C Support:
Amber: Hey, Vander. Where do you keep the legendary weapons around here?
Vander: Legendary weapons? What in the world are you talking about, Amber?
Amber: I’ve always wanted a legendary weapon.
Amber: The Somniel seems to have lots of sacred spots. One of them must have a sword or something…
Vander: I do not waste my time on folklore and fluff.
Amber: Oh. So that’s a no? Gotcha. I guess I’ll just poke around and see if I find anything.
Vander: Actually…I suppose there is one surefire way to obtain a legendary weapon.
Amber: Really?! What is it? How can I get my hands on one? Please, Vander! You’ve gotta tell me.
Vander: Think. What is a legendary weapon, essentially?
Amber: Huh?
Vander: For a weapon to become a legend, a legendary hero must wield it first. Right?
Amber: Huh… Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
Vander: Well then, Sir Amber, all you must do is attain the moniker of legendary hero.
Amber: A legendary hero? Me?
Amber: Yeah. Yeah! If I pull that off, my trusty lance…
Vander: It would become a legendary weapon. Correct.
Amber: Vander! You just blew my mind! I’m gonna do exactly that. My legend starts right now!
B Support:
Amber: Hnh… Hah…
Amber: Not done yet… Have to…train more.
Vander: Well, well. How nice to see you working up a sweat at such an early hour, Sir Amber.
Amber: You bet. I’ve got to grow as strong as I can.
Amber: I have to become a legend, just like you said. Then my lance will be a legendary weapon.
Vander: He took my brush-off seriously? He is either truly devoted…or a fool.
Amber: Hm? You say something?
Vander: I was, um, just wondering why you desire a legendary weapon so badly.
Amber: I grew up in a dull country town. Nothing to do, nothing to see. Stories were my only escape.
Amber: My favorite was about this one hero who used a legendary weapon to defeat a giant monster.
Vander: Hmm…
Amber: I think about that story all the time. I want to be a hero like that…so I need a legendary weapon.
Vander: I see. If you are so dedicated, then…why not train with me?
Amber: Really?! You mean it? I would love that!
Amber: You’re so strong and cool-looking. I bet you do all kinds of crazy training.
Vander: Hmph. Just try to keep up. I will not hold back for your sake, “hero.”
A Support:
Amber: Urgh…
Vander: Struggling already, hero? These are but core exercises. We have not even begun the sprints.
Amber: Ugh… I’m dyin’ here, Vander. Do you always train this hard?
Vander: I do.
Amber: This is unbelievable. I’m barely able to keep up!
Vander: Is this it? What happened to your enthusiasm? I thought you wished to become a legend!
Amber: Oh… I’m too tired to defend myself. Ugh…
Amber: If this is your routine, I’m pretty sure you’re already a legend. Can I just have your weapon?
Vander: No! I told you, I have no interest in legendary weapons or being a legend myself. However…
Vander: I see how hard your generation is working to better the world. THAT is the stuff of legends.
Vander: You are dedicated, driven, and show incredible potential. Your own story has just begun.
Vander: Keep reaching for that dream. If you do, your weapon will soon belong to a true legend.
Amber: Aw, Vander. I will!
Amber: My weapon will be legendary, and so will I! Just like the stories I used to read as a kid.
Vander: An admirable goal…and one you will achieve sooner if you stop complaining. Understand?
Amber: Yes, sir. I’ll keep training as hard as I can!