C Support:
Mauvier: Hm-hm…
Vander: Mm-hmm…
Mauvier: Sir Vander, you are following me. Explain yourself.
Vander: You are a valiant guardsman, alert at all hours. The people could ask for no better protector.
Mauvier: Keeping an eye on me?
Vander: Oh, just the one. It’s nothing personal.
Mauvier: Are you afraid I might switch allegiances again?
Vander: I wasn’t saying that, no.
Vander: Alas, not everyone is convinced you are trustworthy as of yet.
Mauvier: Understandable… There is much for which I must atone.
Mauvier: I hope I might earn your trust, yet I understand your continued need for surveillance.
Vander: It’s not really surveillance, per se. I’m just watching from afar.
Mauvier: I am working diligently…so I may be worthy of everyone’s trust.
Vander: Working hard is all well and good, but trust is a precious commodity. Harder to earn than lose.
Mauvier: Trust is a precious commodity. So I am aware.
Mauvier: Vander hates me as well. Quite understandable, given my actions towards Queen Lumera.
B Support:
Vander: Back on guard duty today, I see.
Mauvier: I feel more at ease when I work.
Mauvier: Of course, I apologize that my patrol may make your continued surveillance more challenging.
Vander: Indeed. You are making my life quite difficult.
Mauvier: My apologies…
Vander: Hahaha, I was joking! Goodness, now. I’m just doing my job, watching you do yours.
Vander: You do as you like. I’m not about to be prescriptive with how you handle your duties.
Mauvier: …
Mauvier: Sir Vander, what are your thoughts considering my past actions?
Vander: Well, which particular action concerns you?
Mauvier: I am sorry about Queen Lumera. I am especially sorry it took me so long to speak these words.
Vander: What matters is that we are allies. I have no intention of dwelling on the past.
Vander: Were Queen Lumera here, she’d accept you, Sir Mauvier. Therefore, I’ll do so in her stead.
Mauvier: You do not hate me for what I have done?
Vander: Why would I do that? To what end?
Mauvier: …
Vander: No point in going on with that attitude.
Vander: I’ve watched you long enough now to know that you’re a good person at heart.
Vander: Keep in mind, your life will bring you plenty of opportunities to set things right.
Mauvier: Sir Vander… I appreciate your concern for me. And also your advice.
A Support:
Mauvier: I have a request of you, Sir Vander.
Vander: A request? How intriguing. Let’s hear it.
Mauvier: …
Mauvier: Would you tell me more of Queen Lumera?
Vander: Of Queen Lumera?
Mauvier: I wish to know as much as possible about the woman who died…because of me.
Vander: So be it, then.
Vander: However, I have so many memories of Queen Lumera that it’s difficult to pick one to share.
Vander: Ahh… Yes, that’s the one.
Vander: A piece of silverware─a fork, passed down the generations at Lythos Castle─was stolen.
Vander: A search for the thief revealed the fork was taken by a lady-in-waiting.
Vander: Before acting, I asked Queen Lumera, how to deal with the thief. She said to do nothing at all.
Mauvier: …
Vander: I said if the thief were not made an example of, then the guards’ reputation would be tarnished.
Vander: I was deeply troubled at the time.
Mauvier: And what happened?
Vander: The next morning, the fork had been returned to its proper place.
Vander: I never learned why she stole the fork, or what she hoped to do with it.
Vander: But Queen Lumera understood the situation and solved it without effort or intervention.
Mauvier: …
Vander: That is the sort of person Queen Lumera was. Always kind. Always striving for peace.
Vander: She was a truly magnificent person, loved and respected by one and all.
Mauvier: If only I could have known then the powerful regret that I would know today…
Vander: You protect people from harm. You’re carrying out her will, whether you intend to or not.
Mauvier: I am happy that you feel that way, but I cannot yet agree.
Mauvier: How different life might have been had I met someone like you much earlier…
Vander: It may be late, but we have met, and that means you’re on the right path.
Mauvier: I fear that not everyone will accept who I am.
Mauvier: Yet I swear to earn their trust as I have earned yours.
Mauvier: It is my duty to do so. For the queen.