C Support:
Vander: FRAMME!
Framme: Ahh!
Vander: Why are you loafing about? I told you to sort through the offerings.
Framme: Oops! I completely forgot.
Vander: Grant me the patience… How do you manage to bungle even the smallest task?
Vander: This is exactly why I fear for your future.
Framme: I meant to do it, honest. It just kinda…slipped my mind.
Vander: You know I will not credit that excuse. Forgetting is the same as doing nothing at all.
Vander: Imagine how disappointed your parents would be if they found out.
Framme: Aw…
Vander: Framme, I have high expectations for you and your brother. You are my successors, after all.
Vander: For my peace of mind, and to honor the mother and father who left you in my care…do better.
Framme: Yes, sir!
Framme: This is the last time I let you down, Vander. Promise!
Vander: Very good.
B Support:
Framme: Uh… Oh no. Oh no!
Framme: I forgot where I’m supposed to take this package.
Framme: Ugh… Vander’s gonna kill me.
Vander: Hello, Framme.
Framme: AH!
Framme: Vander, hey! So I was on my way to deliver that package like you asked, and, um…
Framme: I messed up. Again. You can go ahead and yell at me now.
Vander: Grant me the patience… No matter. It wasn’t terribly urgent.
Framme: You’re…you’re not mad?
Vander: Why should I be? You admitted your error and apologized.
Framme: But I promised to stop messing things up.
Vander: Growth takes time. The Somniel wasn’t built in a day.
Framme: That’s true…
Vander: Try breaking tasks into pieces and going through them step by step. That works for me.
Framme: OK! Next time, I’ll get it right for sure. You’re gonna be so proud!
A Support:
Vander: All right, Framme. What is it this time?
Vander: I presume there has been some trouble with the task I assigned you.
Framme: Wrong! Hehe, I’ll take care of that in a sec.
Vander: Well, then?
Framme: Here. This is for you.
Framme: It’s my way of thanking you for, y’know, expecting the best of me.
Vander: What is this? A pack of…”Frickets”?
Framme: Yup! Short for Framme Tickets. Think of ’em as a big sorry for all the grief I’ve caused you.
Framme: If you’re ever feeling tired, or there’s a chore you don’t wanna do, or whatever…use a Fricket!
Framme: Day or night, no matter what it is, I’ll zip right over and help you out.
Vander: Framme…
Vander: While I have no children of my own…
Vander: I imagine this is how it feels to be a proud parent.
Vander: Thank you. I will be sure to use these Frickets sparingly. They are quite precious, after all.
Framme: Hehe, you got that right! As for me, I’ll keep trying my best to make you proud.
Framme: I’m gonna make mistakes sometimes, but with your help, I know I can get better.
Framme: So keep teaching me to be the very best steward I can be!
Vander: Of course. Though you appear to be well on your way already.