C Support:
Veyle: Seadall, I’ve heard you’re really good at telling fortunes.
Seadall: I am.
Seadall: Or I guess I should say…I was.
Veyle: Oh. Does that mean you’re…not good at it anymore?
Seadall: Well, I guess I’d say I’m in a bit of a rut at the moment.
Veyle: Hm. I didn’t realize fortune-tellers could get “in a rut.”
Seadall: It would seem so. Sometimes you just don’t feel it, and it shows in your readings.
Veyle: I see. Well, I was thinking of asking you to tell my fortune.
Seadall: Is something troubling you?
Veyle: Sort of. I’ve been very tired lately. I was hoping there might be some special way to fix it.
Seadall: I see. I’m afraid I can’t be of much help right now.
Veyle: Is there anything you can do to get your fortune-telling powers back?
Seadall: I don’t really know. I think I just have to wait for it to come back when it’s ready.
Veyle: …
Veyle: Well, how about you tell my fortune anyway? I won’t mind if you get it wrong.
Seadall: What? But why?
Veyle: Humor me. I’ll just assume your reading is incorrect.
Seadall: If that’s what you want. Let’s begin…
Seadall: …
Seadall: All is revealed. Go to the market and act like a cat. Good fortune shall be given you back.
Veyle: Act like a cat…in the market? That’s a little bit strange, isn’t it?
Seadall: Definitely strange. I told you I’m all out of sorts. Just pay it no mind. It won’t come true.
Veyle: Hehe, if you say so.
B Support:
Veyle: Seadall! Your fortune the other day. It was right!
Seadall: What do you mean?
Veyle: I did what you said. I went to the market and pretended to be a cat. That is, I meowed a lot.
Seadall: Really? But I told you to ignore my reading.
Veyle: I thought I’d give it a try. You know, just for fun. But then, something amazing happened.
Veyle: I meowed and meowed, and I sounded so much like a cat, all the mice fled from the market.
Veyle: It made everyone at the market very happy…so happy, they gave me tasty treats to say thanks!
Veyle: It was all so exciting that suddenly I wasn’t the least bit tired anymore. Your fortune was right!
Seadall: Really? It felt so…off when I said it. But if it was right on the mark, then…I’m back.
Seadall: Though, I don’t think I’ll be spreading that bit of news around.
Veyle: What do you mean?
Seadall: You’re very kind, Lady Veyle. You really are.
Seadall: I lose my confidence, and you go and make up this adorable story just to cheer me up.
Seadall: And it has cheered me up, so thank you.
Veyle: Don’t say that. I’m telling the truth! I really am!
Veyle: I will be very mad if you don’t believe me!
Seadall: OK, OK. If it’s going to be like that, then… I believe you. Satisfied?
Seadall: Now, since I’ve done as you asked and believed your story, allow me to read your fortune again.
Veyle: If that’s what you want, of course.
Seadall: …
Seadall: All is revealed. Under a full moon, gather petals glowing gold. Then comes true a wish so bold.
Veyle: Gather flower petals…that are golden and glowing…when there’s a full moon?
Veyle: How strange. I don’t really understand what it means, but I guess I can try.
A Support:
Veyle: Look at these flower petals here. How strange. It’s almost like Seadall’s fortune said.
Seadall: Under a full moon, gather petals glowing gold. Then comes true a wish so bold.
Seadall: The flowers you have there… I see you remembered my fortune.
Veyle: But the flower petals are white, not gold.
Seadall: Are they? Hold them up to the full moon.
Veyle: Hm? Like this?
Veyle: …
Veyle: Oh, how lovely! They’re shining gold.
Seadall: Those flowers only bloom on the night of a full moon.
Seadall: The petals appear white but then shimmer gold when the moonlight strikes them.
Veyle: They’re so pretty!
Seadall: Their fragrance is thought to have a soothing power as well.
Seadall: I’d be happy if they could ease your pain even a little, Lady Veyle.
Veyle: …
Veyle: Thank you, Seadall. You went to a lot of trouble to do this for me.
Seadall: I don’t know what you mean.
Veyle: Don’t be silly. You put together this whole beautiful act just for me, didn’t you?
Seadall: I assure you I had nothing to do with it. Also… A fortune-teller never reveals his secrets.
Veyle: Oh, please…
Seadall: Now, I’ve repaid the favor.
Veyle: What favor?
Seadall: Thanks to your kind gesture before, my fortune- telling skills are back and as sharp as ever.
Veyle: That’s wonderful. I’m very happy for you.
Veyle: You know, Seadall, the moon is pretty tonight, isn’t it?
Seadall: It is. Very. I don’t think I’ll ever forget how beautiful it looks tonight.
Veyle: No. I don’t think I will either.
Veyle: Under a full moon, gather petals glowing gold. Then comes true a wish so bold.
Veyle: My wish is to bring peace and happiness to this world. And also…
Veyle: I wish for your happiness too, Seadall.
Seadall: Sorry, did you say something?
Veyle: No. I’m sure you’re just hearing the sound of flowers blooming in the night.