C Support
[Part 1]
Titania: Doing the laundry, Mist? Here, let me give you a hand.
Mist: Oh, no, no… Please, you’ve been fighting all day. I couldn’t make you help!
Titania: We’ve all had our hands full around here, and you’re no exception. Now, give me some of those… Wow. Talk about a pile of laundry…
[Part 2 (Chapter 17 and before)]
Mist: Yeah, I’m actually washing everyone else’s stuff while I’m at it. I thought it would be a good way to thank the others for all their help.
Titania: Well, it’s a thoughtful gesture, but make sure you don’t turn it into a full-time job, all right? Oh, this one is ripped.
Mist: Oh, that’s my brother’s. He’s been fighting too long in these old things. Look at it! It’s practically falling apart! Next time we’re in a town, I’m going to make him buy a new shirt. If he’s going to be commander, he’d better look the part!
[Part 2 (Chapter 18 and after)]
Mist: Yeah. I know I can’t wash up after the entire Crimean army, but I thought I could at least help the Greil Mercenaries. It’s a good way to thank the others for all their help.
Titania: Well, it’s a thoughtful gesture, but make sure you don’t turn it into a full-time job, all right? Oh, this one is ripped.
Mist: Oh, that’s my brother’s. He’s been fighting too long in these old things. Look at it! It’s practically falling apart! Next time we’re in a town, I’m going to make him buy a new shirt. If he’s going to be general, he’d better look the part!
[Part 3]
Titania: Speaking of which…let me see that old thing you’re wearing. The sleeve is coming apart. See?
Mist: Hey, you’re right!
Titania: This is beyond repair. Your brother’s not the only one who could benefit from a shopping trip. We’ll go together, you and I.
Mist: I don’t know, Titania… There’s so much work to be done around here. I’m not sure I’ve got the time, really…
Titania: I’m telling you, Mist, you’re pushing yourself too hard. Everyone appreciates your work, but you’re leaving no time to relax!
Mist: Yeah, but…doing the chores helps me relax![pause 35] What? Don’t look at me that way!
Titania: Mist, that’s nonsense. I mean it. You need to take some time off. Sometime soon, you and I will go into town, just the two of us.
Mist: Oh, all right!
B Support
Mist: I’m sorry about the other day, Titania. I really did have a good time, even if I didn’t look like it…
Titania: Don’t worry about it, Mist! You did look awfully serious the whole time, but that just proves to me how much you needed the time off.
Mist: And I did enjoy seeing the town. I’d never seen anything quite like it! But I kept thinking about all the chores waiting here…
Titania: You’re far too considerate of others, Mist. You’re always putting our needs before your own. You’re so much like Elena in that regard.
Mist: My mother?
Titania: Yes. You and she are very much alike. But you know, Mist, you are still young. You do not need to take on all the burdens of adulthood so soon. I worry about you.
Mist: Oh, stop… Titania? Thank you…
Titania: No, Mist. Thank you.
A Support
Titania: Come over here for a second, Mist.
Mist: What is it, Titania?
Titania: Here. It’s a little present from me.
Mist: Hey, this is that dress I saw in town the other day. Oooo, I loved this dress!
Titania: I thought so. Aren’t you glad we made that trip together?
Mist: Oh, thank you, Titania.
Titania: It’s nothing, Mist. Consider it a thank-you for all you’ve done. To tell you the truth, I’ve been a little worried about you. You’ve been doing so many chores, and you’ve been helping us all on the battlefield. It’s a lot to ask of you. That’s why I’m trying to make sure you stop and take care of yourself, treat yourself to something nice once in a while.
Mist: Titania…
Titania: Listen, Mist. I know you and Ike are close, but if there’s ever anything you can’t talk to him about, I want you to know you can come to me. I may not be Elena, but I do care about you just the same.
Mist: I… I will… Thank you… That’s very nice of you, Titania. Tee hee hee… Oh, this dress is too good for me…