C Support
Mia: Hah! Today is a good day. I’m feeling lucky! Maybe I’ll meet someone to duel… Maybe my true archrival!
Ilyana: …
Mia: Ack! You scared me! Hah! Sneaking up behind me like that… You’re a crafty one!
Ilyana: Um…sorry. Please let me pass…
Mia: Huh? Oh, sure…
Ilyana: Excuse me…
Mia: So, do you want to duel? At dawn, perhaps? I love dueling at dawn! Awww…never mind. It wouldn’t be much of a challenge. You’re looking a bit sickly.
Ilyana: Sorry… I’m just feeling weak.
Mia: She looks so…fragile. Maybe I should watch her back. Just to make sure nothing bad happens to her… Oh well…back to sword practice!
B Support
Mia: Oh, I remember you from the other day.
Ilyana: Hello…
Mia: You’re staggering again. Is there something wrong with you?
Ilyana: No… I’m fine. Really.
Mia: But you look sickly and ill. Why don’t you go and see a priest?
Ilyana: I’m quite all right. The last time I saw a priest, he said I wasn’t sick.
Mia: Hmm… Are you sure you weren’t being bilked? Was he a real priest? You look like you’re about to keel over.
Ilyana: I’m fine.
Mia: Meh. Have it your way… Can you even walk?
Ilyana: Yes, of course… I’ll see you later.
Mia: Where are you going? That’s a dead end!
Mia: Hold up for a moment. I’ll come with you! You’ll never find anything without me.
Ilyana: Thank you…
A Support
Mia: I can’t seem to focus today. I sense my foes out there, hiding in the trees and snickering at me! Haaaa! Take that, foe! You know, I haven’t seen Ilyana lately. I hope she’s all right. Hmm… Well, can’t do anything about it now… I need to get back to practice. One…two…strike! One…two…stab! Hey! What was that?
Mia:: Ugh! What did I just step on? It feels…squishy.
Ilyana:: …
Mia: Aaaack! Why are you on the ground?! Are you dead? Gravely injured? Perhaps slightly wounded?
Ilyana: No, no…
Mia: Well? What’s wrong?
Ilyana: I’m just…hungry.
Mia: Huh? Hungry? Why don’t you quit your whining and have a biscuit?
Ilyana: So…hungry. Please…if you have anything…
Mia: Hold on a minute! Don’t tell me you’re always staggering around and fainting because you need a snack!
Ilyana: Yes… As soon as I finish eating, I get hungry again. That’s why I faint.
Mia: Well, I don’t have any food on me right now. I’ll go get you something right away, though. We can’t have you passed out on the ground like this!
Ilyana: Please…don’t leave…
Mia: Whoa there! Let go! Hey! Stop trying to eat my foot!
Ilyana: Mmmm…so…tasty…
Mia: No, no, no! I can’t have you feasting on my limbs! Somebody bring this girl some food! Anything, people! Old leather shoes, fruitcake…anything!