C Support:
Goldmary: AHH!
Vander: Goldmary! What has happened?! Are you all right?
Goldmary: My poor clothes… I must have torn my sleeve on that tree back there.
Vander: You…tore your sleeve.
Vander: From the sound of it, I thought you were under attack. I came rushing for nothing.
Goldmary: I’m so sorry to alarm you.
Goldmary: My piercing cry must have struck your ears like the ringing of gilded trumpets.
Goldmary: But at least now you’re here to help me through this ordeal. What should I do?
Vander: What a sad state you are in.
Vander: All right. Show me the sleeve.
Goldmary: What for?
Vander: So I can see the tear. Do you want my help or not?
Goldmary: I’ll have to get my sewing kit.
Vander: I will use mine. This should take but a moment.
Goldmary: Oh, you have your own?
Vander: Is that so strange?
Goldmary: No, not at all. I’m very impressed, actually.
Vander: Come on, then. Show me the tear. I do have other tasks to complete today.
Goldmary: Thank you so much.
Vander: Remember though, this is only a mend and not a repair.
B Support:
Goldmary: Hello, Vander.
Vander: Whatever you need, I am sure it can wait until I’ve finished my knitting.
Goldmary: I just wanted to thank you again for fixing my sleeve the other day.
Vander: I happened to be passing by. Anyone else in my position would have done the same.
Goldmary: Mmm, but you were the one who stopped to help me, so it’s you who gets my thanks.
Goldmary: May I ask what it is you’re working on?
Vander: Lace. I do not know what will become of it yet. I will sort that out when it’s done.
Goldmary: I’m sure you could make all kinds of accessories that would accentuate my natural charisma.
Vander: An accessory. Good idea.
Goldmary: I admire you, Vander. You’re strong, but you also have a delicate touch. I think that’s lovely.
Vander: I was attendant to Queen Lumera for a long time.
Vander: The job required me to be proficient in sewing, cooking, cleaning…all manner of housework.
Goldmary: I consider housework to be among my greatest skills, but you may actually have me beat.
Goldmary: With all your talents, I imagine you were quite the charmer in your youth.
Vander: Not particularly.
Vander: I was far too devoted to my vocation to have time for that sort of thing.
Goldmary: I see…
Vander: …
Vander: If I give this to you, will you go on your way?
Goldmary: You’re offering me the lace?
Goldmary: Thank you, but I wouldn’t want to deprive the person it’s intended for.
Vander: It is not intended for anyone. I only knit to occupy my hands while my mind does its work.
A Support:
Goldmary: Have a look at this, Vander.
Vander: I see you have made good use of my lace. That is a fine accessory.
Goldmary: I’m sorry if your craftsmanship is overshadowed by my grace in wearing it.
Vander: You have no shortage of self-esteem, I must say.
Goldmary: I’ll take that as a compliment.
Vander: I suppose you should. Confidence is a good trait. You have the right attitude.
Goldmary: Thank you very much.
Goldmary: If it’s not too much trouble, Vander…
Goldmary: Could I ask something of you?
Vander: What is it?
Goldmary: You said knitting is a way to occupy your hands while your mind does its work.
Goldmary: I wonder if you’d like to…put some of that work toward me?
Vander: How do you mean?
Goldmary: I’m asking you to teach me how to knit.
Goldmary: I think it would make a wonderful addition to my ever-broadening array of talents.
Vander: Grant me the patience… I have no idea how I ever perceived you as humble.
Goldmary: Am I asking for too much? I’m sorry…
Vander: I shall teach you what I know. I am interested to see what you can do.
Goldmary: Oh, thank you. I really appreciate it.
Goldmary: In return, of course, you’ll have the pleasure of my scintillating conversation.
Goldmary: Before long you’ll be wondering how you ever managed to do all that knitting alone.
Vander: Haha, you really are something else.
Vander: Your confidence comes paired with a brazen tongue. You simply say whatever you think.
Vander: Yet it is a trait that does make conversation with you enjoyable, I must admit.
Vander: Very well. It is always nice to talk. Perhaps we will have a good bit of fun.
Goldmary: I’m confident we will.