C Support:
Clanne: I picked up the letters like you asked, Vander.
Vander: Ah, yes. Set them down over there, will you?
Clanne: I also brought a letter opener. Thought you might need it.
Vander: Very good. Thank you.
Vander: Clanne, before I forget. Will you deliver this package?
Clanne: Oh… Yes, sir.
Vander: Answering letters… Hmph! A man of my age should put his fighting hand to nobler purposes.
Clanne: …
Vander: Is something the matter?
Clanne: Wha? Oh, uh, no. Everything’s…hunky-dory.
Vander: Well then, why are you standing there gawking? I told you to deliver that package.
Clanne: Y-yes, sir…
Vander: On with it, then. A faithful servant of the Divine Dragon wastes no time.
Clanne: …
Clanne: If you gave me some real steward work to do, maybe I’d take it more seriously…
Vander: Pardon?
Clanne: N-nothing! I’ll deliver that package for you right away, sir.
B Support:
Clanne: I don’t get it. I’m always going the extra mile to impress Vander.
Clanne: Why doesn’t he ask me to do any real steward work?
Clanne: He must not trust me… Doesn’t think I can handle it.
Vander: Clanne!
Clanne: Y-yes, sir!
Vander: I need you to pass along a message to the church nearby.
Clanne: …
Vander: If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times. Respond promptly when spoken to.
Clanne: Vander, am I just…your errand boy?
Vander: Beg pardon?
Clanne: How can I become a great steward if you won’t let me do any actual work?
Vander: What? Listen, Clanne, the work of a steward is─
Clanne: “Far beyond your meager abilities!”
Clanne: I get it. I won’t amount to anything. Why waste your time properly training me?
Vander: What are you talking about?
Clanne: Nothing. I’ll do what you say and speak when spoken to. Vander’s little helper, that’s me!
Clanne: One message to the church, coming right up.
Vander: Wait! Clanne, listen!
Vander: Clanne!
A Support:
Clanne: …
Vander: And the other day… You should know better than to run off when your superior is speaking!
Vander: I swear, sometimes…
Clanne: Hmph…
Vander: Ahh… No, this won’t do. This is my fault.
Vander: Clanne, you have my apologies.
Clanne: Your what?
Vander: Allow me to state it plainly. I have the highest of hopes for you.
Vander: After all, someday I will confer all of my responsibilities upon you and your sister.
Clanne: So then… How come you never trust me with any of the actual work?
Vander: This is the actual work.
Clanne: But… But…
Vander: I ask you to help me with my steward duties precisely because I trust you.
Vander: Sending letters, taking messages to churches… Mundane errands, yes. But critical nonetheless.
Clanne: Huh…
Vander: It seems I never properly conveyed that to you.
Clanne: I… I’m sorry, Vander. I guess I kinda jumped to conclusions.
Vander: No, the fault is mine. I failed to take your feelings into account.
Vander: I am nothing if not grateful for your assistance. I hope this will not discourage you.
Clanne: Not even close. I still wanna be a great steward like you!
Clanne: So don’t go too easy on me, all right?
Vander: Of course. I should say the same. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to let me know.