really and truly and totally certain he does nothing at all special?!
Rosado: Hahah! Have you been studying my routine?
Rosado: If so, you shouldn’t need to ask─you’ve already seen that I don’t do anything special.
Seadall: I suppose you’re right.
Seadall: Rosado, it’s just incredible that you do nothing at all and yet always look so…good.
Rosado: And no need to be jealous of me. You can live however you want too.
Seadall: That’s the secret─living however I want?
Seadall: Hm. Is avoiding the sorts of food I truly like actually taking a toll on my dancing?
Seadall: Perhaps the secret to looking and feeling great is just…living a life guided by one’s desires.
Seadall: All my focus on flavorlessness is taking the flavor out of my artistry!
Seadall: That’s it! It has to be! Rosado’s way of life proves it!
Seadall: All right, then, I’m not going to deny myself the things I love anymore!
Seadall: I’ll eat roast chicken dipped in all kinds of honey sauce. Sweet! Spicy! Extra-sweet! Extra-spicy!
Seadall: From here on out, I’m going to eat whatever my heart desires and sleep whenever I want!
Rosado: Hope he doesn’t overdo it. Too much of anything is no good for you.
Rosado: Ah, well…
Rosado: No harm letting him indulge himself a while. The important thing right now is he’s happy.
Rosado: He’ll figure out the rest as he goes!