C Support:
Timerra: Ah, that was just what I needed. It’s been way too long since we rode together.
Panette: Yes, Boss. Nothing beats a nice jaunt on wolfback.
Timerra: You and I used to go riding practically every night. What happened to those days?
Panette: War happened. The world has changed, unfortunately.
Timerra: Isn’t that the truth. And you know, you’ve mellowed out a lot since those days.
Panette: What do you mean by that?
Timerra: Oh, come on! Remember how we met?
Timerra: You had a bunch of bandits tied to trees and were about to feed them to the wolves.
Panette: That was merely to intimidate them! I wasn’t actually going to─
Timerra: And don’t get me started on the way you used to talk. You’d say things like…
Timerra: “Feeling hungry, punks? I got a fresh serving of knuckles for you right here!”
Panette: Why, I beg you to cease this coarse impression.
Timerra: Hehe!
Timerra: Don’t worry, Panette. I loved the old you, but I love the new you too.
Panette: The feeling is mutual, Boss. Your relentless teasing aside.
B Support:
Panette: Boss, when you said I had changed…you were right. I have.
Panette: But for that, I have you to blame.
Timerra: Me?
Panette: Yes. When we met, I was wild as they come.
Panette: My home life was…rocky, to say the least, and that left me filled with anger.
Panette: So each day, I would go into town and pick fights with anyone who got on my nerves.
Panette: Looking back on that time now, I see how pointless it was.
Panette: Yet that was the only way I knew to cope…until I met you.
Panette: Though at first, of course, I assumed you were as wild as I was.
Timerra: Hehe, we hit it off right away, huh?
Timerra: Taking out goons by day, riding our wolves by night…
Panette: Yes. We were thick as thieves.
Panette: Little by little, you helped point my rage in a more…useful direction.
Timerra: At men who cut you in line.
Panette: That only happened once. I was talking about all the bandits and thieves we fought.
Panette: You taught me to take all my pent-up, directionless anger and use it for good.
Timerra: Well, I’m glad. Though to be honest, that wasn’t really intentional.
Panette: Yes, I figured as much.
Panette: Even so, if I had never met you…
Panette: that rage might have swallowed me whole and spit out a lonely, resentful husk.
Panette: I could have wasted my life feeling bitter about the hand I was dealt.
A Support:
Timerra: Panette, you said that without me, you would have spent your whole life lonely and resentful.
Timerra: But I don’t think that’s true.
Panette: What makes you say that, Boss?
Timerra: Well, you were wild, sure. But your kindness always shone through.
Timerra: Even when we fought the worst of the worst, you didn’t try to hurt them─just stop them.
Timerra: And after our long, late-night rides? You took time to feed the wolves, brush their fur…
Timerra: The truth is, I didn’t swoop in and put you on the right path. You were already there.
Panette: Do you really think that?
Timerra: Of course. I knew you were a good person. That’s why I asked you to become my retainer.
Panette: Huh, I remember that day. How surprised I was. I never suspected you were the princess.
Timerra: You weren’t convinced by the princess-like way I begged you? “Pretty please, be my retainer!”
Panette: It just seemed absurd that a royal would want anything to do with a wild girl like me.
Timerra: Well, I’m glad you agreed in the end. Thanks again for that, Panette.
Panette: Boss, please. It is I who should be thanking you.
Timerra: Oh, come on. You think I don’t know how hard you’ve worked?
Timerra: I know you were worried about embarrassing me or being rude to my family.
Timerra: The rules of royal life are complicated and…and arbitrary, sometimes, if we’re being honest.
Timerra: But you took time to study the proper speech and conduct of a retainer.
Panette: It was the least I could do to repay your generosity.
Timerra: Panette, I want you to know something.
Timerra: I will become a queen worthy of your efforts.
Timerra: A queen you can feel proud to serve.
Panette: I have no doubt. And for my part, I shall continue to serve you with the utmost zeal.