C Support
Madeline: Lady Veyle, forgive the interruption, but I’d like to formally introduce myself.
Veyle: Huh? Marni, is that you?
Madeline: Madeline, actually. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Veyle: Oh… Yes, of course. Nice to meet you.
Madeline: And you. I swear, as a knight, I will do all I can to support you in battle.
Madeline: You know, Mauvier told me about you… He said you were strict but kind and noble.
Veyle: Mauvier? You must mean…
Madeline: Sorry, yes. The one from my world.
Madeline: But from fighting by your side, I believe you’re quite similar to the Veyle he spoke of.
Veyle: Thank you.
Veyle: Really, that’s kind…
Madeline: Is something wrong? The way you’re looking at my face…
Madeline: Oh no! Do I have something in my teeth? Excuse me while I find a mirror.
Veyle: No, it’s not that… You just look like someone I used to know.
Veyle: Your smile… It reminds me of hers. She had such a lovely smile.
Madeline: How kind of you to say so. My parents liked to say that one’s face reflects one’s inner self.
Madeline: So in complimenting my smile, I feel as if you’re praising my very soul.
Madeline: Not that praise is what ultimately matters. As a knight, I care only about doing what’s right.
Veyle: You don’t…care about praise…
Veyle: …
Madeline: Oh dear! I meant no offense. Really, I did appreciate the compliment.
Veyle: It’s not that. You’ve been perfectly kind. This is my fault.
Veyle: Please, excuse me. We’ll have to chat some other time.
Madeline: Of course, Lady Veyle… I look forward to it.
B Support
Veyle: Madeline, I’m sorry for getting so emotional the last time we spoke.
Madeline: No need to apologize, Lady Veyle. I just hope that you’re all right.
Veyle: I am. But I want to talk to you about something.
Madeline: Certainly. It would be my privilege to hear what you have to say.
Veyle: Thank you.
Veyle: You see, it’s about a knight named Marni. Someone you resemble.
Veyle: When I was fighting against the Divine Dragon, I was under the spell of an enchanted helmet.
Veyle: Marni tried to break this helmet, and she managed to put a crack in it.
Veyle: Thanks to that brave act, I regained my senses. I feel that I owe her my life.
Madeline: Just the sort of courageous act I’d expect from one of your knights.
Veyle: Yes. But because of it, Marni was killed.
Madeline: What?!
Veyle: She gave her life for mine, and I didn’t have a chance to thank her or say goodbye.
Veyle: I know that you’re not her. But I still wanted to explain my feelings.
Madeline: I see.
Madeline: You’re right─I’m not Marni. But I believe I know how she felt.
Madeline: A knight’s duty is to lay down her life for those she serves. For you, I am sure she did it gladly.
Madeline: And what a wonderful knight that makes her, to have fulfilled her purpose.
Veyle: But don’t you see? It was my fault she died.
Madeline: Forgive me if I am overstepping, but given the chance, I doubt she’d do anything differently.
Veyle: Huh?
Madeline: In her situation, having carried out my duty as a knight, I would have no regrets.
Madeline: And I would feel great pride to be remembered with such fondness.
Veyle: I hope so… You’re very kind, Madeline.
Veyle: You know… If Marni were alive, I think she’d be a knight like you.
Madeline: I take that as a high compliment.
A Support
Madeline: Lady Veyle, I’d like to thank you for sharing Marni’s story with me.
Veyle: It was no trouble at all. Thank you for hearing it.
Madeline: I can’t imagine how it felt to endure losing such a brave and loyal knight.
Madeline: And to continue fighting with that pain in your heart… You must be quite strong indeed.
Madeline: Please, know that this isn’t idle flattery.
Madeline: I just think you’ve done so well.
Veyle: You think I’ve…what?
Madeline: Apologies. I just felt that you deserved praise for standing tall after that tragic loss.
Madeline: I am speaking well above my station, I know. But it needed saying.
Veyle: …
Madeline: Oh dear! Lady Veyle. Forgive me for speaking out of turn yet again…
Veyle: No… These are tears of joy. Mauvier told me what Marni’s last words were.
Veyle: At the end, Marni said exactly what you told me just now.
Veyle: “Tell her she’s done so well.” You had no way of knowing that, but still you said it.
Veyle: Finally, I could hear her parting words for myself… I can’t stop crying!
Madeline: I… I see.
Madeline: Well, then.
Madeline: Lady Veyle. Will you take me as your knight?
Veyle: What?
Madeline: I cannot replace Marni, and I don’t intend to.
Madeline: But I want to take up her role… To protect you and remain by your side.
Veyle: Oh, Madeline.
Veyle: I can’t tell you how glad your offer makes me. But I’m sorry. I have to say no.
Madeline: Of course… I’m not strong enough.
Veyle: It’s not that. You’re a splendid knight. But you’re not my knight.
Veyle: Marni may be gone, but still, she will always hold that place for me.
Veyle: I wish I could give you a different answer. But that’s how I feel.
Madeline: I understand.
Madeline: Marni is lucky to have served someone with such a devoted heart.
Veyle: But instead of my knight… Can I ask you to be my friend?
Madeline: Your friend?
Veyle: Yes. We can chit-chat, share laughs… See what the future holds…together.
Veyle: I want you to be there when I become a dragon who saves the world. What do you say?
Madeline: I’m honored. Yes, I will gladly be your friend.
Madeline: I’m not sure how good I’ll be at it, though… I haven’t had much practice.
Veyle: To start, you can be a little less formal. If you have questions for me, please go ahead and ask.
Veyle: Otherwise, it’s as simple as being there when we need each other. How does that sound?
Madeline: Perfect. It sounds simply perfect.