C Support:
Timerra: Well, well! If it isn’t Fogado, my one and only sibby, hehehe!
Fogado: Hahaha, yes! In the flesh. Care to tell me why you’re in such a good mood?
Timerra: Oh, no reason in particular.
Fogado: Really? I would have guessed there was a song or a slab of meat involved.
Fogado: Mind, I’m glad to see you looking so cheery. Always puts a smile on my face.
Timerra: Well, good! Because I’m happy as can be.
Fogado: But I’m going to have to insist you tell me why. Come on─sibby to sibby.
Timerra: If you really wanna know…
Timerra: It’s because you’re here! Duh!
Fogado: Is that all? Pfft, I’m always here.
Timerra: Oh ho! Hate to break it to you, but no.
Timerra: I’ll admit, back in Solm, I didn’t spend all that much time in the castle. But you?
Timerra: You were never around! I hardly spent time with you at all.
Fogado: Ah, yeah. You make a good point.
Timerra: These aren’t what you’d call the best circumstances, but I’m glad I see you every day.
Fogado: Wow. You really put a positive spin on things.
Fogado: We’re in the middle of a war, and you make it sound like a family vacation.
Timerra: Got a problem with that?
Fogado: Not one bit. As I said, I’m just happy that you’re happy.
B Support:
Fogado: Hey, listen. I want to talk about something.
Timerra: What’s up, Fogado? You look kinda down.
Fogado: Yeah, well… I think I owe you an apology.
Timerra: I knew it! You’re the one who stole my rib tips! I was saving those for a late-night snack.
Fogado: What?! No, I would never do that! I know how much you love your midnight meats!
Fogado: Wait a second. What’s this “I knew it” business? You don’t trust your own brother?
Timerra: Hehe! Hehe, sorry, sorry. I get cranky when I wake up on an empty stomach.
Timerra: Anyway, what was that about an apology?
Fogado: I was thinking about what you said. How I wasn’t around much in the castle.
Fogado: I’ve always felt that because our people are free spirits, they deserve a free-spirited prince.
Fogado: But now I realize that it got in the way of our sibby time. I’ll try to do better from now on.
Timerra: Listen, Fogado.
Timerra: I know that “free spirit” stuff doesn’t tell the whole story.
Timerra: You leave the castle to get a lay of the land. Make it easier to plan for a crisis. Right?
Timerra: So that if the worst happens, you’ll be ready to advise me.
Fogado: Hahaha, of course you knew.
Timerra: Well, yeah. We are sibbies, aren’t we?
Timerra: I know everything that’s going on in that cute, little head of yours!
Timerra: I do appreciate all you do for me. As far as little brothers go, I’d say I lucked out.
Fogado: We’re family. We watch out for each other.
Timerra: If I’m honest, though…sometimes I don’t want you to watch out for me.
Timerra: I just want you to hang out with me. You know?
Timerra: Like right now. This is perfect.
A Support:
Fogado: Timerra! I’ve solved it!
Timerra: Huh? Did something need solving? First I’m hearing of it.
Fogado: Here, take this. I stayed up all night making it.
Timerra: A doll? Why did you… Wait.
Timerra: No way─it’s YOU! This is a YOU doll!
Fogado: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Fogado: Now we’ll always be together. You don’t have to feel lonely anymore.
Fogado: Even when I’m away from the castle, it’ll be like I’m right there with you.
Fogado: And he’ll keep you safe.
Timerra: Ugh, you ruined it.
Timerra: I’m not a little kid. What’s a doll gonna protect me from? Doll bandits?
Fogado: Ah…
Timerra: Besides, this thing hardly even looks like you!
Timerra: I’d have to squint something fierce to pretend that Faux-gado here is the real article.
Fogado: I worked so hard on him, though. You don’t think he has his dad’s signature swagger?
Timerra: Yeah, no, not even a little bit. Guess you have no choice.
Timerra: You’ll just have to hang out with me more.
Timerra: We’re the princess and prince, but first and foremost, we’re sibbies.
Fogado: Yeah, you’re right.
Fogado: You win. I’ll spend less time wandering Solm and more time with you.
Timerra: Good! Was that so hard?
Fogado: I guess you won’t be needing that doll.
Timerra: I didn’t say that! I’m going to give my wonky-looking nephew here a loving home.
Fogado: Hahaha, perfect. Though just so you know, he doesn’t eat meat.