Tiki (Adult)
**Note: Confessions are unlocked when a character reaches Level 40 with a Rarity of five stars.
Location |
Dialogue |
Home Screen 1 |
Sleepy… There’s something about this place I find relaxing. It reminds me of the Divine Dragon Grounds. |
Home Screen 2 |
Over my three millennia, I’ve said hello and farewell countless times. But I will always remember you. |
Home Screen 3 |
Thank you for bringing me here-I can be reunited with many familiar faces, including my precious Mar-Mar! |
Home Screen 4 |
We should take the time to chat. You seem different from the people of this world and the “Heroes.” |
Home Screen 5 |
I really do enjoy roaming this place. Don’t you, Kiran? No matter how old I get, new worlds are always exciting! |
Joining |
I am Tiki. As a member of the Divine Dragon Tribe, I can turn into a dragon! Some call me the Voice. |
Visiting |
I bring greetings from your friend [Your Friend]. Value your friendship-a good friend is a comfort forever. |
Good Level-up |
I vow to protect this world I share with the Heroes. |
Average Level-up |
I miss being in the heat of battle like this! |
Bad Level-up |
It must be my three millennia catching up with me. |
Learned New Skill |
You have granted me new power. I will wield it at your side. |
Confession |
Tell me…do you look forward to or dread the day you’ll go home from this world? Personally, I can’t stop thinking about the sad day I will have to part with all my new friends. The thought of saying good-bye to you is especially sad. I suppose it’s a sign of how close we’ve grown. Heh. That’s borrowing trouble from the future, isn’t it? Better to concentrate on the happy present. There is still plenty of time for us to spend together, and I plan to enjoy every moment of it. Someday, when I look back on these days, you will shine ever so brightly in my memory… |
Voices/Voice Clips
Voice Clip ID |
Dialogue |
Clip 1 |
Grunt 1 |
Clip 2 |
Grunt 2 |
Clip 3 |
Grunt 3 |
Clip 4 |
Must focus… |
Clip 5 |
Not a step closer! |
Clip 6 |
This might get unpleasant. |
Clip 7 |
Sleep well. |
Clip 8 |
Breath of the Divine Dragon! |
Clip 9 |
I sleep… |
Clip 10 |
Heehee |
Clip 11 |
Mmm…sleepy… |
Clip 12 |
Thank you for summoning me. It’s nice to be needed. |
Clip 13 |
Power such as ours can be used for good or ill. |
Clip 14 |
Looking at the stars always leaves me a bit lonely… |
Clip 15 |
I wonder if Mar-Mar is here as well… |
Clip 16 |
From “Voice” to “Hero…” I have worn many guises. |
Clip 17 |
One day we will be parted, but I am glad to have met you. |
Clip 18 |
Yes. |
Clip 19 |
Of course. |
Clip 20 |
Guide me. |