Credits: VincentASM
Chapter 11
Zihark vs Lethe
Zihark: I’d rather not fight you… Would you please flee?
Lethe: Do you expect me to believe you? Human liar! Hsss!
Zihark vs Mordecai
Zihark: …Please, run away… I don’t want to hurt you.
Mordecai: What are you saying? Why do you look at me with such sad eyes?
Jill vs Lethe
Jill: A-hah! Cursed sub-human! How many true humans have you slain with those devilish fangs? As a Daein wyvern rider, it is my duty to purge this world of your monsterous evil!
Lethe: If you are of Daein stock, I need not restrain myself!
(Jill defeated)
Jill: Ur…rrgh… Done in…by a sub-human…
Lethe: …
Jill: My f-f-father…
Lethe: Sympathy… I feel…no…sympathy…
Jill vs Mordecai
Jill: …
Mordecai: Oh! You are…such a young beorc. I have no wish to fight you. Go, little beorc.
Jill: You…you ugly sub-human scum! How dare you befoul the human tongue! You’re just half-breed filth!
Mordecai: What? Grr…grrr… Grrrraaaaoooooowwwww!
(Jill defeated)
Jill: Ur…rrgh… Done in…by a sub-human…
Mordecai: … Grr…rrr.. I am…sorry…
Jill: Why…do you apologize… You’re…sub-human… You’re my… enemy… Father…
Mordecai: Grrr…
Black Knight vs Ike
Black Knight: We meet again, son of Greil.
Ike: …
Black Knight: Why do you challenge me? You are not worthy of being my foe. Flee while you are able.
Ike: You… You! Die! Die now! Aaaaaaaarrrr!
Black Knight: …Fool.
(Ike defeated)
Ike: Gwa, aah… …I…I was not… strong…enough…
Black Knight: Did you truly think to challenge me with this pathetic band? It appears you never learned to exercise discretion… No matter…you would not have survived regardless.
Black Knight vs Beast Laguz
Black Knight: …A sub-human warrior… I would test your strength.
Mackoya vs Ike
Mackoya: Are you the leader of this company?
Ike: I am.
Mackoya: You are the ones who freed the prisoners from our castle, were you not?
Ike: And if we were?
Mackoya: Hmm… It appears my assessment was slightly inaccurate. I believed it to be the work of Crimean soldiers who had briefly regained their morale.
Ike: Sorry to disappoint you. We’re nothing but a simple company of mercenaries.
Mackoya: Ha! Would you, by chance… Would you be the same mercenaries giving succor to Princess Elincia?
Ike: Enough talk. Move or die.
Mackoya vs Beast Laguz
Mackoya: Hmph, your odd garb… It marks you as a sub-human. You should not have left the forest. You cannot survive in human settlements.
Chapter 12
Seeker vs Ike
Ike: Urg…
Seeker: Not used to fighting on these confined decks, are you, human? Funny, but I don’t feel confined at all! Without wings, you’re nothing but food for crows!
Ike: Don’t get…ahead of yourself!
Seeker vs Mordecai
Seeker: G-Gallian!
Mordecai: Stealing is wrong. I must punish you if others will not!
Seeker vs Lethe
Seeker: Ah! A Gallian? What are you doing here?
Lethe: You’re a disgrace to all laguz! I will not let you continue like this!
Chapter 13
Norris vs Ike
Norris: Ugh… You’ve come this far!? You’ve ruined my plans and killed my men! By rights, the princess should have been long dead by now!
Ike: What we agreed to do… was to protect the cabin. But I can accomplish that mission if I crush you now.
Norris vs Beast Laguz
Norris: First birds, then beasts? You inhuman fiends!
Chapter 14
Gashilama vs Ike
Gashilama: Trying to steal our cargo… You’re no better than us!! Some of our customers are nobles! You won’t get away with this unscathed, let me tell you!
Ike: What? Nobles?
Gashilama: Don’t play dumb with me! Take this!
Gashilama vs Lethe
Gashilama: A female… Females are good. You’ll fetch a high price to the right buyer.
Lethe: …I hate humans. But you are beyond that word. Simply killing you won’t be enough. The pain, the suffering of my brethren… I will carve payment for that from your flesh!
Makalov vs Marcia
Makalov: Wha…what? You… Could it be…
Marcia: Huh? I don’t believe it! Is that you, Makalov?
Gashilama vs Mordecai
Gashilama: Gulp! Tiger! Tigers are dangerous! I’ve got to trick it into drinking the medicine…
Mordecai: Ggrrraaaooowwwrrr!
Lethe vs Feral Laguz
Lethe: H-hey! You’re a Gallian! Why are you guarding these humans?
Soldier: Grraaaooowwwrrr!
Lethe: You… are not sane, aren’t you? What have these human scum done to you?
Soldier: Graaaoowwrr! Grrraaaooowwwrrr!
Lethe: Ah, my poor laguz brother… I will destroy you myself… and end your pain.
Mordecai vs Feral Laguz
Mordecai: You are like me. You are a laguz. A brother tiger, you are.
Soldier: Grrraaapppwwwrrr!
Mordecai: But… you seem mad… You do not recognize a friend.
Soldier: Graaaoowwrr! Grrraaaooowwwrrr!
Mordecai: I must end this. I am sorry.
Chapter 15
Muarim vs Ike
Ike: If what you say is true… If you really aren’t bandits, then stop fighting! If this is some kind of mistake, we can talk it over.
Muarim: Ha! I won’t fall for that trick. That’s how your kind always deceives and traps us. …Here I come!
Ike: Hey!
Muarim vs Lethe
Lethe: Listen to me, brother. Come to your senses and stop this!
Muarim: Heed my words! Do not throw away your laguz pride and run with humans like–
Lethe: What did you say? You are one to speak of pride! You who associate with a band of common thieves!
Muarim: This is a waste of time. Come, I will show you the truth of my words.
Lethe: Uh!
Muarim vs Rolf
Muarim: What? You’re so young…
Rolf: I-I’m not scared of you! It doesn’t matter if you’re a laguz; an enemy is an enemy!
Muarim: Please! Stop! Why are young cubs like you on the battlefield? Why?
Muarim vs Mist
Muarim: What? No, not another child…
Mist: …
Muarim: Stop! Your sword hand, it’s trembling! …Please! Don’t do this!
Mist: …No…I will not be the only one who runs away!
Muarim vs Mordecai
Muarim: Move away, brother tiger. I have no wish to fight one of my own.
Mordecai: I do not wish to harm you, either. Let’s stop fighting and talk.
Muarim: …Talk? It seems you’ve already been tamed. …How unfortunate… Now you die!
Mordecai: Ah! Stop!
Muarim vs Sothe
Sothe: …G-gulp! C-calm down… Oh, my heart’s…beating so fast… Gotta aim for a vital spot! C-careful…
Muarim: …What? You there! Stop! I don’t fight children!
Chapter 16
Devdan vs Children
Devdan: No, no, no! Devdan does not fight children! Let us talk, please!
Kimaarsi vs Ike
Ike: I don’t want unnecessary bloodshed. Tell your men to stand down! In your service to Duke Tanas, would you go so far as to oppose the will of the apostle herself?
Kimaarsi: …Defying Apostle Sanaki? Mmm… It is not something I am fool enough to take lightly. Therefore, I will simply ensure that the incompent messengers who attacked us never return to her palace…
Ike: So that’s your answer, is it?
Kimaarsi vs Beast Laguz
Kimaarsi: Wretched, baseborn animal! Begone! You will not defile this place!
Chapter 17
Oliver vs Devdan
Devdan: Devdan likes pretty things, too.
Oliver: Wh-who are you?
Devdan: But things are only pretty where you find them. Locking them away is sad. It makes Devdan upset…
Oliver: Grrr… That peculiar face… I’ve seen it somewhere before. Um…err… It’s no use. Your ill-favored face clouds my memory.
Devdan: You have a bad memory, large man. Let Devdan give you a present that you will not forget…
Oliver vs Ike
Oliver: You lowborn, vulgar, penurious vermin! Return my little bird to me! Objects of beauty must be admired! Only by my side can they fulfill the purpose for which they are created!
Ike: I am SO TIRED of listening to your nonsense, you massive gasbag! This ends here and now!
Oliver vs Lethe
Oliver: Shoo! Go away now! Nobody wants a monster feline… Gyaaa! Get out of here!
Lethe: You’re the type of scum that cause laguz to detest beorc! I will enjoy this, fat man!
Oliver vs Mordecai
Oliver: Oh, such a hideous creature! Noooo! Stay back, you filthy beast!
Mordecai: I am Mordecai. I am not filthy… It is your soul that is unclean.
Oliver vs Muarim
Oliver: St-stay back! A filthy beast like you… How dare you approach a sanctified personage such as myself!
Muarim: Who is it that decided that a laguz life is worth less than a human? Do you believe the goddess Ashera, whom you claim to worship, would want it to be so?
Oliver: Aaaaaaah! Monster! Hideous, vile monster! You will not defile the name of the goddess!
Muarim: Monster? Which of us is the true monster?
Chapter 18
Shinon vs Boyd
Boyd: Shinon! I couldn’t care less who you decide to work for… Heck, I’d hoped you were dead! But even so, Daein? You couldn’t find anything better than this? What were you thinking?
Shinon: Haven’t changed a bit, have you? You’re still a mouthy piece of work. Listen up! Daein’s a great place to work right now. The pay’s great, and strength at arms is the only thing that determines class standing. You want to join me?
Boyd: Don’t be ridiculous!
Shinon: Well then, ]only one thing to do. Out of the goodness of my heart, I’ll teach you how adults fight. And a far as payment goes… I’ll take your life. How’s that sound?
Boyd: Keep talking, Shinon! I’m gonna beat the obnoxious clean out of you.
Shinon vs Gatrie
Gatrie: Shi-Shinon? SHINON?! Oh, this can’t be happening! I mean, fighting you… That’s going to be tough.
Shinon: Come on, Gatrie. You can’t be worried about me forever. You’re a mercenary. All you need to do is worry about your own skin. You got it?
Gatrie: Well, yeah… Heh heh heh… Ahh… Still…this will be a sad day…
Shinon vs Ike
Shinon: Heh. I always knew it would come to this, Ike.
Ike: Shinon…
Shinon: Watch yourself!
Shinon vs Rhys
Rhys: Cut it out, Shinon! Commander Greil would have never wanted this!
Shinon: Shut your mouth, Rhys! I don’t have the patience for one of your little sermons. Besides, you should be worried about your own life instead of mine.
Rhys: Shinon…
Shinon vs Mist
Mist: That’s enough, Shinon! Why must friends fight? It’s all too terrible…
Shinon: This is war. It’s all terrible. Tears mean nothing in the heat of battle. Remember that.
Shinon vs Oscar
Oscar: Shinon?! Why are you with Daein? Someone with your skills could have found work with Begnion’s army. So, why this?
Shinon: Ha! Why would I want to go to work for a bunch of stiff-necked bluestockings? I’m a commoner. No matter how good I am, I would never rise above a middling commission. It’s different in Daein. If you’re a skilled fighter, you can rise all the way to the top.
Oscar: Is getting promoted really that important?
Shinon: It’s everything. All right, enough with the pleasantries. You ready to go?
Oscar: Oh, Shinon…
Shinon vs Soren
Shinon: Well, well, lookee here. The little boy plays soldier… How sweet. Your job’s always been just to use that big brain of yours. That’s why you spend your time hiding behind Ike’s apron. Isn’t it, Soren?
Soren: Shinon. You always were dumb as a gnat, but… A first-class archer. I’ll give you that. But with the power I now possess, it’s probably in your best interest not to presume to know my strength.
Shinon: Hah! You’re still a snotty little whelp, aren’t you? Get ready to die, little man.
Shinon vs Titania
Titania: Shinon! You… You’re with Daein of all things?
Shinon: Long time, no see, Captain. You know, we didn’t always see eye to eye, but… I never once minded taking orders from you.
Titania: To tell the truth, I really didn’t mind having to listen to your endless complaints and insults, either. Hold nothing back. Let’s pay each other…the proper respect.
Shinon: Yes, I think that’s best. So in the end, we finally agree on something, eh?
Shinon vs Rolf
Rolf: Shinon…
Shinon: Wipe that pathetic look off your face. Come on, ready your bow. On the battlefield, emotion ain’t worth spit. I taught you that, didn’t I?
Rolf: Uh…huh… Uncle Shinon…
Kayachey vs Ike
Kayachey: You fools… It must be good fortune that has brought you this far… But you’ll need more than luck to get over this wall.
Kayachey vs Beast Laguz
Kayachey: You vexsome beasts! Our country has a long history of conflict with your homeland of Gallia. The moment when we put an end to you once and for all rapidly draws near.
Kayachey vs Hawk Laguz
Kayachey: Hawks of Phoenicis! Your beastly cousins are said to outstrip you. Do you think flying can save you?
Kayachey vs Reyson
Kayachey: A white…feather? Could it be? Do the extinct Serenes herons fly still? They’re said to have special abilities… but if they try to oppose us, they’ll wish they’d stayed dead!
Chapter 19
Homasa vs Ike
Homasa: Your fighting style is…unique. It is rough and awkward, yet terribly strong. Who was your teacher?
Ike: My father.
Homasa: Really? Then we are the same. My father taught me to wield a sword as well. Neither of us can afford to lose.
Naesala vs Janaff
Janaff: King of crows! Do you seriously think to betray your fellow laguz?
Naesala: …Oh, please… You hawks are always so excitable. You know the true nature of my fellow ravens, so…
Naesala vs Ulki
Naesala: What’s this? Well, if it isn’t one of my beloved hawk cousins. As you can see, Kilvas has sided with Daein. Try not to think too poorly of us.
Ulki: …
Naesala vs Ike
Naesala: From where I’m sitting, you look to be the leader of your group. Do you like the way we fight? If you double Daein’s payment, we will be quite happy to join your cause against Daein.
Ike: Are you serious?
Naesala: Of course! We’re not with Daein for the pleasant conversations. For the right price, we’ll do as you like.
Ike: I’ve no need of an ally who would betray me for a handful of coin.
Naesala: Is that so? Then I’ve no more use for you. I suppose I’ll just have to kill you.
Naesala vs Lethe
Lethe: Betrayer of laguz! I’ll tear those black wings off your back!
Naesala: You Gallians are with Crimea, we with Daein. We’re both helping one side. I’d like you to tell me how that makes us the betrayers.
Lethe: Crimea and Daein are not the same!
Naesala: Oh, but they are. They’re both home to laguz-hunting, laguz-hating humans. Granted, Daein’s anti-laguz sentiment is more obvious, but… Surely you realize there’s no great difference between it and Crimea… Or Begnion, for that matter.
Lethe: B-but…
Naesala: You may think yourself a warrior, but the humans have tamed you. Allow me to open your eyes!
Lethe: Ah!
Naesala vs Mordecai
Mordecai: King of the raven folk… Why do you fight for Daein?
Naesala: Kilvas has need of much gold if we are to become more than a paltry island kingdom. Daein is willing to fill our coffers, and so we work with them. There is nothing more to it. Remember, it’s not who you work with that’s important–it’s how much they’re willing to pay.
Mordecai: So you fight for gold, is that it?
Naesala: Nothing wrong with that, is there? Everyone fights for some kind of gain. Even you, am I right?
Mordecai: That is…not untrue. But–
Naesala: No matter how hard you try, your kind will never understand the hearts and minds of ravens. You appear to be an obstinate creature… Just like your king.
Mordecai: Grrr… Grrrraaawwwl!
Naesala vs Muarim
Naesala: You’re not of the Gallia beast tribes, are you? Laguz slaves! Bah! Instead of baring your claws and escaping, you moan and cry! What a pack of fools.
Muarim: …
Naesala: Hah! Cat got your tongue? Unless you’re incapable of speech, you’re either angry or frightened. Either way, you’re pathetic. If you’d stayed in your cage, you wouldn’t need to die here, hmm?
Homasa vs Beast Laguz
Homasa: I’ve fought many of your kind before, and I know all of your techniques. Will you challenge me even so?
Homasa vs Hawk Laguz
Homasa: We face hawks, too? Oh, what a test this will be!
Homasa vs Reyson
Homasa: Cutting one who carries no blade lacks style…and yet it cannot be avoided on the battlefield.
Homasa vs Stefan
Homasa: It seems you’re quite a fencer. Shall I teach you something?
Stefan: Sheathe your blade. If that’s all the skill you possess, you’re not ready to challenge me.
Homasa: What? Have at you!
Homasa vs Zihark
Homasa: You are a swordsman as well. And, it appears, quite skilled! May I ask for a duel?
Zihark: I dislike contests with strangers, but I don’t think I can refuse. Can I?
Homasa: Ki-yah!
Chapter 20
Shiharm vs Ike
Ike: You’re the enemy general, right?
Shiharam: I am.
Ike: I lead the Crimean army. My name is Ike. I know this is sudden, but can we end this battle?
Shiharam: What?
Ike: I’d like you to shut the floodgates. There’s no need to involve the locals in our combat, is there?
Shiharam: …I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. Until one of us has fallen, the water will continue to flow.
Ike: If that’s how it has to be, then I have no choice. Prepare yourself.
Shiharam: Ha! So that’s the enemy general, eh? If he’s the man he appears to be, I can die knowing that Jill is safe.
Shiharam vs Jill
Jill: Father…
Shiharam: We meet as enemies. There are no pleasantries to exchange. Ready your weapon, soldier of Crimea!
Jill: Father… I…
Shiharam: You won’t charge? Then I will bring the fight to you!
Shiharam vs Beast Laguz
Shiharam: You of the beast tribe… I was always envious of how you were blessed with such a glorious lord and master…
Shiharam vs Hawk Laguz
Shiharam: High-flying Phoenicians! Who is it that truly controls the sky? Let us settle the issue here and now.
Shiharam vs Reyson
Shiharam: A Serenes…royal? Can it be that one survived? Well, now that you’ve appeared before me, I cannot let you escape……Ah, goddess. Forgive me……
Shiharam vs Tanith
Shiharam: A sacred pegasus knight, eh? At one time, we both protected the same country.
Tanith: So you’re the one who led the defection to Daein, Lord Fizzart! The man I heard tales about and the reality of what I see before me are quite different.
Shiharam: Tales?
Tanith: It is said that after the last apostle died, the corrupted senate drove one man to leave Begnion. He was said to be in search of a better life, and he became a hero to many young wyvern riders.
Shiharam: Hah, that’s rich… Tales always make too much of their subjects.
Tanith: I had been looking forward to meeting you in the flesh–perhaps even to speaking with you. But now… You would sacrifice the lives of your people just to slow our progress? What kind of dangerous fool are you?
Shiharam: …
Tanith: I will not allow you to besmirch the name of Begnion’s wyvern riders any further. Prepare yourself!