C Support:
Merrin: …
Timerra: Hey, Merrin! You look like you’re lost in thought.
Merrin: Ah. You could say that, Princess Timerra.
Timerra: Well? What’s on your mind?
Merrin: I was thinking about why I left my village.
Timerra: Ah, yeah. You didn’t want to become the next village matriarch.
Merrin: Yes, that’s right.
Merrin: It was decided I had to take my mother’s place, but I had always dreamed of being a knight.
Merrin: The whole thing was…unreasonable. So I left.
Timerra: You were a free spirit, even back then.
Merrin: I wouldn’t call myself a free spirit. Not really.
Merrin: But after traveling on my own for a while, roaming with nowhere to go…
Merrin: I met a fearless woman riding on a wolf. Now she was a free spirit.
Timerra: Hehe! Who, me?
Merrin: “Free spirit” may not even cover it. You took on an entire gang of bandits by yourself.
Timerra: And out of nowhere, you charged in to help. I’ll never forget that day.
Merrin: Neither will I.
Merrin: I didn’t realize it then, but…that chance encounter would change my life.
B Support:
Timerra: Y’know, sitting with you by a toasty fire…it feels just like the good old days.
Merrin: Yes. We shared many a night like this after that first encounter─our scuffle with the bandits.
Merrin: Back when we were just a couple of travelers roving the queendom together.
Merrin: At the time, of course, I had no idea my princess was actually a princess.
Timerra: You never asked. Honestly, I assumed you’d piece it together.
Merrin: Listen, Princess Timerra.
Merrin: Most royals don’t sneak out of their castles to rain justice on unsuspecting bandits.
Timerra: Yeah, well. I’m not most royals.
Merrin: Haha, no argument there.
Merrin: But really. Do you remember how shocked I was to learn that you were the princess of Solm?
Merrin: I had just gotten through telling you…basically my whole life story.
Merrin: How I had always dreamed of becoming a knight, but my lineage made it impossible.
Merrin: I told you that was the reason I ran away from home.
Merrin: And then, you…
Timerra: I asked if you really, truly wanted to be a knight.
Merrin: And I said, “Yes. With my whole heart, yes.”
Merrin: You placed your sword on my shoulders, one after the other, and said…
Timerra: “I hereby deem thee a knight of the queendom.”
Merrin: And I laughed! I thought it was all in fun.
Merrin: But you weren’t laughing, my princess. You were looking at me like you meant it.
A Support:
Merrin: I’ll never forget the look on your face when you knighted me. So serious.
Timerra: Well, yeah! I was dead set on it.
Timerra: After all our time on the road together, I could see what a good person you were.
Timerra: I’d have been crazy not to pin you down as soon as I could.
Merrin: Hahaha, my princess. You flatter me.
Merrin: Though I do wish you had revealed your identity beforehand…
Timerra: This again! It just slipped my mind, that’s all. I told you right after, didn’t I?
Timerra: We even went to your village together.
Merrin: Yes, that’s true.
Merrin: The way you bowed your head before my mother, the village matriarch…
Merrin: And then boldly asked if she’d give the knighting her blessing.
Merrin: I’ve never seen her so shocked. But she agreed on the condition that I return to lead one day.
Timerra: Your mother’s a good woman. She could tell our hearts were set on it.
Merrin: Haha.
Merrin: From then on, I was yours.
Merrin: That was the day the clouds opened and my life filled with sunlight.
Timerra: And you called me a flatterer.
Merrin: So help me, your radiant luster will never dim.
Merrin: That, my princess, is why I devote myself wholly to your service.
Timerra: Thank you, Merrin.
Timerra: I hope you’ll stay at my side, now and forever. My knight in shining armor. My friend.