C Support:
Mauvier: Lady Veyle, I’ve found you.
Veyle: Oh, I didn’t know you were looking for me.
Mauvier: I was, indeed.
Mauvier: Perhaps you don’t realize, it is not safe for you to walk through town alone.
Veyle: Not safe?
Veyle: Why do you say that? This town is full of good people.
Mauvier: Considering what we have done, some of these good people might rightfully want revenge.
Veyle: If that happens, then I’ll apologize. We did…truly awful things.
Mauvier: An apology might well not be enough. If something were to happen to you…
Veyle: I’m not a child. I can take care of myself. Now stop following me.
Mauvier: Wait. Please!
Veyle: No. I have something I need to do…on my own.
Mauvier: There she goes.
Mauvier: She has no idea what she is risking.
B Support:
Veyle: …
Mauvier: Lady Veyle seems safe enough. For the time being anyway.
Mauvier: I must not be noticed following her. I will stay back and observe without being seen.
Mauvier: I cannot imagine explaining to Marni that I allowed harm to befall Lady Veyle.
Veyle: Mauvier! I see you following me.
Mauvier: Lady Veyle?!
Veyle: So, you don’t think I can take care of myself? Is that what this is?
Mauvier: No. Or, rather, yes. I mean, I know you are very capable. But I also worry.
Mauvier: It is my duty as a knight to keep you safe.
Veyle: You’re not just a knight, you’re also my friend. Instead of worrying about me, try trusting me.
Mauvier: A friend? I did not know.
Mauvier: If that is the case, please tell me why you walk through town alone.
Mauvier: As your friend, I am concerned for your safety. I want to understand why you would do that.
Veyle: …
Veyle: I do it to atone for my sins.
Veyle: A lot of people were hurt because of me. I need to find something good I can do for this town.
Mauvier: Lady Veyle… Since that is the case, it is important that I be by your side.
Mauvier: As one of the Four Hounds, I also committed sins for which I must atone.
Mauvier: You are not alone in your feelings…or your goal.
Veyle: You have such a good heart, Mauvier.
Veyle: And I’m lucky to have you as a friend.
Veyle: So, will you help me? Can we find something good to do for this town together?
Mauvier: Of course, Lady Veyle…
A Support:
Veyle: Oh, the townsfolk seem so pleased! I can barely believe all the thanks pouring in.
Mauvier: Yes, the people do seem most appreciative. But our work has only just begun.
Veyle: I hope they know our feelings are genuine and that we mean them well.
Mauvier: I was concerned they would hold a grudge. Revenge makes more sense than forgiveness.
Veyle: I told you. The people here are good.
Mauvier: Indeed. You were right.
Mauvier: It is wonderful that they welcomed us so.
Veyle: …
Veyle: You know, there’s something I’ve been thinking about.
Veyle: I wonder if Marni would have ever been willing to walk through these streets with us.
Mauvier: Lady Veyle…
Mauvier: I do not dare to guess. But this much I know…
Mauvier: If Marni would have fought on this side, she’d have been a knight beloved by the people.
Veyle: Oh yes, they would have loved her.
Veyle: If it weren’t for Marni, I would have never had this chance to make things right.
Veyle: It’s impossible to express how grateful I am for what she did.
Mauvier: She would have loved to hear your praise.
Mauvier: Let the two of us live to save as many people as we can. For Marni.
Veyle: I like that.
Veyle: We have so many wrongs to make up for. I don’t know how we’ll ever balance the scales.
Veyle: I guess we’ll just have to add as much good to this world as we possibly can.
Veyle: Will you help me, Mauvier?
Mauvier: Of course. As a knight…and as a friend.
Mauvier: We do this together, Lady Veyle.