
**Note: Confessions are unlocked when a character reaches Level 40 with a Rarity of five stars.

Location Dialogue
Home Screen 1 I am so bored. Isn’t there any good shopping around here?!
Home Screen 2 I’m Lady Camilla’s retainer. She only dotes on me because I’m strong and cute. I gotta maintain!
Home Screen 3 Look at you, patrolling! I like it. You’re taking a page right outta MY book!
Home Screen 4 You’re bored too, huh? You should show me around this place. It’s my third world I’ve ever- Wait, no! Just kidding. Two! Just two. Heh.
Home Screen 5 I know I’m pretty fierce, but I’ve got to look great too. Hair that looks THIS good takes a lot of combing!
Joining I’m Selena, a mercenary who works for Nohr. Very talented. Ask anyone! They’ll say I’m cute too. Bonus!
Visiting I’ve come with a hello from [Your Friend]. So, there you go.
Good Level-up I’m not average. I deserve better!
Average Level-up Bah. Not good enough for me.
Bad Level-up This isn’t like me!
Learned New Skill Thanks for looking out for me.
Confession Ah, THERE you are! Hey, do you want to form a team with me? I mean, we already hang out… Great! We are now the SelenKiran Alliance! Why are you making that face?! It does NOT sound dumb! I’ll have you know I put A LOT of time and effort into that name so we could become closer friends! Huh? Oh, well, that’s better. I knew you’d come around. Now that we’re a team, no secrets! My name’s not Selena, and I’m not from the world you found me in. You can call me Severa…privately.

Voices/Voice Clips

Voice Clip ID Dialogue
Clip 1 Grunt 1
Clip 2 Grunt 2
Clip 3 Grunt 3
Clip 4 Gimme a break!
Clip 5 Time to play!
Clip 6 Loser!
Clip 7 Let’s get this over with.
Clip 8 I’ve had enough!
Clip 9 Not fair…
Clip 10 Heh
Clip 11 How’s my hair looking today? Good enough? Hope so.
Clip 12 I’ll be the best in your whole group. It’s just a matter of time.
Clip 13 Nice to have a role model, right? I’ve got the best one ever.
Clip 14 The uniforms those Order of Heroes people wear… They’re so cute!
Clip 15 You keep an eye out for any good clothing stores, OK?
Clip 16 I hate it whenever I’m separated from Lady Camilla.
Clip 17 Hey. If you need my help, ask. Not like I like you or anything.
Clip 18 Yeah?
Clip 19 Where to?
Clip 20 On it.