C Support:
Veyle: …
Veyle: I thought I was going to die! I mean, I’m pretty sure I did die. Twice!
Veyle: I screamed so hard I lost my voice at one point.
Timerra: So, what’d you think of your first time tearing it up on wolfback?
Veyle: It was…exciting. But mostly terrifying.
Timerra: Haha! You’re such a kidder, Lady Veyle!
Veyle: But I’m not kidding. Not even a little bit.
Veyle: It’s a miracle I’m still alive. In fact, I can’t believe I am alive.
Timerra: Takes your mind off everything though, right? Couldn’t you feel your worries just…float away?
Veyle: Heh…I guess you could say that.
Timerra: Good. You looked a little tense earlier. I thought this might be a good way to unwind.
Veyle: I do sometimes wonder if it’s OK for me to be here with all of you.
Timerra: I hear ya. But next time you start feeling like that, you let me know, all right?
Timerra: We can tear it up to the horizon and back!
Veyle: OK. I will. And Timerra…thank you.
B Support:
Veyle: I told her I couldn’t do it!
Veyle: I told her I wasn’t ready to ride a wolf all by myself! What was she thinking?
Timerra: Was that fun, or was that fun?
Veyle: I thought I was going to die!
Timerra: I thought you would too! Nearly went right over that cliff.
Veyle: I didn’t know how to turn! And I didn’t know I didn’t know how until I was already riding!
Timerra: Well, you made it! All you needed was a little effort and a positive attitude.
Veyle: All I needed was a miracle.
Timerra: But hey, really cleared your mind, huh?
Veyle: I mean, I was so scared I couldn’t actually think. So…yes?
Timerra: Good! You’re learning. The biggest thrills in life always involve a little fear.
Veyle: Hehe…
Veyle: I’m sure you’re right, Timerra. It is good to do things that make us uncomfortable.
Timerra: Exactly! Now, come on! Round two!
Veyle: What?! Round two? Must I?
A Support:
Veyle: My goodness, that was so much fun!
Timerra: Hahaha! Looks like somebody’s not scared of riding wolves anymore.
Veyle: It’s true! I’ve conquered my fear.
Veyle: Thank you so much, Timerra.
Timerra: Don’t mention it. Um…is something wrong? You look a little misty-eyed.
Veyle: It’s just…you always treat me like I’m a normal person.
Timerra: All I did was plonk you onto a wolf and say “go.”
Veyle: That’s it exactly.
Veyle: You treat me like…a friend. It makes me happy.
Timerra: Hehehe! If you’re happy, I’m happy. Though, I guess I didn’t realize all of this was so special.
Veyle: It is. Very special.
Veyle: I don’t think I can thank you enough.
Timerra: Aww, it was nothing, Lady Veyle. Honest.
Veyle: Heh…
Veyle: So, I guess you’ll be returning to Solm after the war is over?
Veyle: You’ll probably be really busy…getting ready to be the next queen and all of that.
Timerra: Yeah. It feels like my to-do list is as big as the queendom itself.
Veyle: I suppose we won’t be able to hang out with each other anymore, like normal friends.
Timerra: What, you think I’ll become a total fuddy-duddy when I’m queen?
Timerra: Give me a little credit.
Timerra: I’ll sneak out of the palace to hang out with you, if that’s what it takes.
Timerra: And we will hang out. A lot! No matter what my title is. Because that’s what friends do.
Veyle: I’d…really like that, Timerra.
Veyle: Yeah, it’s a plan!