C Support
Stefan: …
Soren: Who goes there?
Stefan: Don’t be so alarmed. I’m…one of yours.
Soren: One of ours? Unlikely.
Stefan: Yes, one of your kind. I see that you pretend to be something you aren’t and have lived among foreigners.
Soren: … I, I…
Stefan: Hmmm…I see that I’ve puzzled you. I’ll let you stew on what I have said. Let’s sit and talk next time our paths cross.
Soren: …
B Support
Soren: …
Stefan: You don’t fit in with this roving band of beorc, do you? Your stone sticks out from the wall.
Soren: Oh. It’s you again.
Stefan: Come down to the colony in Grann Desert. Others live there. Others like you. You know…the Branded.
Soren: I don’t know what you’re babbling about, but you’re embarrassing yourself. I belong here, thank you.
Stefan: I see… Well, if that’s the case, I won’t twist your arm.
Soren: …
A Support
Stefan: This war will be over soon enough. Why are you still pretending to be something you aren’t?
Soren: Why do you keep bringing this up? I don’t know what you’re talking about!
Stefan: You’re Branded–there’s no doubt about it. I can tell. I’m just like you.
Soren: …
Stefan: You’ve grown quite good at hiding it. But, it’s merely a matter of time before your heritage becomes…evident.
Soren: …Evident?
Stefan: You may have already started to notice. We age differently than the beorc. Of course, the specifics of it depend on the type of laguz blood that flows in your veins.
Soren: I thought I was aging normally… Well, until about three years ago.
Stefan: You won’t be able to remain in the same place. Beorc aren’t very observant, but even they will soon catch on.
Soren: That may be true… But I will not leave Ike’s side.
Stefan: …When the time comes–and you will know when–ride to Grann Desert. You have friends there.
Soren: …