C Support:
Zelkov: Hmm…
Zelkov: Yes. This is acceptable.
Kagetsu: Zelkov! Training bout! Now!
Zelkov: Yaah!
Zelkov: Must you insist on startling me so?
Kagetsu: Did I catch you off-guard? Haha, come now. You are better than that.
Kagetsu: Our work for Princess Ivy demands unflappable mettle! Your will must be steel!
Kagetsu: So, training bout! Face me!
Zelkov: Apologies, but I am presently preoccupied.
Kagetsu: What is it this time? Watching birds? Sculpting clay?
Kagetsu: Your smirk tells me it must be some silly new obsession.
Zelkov: I am painting. And I require silence to focus, if you would be so kind.
Kagetsu: I knew it would be painting someday. Set it aside for now. Single combat awaits!
Zelkov: This pursuit is important to me. Please find another training partner.
Kagetsu: …
Kagetsu: Is this art of yours more important to you than our friendship, Zelkov?
Kagetsu: You are my only colleague! It is important we spend time together.
Zelkov: Mm-hmm…
Kagetsu: Too focused to respond. Ignoring me completely. Seems I am alone again.
B Support:
Kagetsu: Zelkov! Our time is at hand. Prepare yourself!
Zelkov: Again, I am afraid I must decline.
Kagetsu: Ugh! I tire of hearing that! It is not your right to deny me this way!
Kagetsu: Face me in mock battle now, or…I will fight your artwork in your place.
Zelkov: What?
Kagetsu: You always have time for some trivial obsession! Never for your friend!
Kagetsu: How are we supposed to bond?!
Zelkov: Calm yourself. I hear your concerns, but destroying my art will not make this better.
Zelkov: It would only ensure I not speak to you again. Put down your weapon, Kagetsu.
Kagetsu: Hahaha!
Zelkov: What about this is amusing to you?
Kagetsu: This tense mood! Do you feel it? It is as if we are rivals, destined for conflict!
Kagetsu: At last, you are taking me seriously!
Kagetsu: If you will not face me as my friend, then at least you will do so as my opponent!
Zelkov: Enough.
Kagetsu: What, standing down already? Does your art mean so little to you after all?
Zelkov: I have seen your eyes. You lack the conviction of a killer. You are a child seeking attention.
Kagetsu: Child?! How dare you!
Zelkov: Leave me. This is a genuine warning.
Kagetsu: I get no say in this at all, do I?
A Support:
Kagetsu: Zelkov! It is now time…
Kagetsu: for me to stop challenging you. It does not matter anymore.
Zelkov: You seem less than pleased about it.
Kagetsu: I know that you…dislike me.
Zelkov: Dislike you? What makes you say so?
Kagetsu: Come on. It is clear you and Princess Ivy both care little for me.
Kagetsu: It makes me sad. I…wanted to be friends.
Zelkov: Friends? Ugh, you are a fool.
Zelkov: I had meant to wait until Princess Ivy was present to reveal this, but…
Zelkov: Here is what I have been painting.
Kagetsu: What is this?
Zelkov: My completed work. The three of us─you, Princess Ivy, and myself.
Kagetsu: You…included me. Why?
Zelkov: Princess Ivy intended this as a gift for you. To celebrate.
Kagetsu: Celebrate what?
Zelkov: The day she and I met you. Have you forgotten?
Zelkov: Today is the anniversary of that day.
Kagetsu: Oh.
Zelkov: You came to Elusia Castle in search of challenging duels.
Zelkov: Your search for stronger opponents led you all the way from your homeland to us.
Kagetsu: I defeated every foe the castle could muster for me…until you.
Kagetsu: That was my first ever defeat. I was crushed.
Zelkov: But King Hyacinth was delighted by your skill. He pressed you into Princess Ivy’s service.
Kagetsu: You and Princess Ivy had such looks on your faces.
Kagetsu: You were both so displeased and so angry.
Zelkov: You had just cut your way through every castle guard for reasons we could only guess at.
Kagetsu: Yes, it must have looked bad to you. I am sorry for that.
Zelkov: I was indeed rather angry at the time, but all is forgiven now.
Zelkov: Princess Ivy has forgiven you as well. That is why she now celebrates the day we met.
Zelkov: You are important to her.
Kagetsu: Zelkov… Thank you…
Zelkov: Are you…crying?
Zelkov: No matter. I was about to go find Princess Ivy. Perhaps you would accompany me?
Kagetsu: I will wait here. I don’t want her to see me this way.
Zelkov: Do not concern yourself about that.
Zelkov: Princess Ivy might actually approve of seeing this side of you.
Kagetsu: Do you think so? Are you both so truly accepting of me?
Zelkov: Come, Kagetsu.
Kagetsu: My heart bursts with love for you and Princess Ivy! My exploded heart will love you forever!