Credits: Jhwang, Arthur Bobbio, Albert Jasinski, Andrew Laposki, MageInTraining, KuroTsubasaTenshi, Narshen, MM, Gckaf, PMIT, erickmarroquin
Ike vs Silvano
Silvano: Who are you, swine? Why do you side with sub-humans?
Ike: I’m Ike of the Greil Mercenaries.
Silvano: I know that name. Have you forgotten the apostle’s kindness? Thankless fool! You shall pay with your life!
Others vs Silvano
Silvano: Wait, there are beorc among them? Why would beorc fight alongside sub-humans?
Silvano defeated
Silvano: Sub-humans… You dare to fight Begnion? There’s no hope for you now. This will be your end. Mark…my words…
Chapter 1
Ike vs Rommit
Rommit: When did sub-humans learn to wield swords? Impossible! I can’t believe my eyes.
Ike: You underestimate them.
Lethe vs Rommit
Rommit: A female sub-human? Oh… Those fools! They were tricked!
Lethe: I’m a soldier, beorc. Prepare to die.
Lyre vs Rommit
Lyre: This is no fun… Where’s Captain Ranulf? I don’t feel like fighting without him. Whoa, hey!
Rommit: Die, sub-human!
Lyre: AHHH! What are you doing, you crazy human!
Others vs Rommit
Rommit: We’re under attack! By the goddess, they’re fast! Where are our reinforcements?!
Rommit defeated
Rommit: No… We’ve lost the gate!
Chapter 2
Ike vs Istvan
Istvan: I am Istvan, general of Lord Seliora’s royal army! You, leader of sub-human filth! State your name!
Ike: I’m Ike of the Greil Mercenaries.
Istvan: Greil Mercenaries? Hm. Never heard of them! You are just small-time bandits, yes? Argh! If we had left behind dead bodies of sub-humans, our reward would have been bigger! My lord is not pleased with heads of bandits!
Ike: Oh, I wouldn’t worry about our heads. You have no chance to win this fight. Leave while you can.
Others vs Istvan
Istvan: What luck! Enemy comes in tiny numbers. Get up, comrades! We cannot let other army take reward! Crush enemy and gain glory for Lord Seliora!
Istvan defeated
Istvan: W-wait…! This cannot be! Our…reward…
Chapter 3
Veyona vs Ike
Veyona: The laguz assault was a decoy, and your real objective was this camp? You’re more clever than I expected. This isn’t the strategy of the laguz. It must have been planned by the beorc.
Ike: Our objective is only to burn these supplies. Step aside and I’ll spare your life.
Veyona: You know I can’t do that. Our masters may be fools, but we are their soldiers nonetheless. Our duty is to carry out orders from our masters.
Ike: I thought you’d say that. But I have a duty as well.
Others vs Veyona
Veyona: Protect the supplies, men! If anything is ruined, the senators will have our hides! We cannot let this camp fall into chaos! For the honor of General Zelgius, protect the stores!
Veyona defeated
Veyona: Protect the supplies… Stay…calm…
Senators defeated
Senator: You’ll…regret this… You’ll regret killing me…
Senator: Where are my soldiers? They should be the ones to die… Useless cowards!
Chapter 4
Ike vs Callum
Callum: You will not gain the peak, nor shall I yield my position. You will wait for the duel to finish.
Ike: Duel?
Callum: Correct. The general does not wish to be disturbed during his duel. I’m certain that it will pass very soon. You may then pass and fetch the carcass of your general.
Ranulf vs Callum
Callum: So sub-human. Are you worried about your general?
Ranulf: You bet I’m worried! Without us looking after him, who knows what kind of trouble that hothead might get himself into! You can see we’re in a big hurry. Get out of my way, or I’ll move you. Painfully.
Callum: Never! If you wish to reach the top, you must “move” me. Do your best sub-human.
Others vs Callum
Callum: None shall pass. General Zelgius forbids it!
Callum defeated
Callum: You are too late… The general… He is strong…
Chapter 5
Ike vs Lombroso
Lombroso: Hmph, pathetic. Your tiny band of outlaws doesn’t stand a chance before out might. We have more troops on the way. The onslaught will not stop until every last one of you lies dead!
Ike Are you really the best Begnion could send?
Lombroso: What?! How dare you take that tone with me!
Ike Or did they send you at all? Does General Zelgius know about this little excursion?
Lombroso: I don’t take orders from that sanctimonious has-been. Enough questions. Prepare to die!
Reyson vs Lombroso
Lombroso: Ah, a heron! You’ll make a nice gift for my lord!
Others vs Lombroso
Lombroso: he outcome of a battle depends solely on the number of troops in the field! Tactics and skill are nothing in the face of sheer numbers! Wait, are you laughing at me? Gah! Die, you insolent cur!
Lombroso defeated
Lombroso: Im-impossible! But how? We outnumbered them…
Chapter 6
Jill talks to Lethe
Jill: Lethe!
Lethe: Jill?! What are you doing here? I thought you left the knighthood and went home to Talrega!
Jill: I joined the Liberation Army to free Daein from the claws of the empire. This time, I stayed with the army.
Lethe: What?! Daein launched this ambush?!
Jill: Yes, at Begnion’s request. For some reason, King Pelleas complied. It is a direct order from my king… I have no choice but to fight.
Lethe: I see… Very well, then.
Jill: You won’t reproach me?
Lethe: For what? Beorc in the military cannot disobey orders from their kings, correct? You have your reasons. I don’t need to know them. We are friends. No war can change that.
Jill: Lethe…
Lethe: Let’s begin, Jill! We both know what we’re capable of. Prepare to lose.
Jill: All right. For the glory of our nations!
Zihark talks to Lethe
Zihark: Hold up, Lethe! I have to talk to you!
Lethe: We’re enemies. What’s there to talk about?
Zihark: You won’t surrender?
Lethe: I am a soldier. I will fight to my death.
Zihark: …I knew you’d say that. Then I’m coming with you. I’m at your service, Lethe. Just like old times, yeah?
Lethe: What? But why?
Zihark: The Daein soldiers call this war “the sub-human hunt.”
You know I hate that word. Daein will change… At least that’s what I believed. But now… I can’t just stand by. This war is the last straw. I can’t fight for Daein anymore.
Lethe: …You may not have claws, but I think your soul is more laguz than beorc. Welcome to our tribe, Zihark.
(Zihark joins the enemy)
Micaiah vs Lethe
Lethe: Stand aside, girl! Get out of my way!
Micaiah: Why? This is suicide.
Lethe: Frightened now, beorc? We do not run with our tails between our legs! Get out of my way! You will not survive me, little girl!
Micaiah: Never! We won’t stand aside. We are fighting for the future of our country. I can’t let you escape.
Sothe vs Lethe
Lethe: You!
Sothe: Wait… Lethe, is that you?
Lethe: Sothe, right? You’ve grown to become a strong soldier.
Sothe: Please surrender, Lethe. You know the situation is hopeless. Continuing this will only mean that more of your soldiers will die.
Lethe: We will not surrender. This alliance stands for something more important than our lives!
Sothe: What are you talking about? Death is final, Lethe. Nothing matters if you’re dead.
Lethe: Silence! We’ll never be the slaves of beorc ever again!
Jill vs Lethe
Lethe: How unfortunate. I remember when we first met, we were enemies.
Jill: Yes. And then we became allies. And after that, friends. But now…
Lethe: Let us keep emotions out of this. This is war. We will fight.
Jill: My goddess… You can be so cruel…
Zihark vs Lethe
Zihark: Lethe?
Lethe: Zihark…! So, you also side with the enemy?
Zihark: Lethe, please surrender. Our commander doesn’t want any more killing.
Lethe: Surrender? Even you could not convince me to surrender. You know that, Zihark.
Zihark: Lethe, please!
Lethe: Enough! We are enemies. The only thing left for us is this fight!
Zihark: How did it come to this…
(Lethe attacks, but Zihark doesn’t)
vs Lethe
Lethe: Daein scum! Try and stop us!
Lethe defeated
Lethe: Grr… Their defenses are strong. We can’t push through them. But we can’t pull back! Retreat is not an option! I’ll give my life to uphold the honor of the beast tribe!
(Lethe retreats)
Zihark talks to Mordecai
Zihark: Mordecai… I never expected us to meet like this, on opposite sides…
Mordecai: Ah! Zee…eehark! Hm… No, that not it. Sorry. Mordecai says your name not right. Not right yet.
Zihark: But…
Mordecai: Zeehork? Zeehar-ack? Zi…hark? Ahh! That is good! Zi-hark!
Zihark: Mordecai… Don’t you understand? We’re now–
Mordecai: I know. Mordecai is your friend. Allies we are. It does not matter who we fight for.
Zihark: But–
Mordecai: You have no fang or tail, but you are a beast brother, Zee-hark! Hmm… No. Mordecai forgets again. Sorry.
Zihark: Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it! I’ll go with you. That way, you’ll get my name right in no time.
Mordecai: Ah! Good idea! Mordecai likes this idea.
(Zihark joins the enemy)
Sothe vs Mordecai
Mordecai: Ahh! You! I remember you! Sothe! You’re so big now!
Sothe: Mordecai… I have to fight you. Please fight back.
Mordecai: What?! Mordecai does not wish to…
Jill vs Mordecai
Mordecai: Ahh! Jill! It’s been a long time! What? What’s wrong? Why are you sad?
Jill: I’m sorry, Mordecai. I won’t take your life, but I must take you out of this battle. Forgive me.
Mordecai: What? Why? Mordecai does not understand this…
Zihark vs Mordecai
Mordecai: Ah! Zee… Eehark! Hm… Sorry, Mordecai not say your name right. Not yet.
Zihark: What am I doing here? This isn’t right. Tell me this is all a bad dream…
Mordecai: Oh, it’s good to see… Zee-haark? Why are you sad?
Zihark: Mordecai… I’m so sorry…
(Mordecai attacks, but Zihark doesn’t)
Mordecai defeated
Mordecai: Sorry Lethe… I am hurt… I must go back and rest.
(Mordecai retreats)
Others vs Kezhda
Kezhda: Fight on, brothers! Carve a path!
Kezhda defeated
Kezhda: Hrrk…! Even if I fall, you will never break the spirit of the beast tribe! We shall never retreat! This is a fight to the death!
Chapter 7
Reyson talks to Micaiah
Reyson: Micaiah, the Maiden of Dawn … Is that what they call you?
Micaiah: Who are you? Your wings look just like Rafiel’s
Reyson: I am Reyson. My brother told me about you. This is why I’m here. Please pull back your troops. Our enemy is not Daein. This is not your fight. Am I not correct?
Micaiah: I know how you feel… Though I owe a debt to Rafiel, I cannot do what you ask. It’s not that I don’t want to! I think this whole war is madness! But I must keep fighting.
Reyson: Why is that?
Micaiah: This fight is my king’s will. I cannot stop fighting just because I don’t agree with him. If we don’t pull together under our new king, Daein will fall apart again, just as it did before its liberation. I believe in King Pelleas. I believe that our king will lead the people of Daein to happiness
Reyson: …I see. I understand your position. Please accept my apology for asking the impossible
Micaiah: What? What do you mean?
Reyson: You are fighting to protect your beliefs. I understand that now. But remember that we also cannot, and will not, pull back. We both carry a heavy burden. that’s why we’re here.
Micaiah: Yes…
Ilyana approaches Micaiah
Ilyana: Oh…
Micaiah: Ilyana! I remember now… You said that you were a member of the Greil Mercenaries in Ashnard’s War.
Ilyana: Yes.
Micaiah: I’m sorry.
Ilyana: Let’s not do this. Please?
Micaiah: What?
Ilyana: Let’s not fight.
Micaiah: If that means letting the Laguz Alliance get by us, I cannot agree to it.
Ilyana: I see… That’s too bad.
Micaiah: How is everyone in the caravan?
Ilyana: They’re fine.
Micaiah: I’m glad to hear that.
Ilyana: Maybe… we should fight.
Micaiah: What?
Ilyana: We’re enemies now. We can’t stand here and try to have a normal conversation. It’s too strange…
Micaiah: Ilyana…
Ilyana: It’ll be all right. I’m really strong against your spells, and my magic is not powerful enough to defeat you. We’ll be fine.
Micaiah: But if we’re equally matched, why should we fight at all? It sounds… wrong.
Ilyana: Of course it’s wrong! The fact that we’re fighting is all wrong! We don’t even dislike each other!
Micaiah: …
Ilyana: Let’s just fight and pretend like this conversation never took place.
Jill approaches Micaiah
Jill: Lady Micaiah!
Micaiah: Jill…
Jill: Lady Micaiah… I cannot continue to fight for Daein. It’s all gone wrong. I’m here to tell you that… This is good-bye. I must part ways with you.
Micaiah: I… see.
Jill: I am joining the Laguz Alliance. But it’s not because I want to fight the Daein army.
Micaiah: Jill, I don’t understand…
Jill: Please retreat! There is no reason for Daein to get involved in this war. You know that better than anyone, Lady Micaiah! This is madness!
Micaiah: I can’t do that.
Jill: …Very well. I will not give up hope. I’ll stand before you as many times as it takes. I will get you to leave this fight.
Micaiah: Jill…
Zihark approaches Micaiah
Micaiah: Zihark…
Zihark: As you can see, I’m with the Laguz Alliance now. I can’t lie to myself anymore, Micaiah. I’m sorry.
Micaiah: I see…
Zihark: Tell me, Micaiah. Why did Daein become an enemy of the laguz? Daein has a new king now. Why can’t it escape the grip of Begnion?!
Micaiah: I don’t know, Zihark. I wish I did. I’m sorry…
Zihark: No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I know this isn’t your fault. It’s just that… now I wonder if the time I’ve spent fighting to liberate Daein was well spent. It makes me sad.
Micaiah: Will you cut me down?
Zihark: That depends on you, Micaiah. Will you try to kill me?
Micaiah: You are an enemy of Daein now. But… I… How could I? How could I possibly kill you?
Zihark: I feel the same way. I couldn’t possibly hurt you. However, fighting laguz is something I will not do for anyone. Where do we go from here?
Micaiah: I… I don’t know…
Ike vs Micaiah
Micaiah: You’re…
Ike: Hello.
Micaiah: You must be Ike, of the Greil Mercenaries.
Ike: And you’re the Maiden of Dawn, Micaiah?
Micaiah: I feel like I know you already. Maybe it’s because Sothe has told me so much about you.
Ike: I hate to do this to Sothe, but if you stand before me as my enemy, you’ll get no mercy from me.
Micaiah: … Good. I prefer it that way. Prepare yourself!
Soren vs Micaiah
Soren: …Ah, that explains quite a bit about the stories that surround you.
Micaiah: Who are you? You’re… You’re just like me!
Soren: Yes, they call our kind the Branded. As the years pass, I understand better and better how others see us.
Micaiah: You are so… cold. It’s like you’re cloaked in frost. Is there even blood in your veins?
Soren: There is. Blood very similar to yours, in fact. Blood that teaches us what it means to be rejected and alone.
Micaiah: Your heart is frozen, but I feel a warm core trying to melt through that ice. I see… You have someone you cherish very much. Someone you rely on.
Soren: Do not presume to understand me, you ridiculous girl. You have no idea who I am and what I can do. None at all. Daein has no business in this war. I will defeat you swiftly and send you and your army back to Daein.
Micaiah: I finally meet my own kind, and he is an enemy…… I will not retreat. I won’t let you go any further!
vs Micaiah
Micaiah: Just as you have a reason to fight, so do we.
Micaiah defeated (default)
Micaiah: My wounds… They’re nothing! They’re nothing compared to what my people have suffered! We can’t lose! We’ll never give up!
(Micaiah retreats)
Micaiah defeated (unused 1)
Micaiah: []
Jill: []
Micaiah defeated (unused 2)
Micaiah: []
Ilyana: []
Ike approaches Sothe
Sothe: Commander Ike!
Ike: Look at you Sothe. You’ve grown a lot. I almost forgot… You’re originally from Daein.
Sothe: I’m glad you remembered. I hope it helps explain why I’m here.
Ike: Did you find the person you were looking for?
Sothe: Yes. She commands this army.
Ike: The Maiden of Dawn?
Sothe: Please don’t call her by that ridiculous name. Her name is Micaiah.
Ike: I see.
Sothe: Commander, I… I didn’t want to see you like this.
Ike: But you don’t intend to retreat, do you?
Sothe: That’s right.
Ike: Sothe, before you challenge me, you better be ready never to see that girl again. Can you handle that?
Sothe: Wh-what?!
Ike: If you can’t, stay away from me. You’ll get no mercy, despite our past. I’m sorry, Sothe, but the choices we’ve made have brought us to this. There’s no turning back now.
Sothe: I understand, Commander. And to answer your question… Yes, sir, I can handle that. Whenever you’re ready, Commander.
Ike vs Sothe (did not have the above conversation)
Sothe: Commander, we can’t retreat. We have to keep fighting, even if I have to fight you…
Ike: Sothe, you’ve already lost this fight.
Sothe: What do you mean by that?
Ike: You don’t think you can win against me, so you won’t. Going into battle with that kind of doubt, you’ll lose for sure. Just think of me as an enemy soldier to be cut down.
Ilyana vs Sothe
Ilyana: Hello, Sothe…
Sothe: If you’re here with the Greil Mercenaries, does that mean the caravan is with you, too?
Ilyana: Yes. Everyone is back together. Why don’t you join us? You should bring Micaiah, of course. Everyone is worried about you two…
Sothe: I’m sorry, I can’t…
Ilyana: I see… I’m sorry, Sothe.
Jill vs Sothe
Sothe: Jill! What are you doing?!
Jill: I’m sorry. I just don’t believe that Daein is in the right this time. Retreat now, Sothe. Daein has no business getting involved in this war.
Sothe: I can’t do that. Micaiah has made up her mind, and I’ll follow her no matter what. Even if I have to fight you.
Jill: Then I’ll be forced to stop you! Prepare yourself, Sothe!
Zihark vs Sothe
Sothe: I understand. I thought that fighting against the laguz would set you off.
Zihark: I won’t make any excuses. I’m finished with the new Daein.
Sothe: You chose principles over country and comrades. I can’t blame you for that.
Zihark: But these people are my comrades! Look around you, Sothe! These people aren’t your enemies, they’re your friends!
Sothe: Let’s get on with this. I’m with Daein. You’re with the Laguz Alliance. There’s only one thing to do when enemies meet.
Zihark: I won’t go easy on you. I respect you too much for that!
Path of Radiance character
vs Sothe
Sothe: You should run. I’m not the weak child you remember.
Others vs Sothe
Sothe: Give up. You’ll never cross the river, no matter how many times you try.
Sothe defeated
Sothe: Unh… Micaiah, I’m sorry.
Micaiah: Sothe? No! Sothe, please! Hold on, I’m coming over to you!
Sothe: Don’t worry… I won’t die so easily. I’ll stay by your side.
Micaiah: Thank goodness you’re all right! But, Sothe, go back and rest. You can’t fight with a gaping wound like that… Promise me that you’ll go back and get some rest.
Sothe: …Fine.
(Sothe retreats)
Lethe talks to Zihark
Lethe: Zihark!
Zihark: Lethe…
Lethe: You defeated me last time, but this time it’ll be different. Prepare yourself!
Zihark: You won’t surrender?
Lethe: I am a soldier. I will fight to my death.
Zihark: … I knew you’d say that. Then I’m coming with you. I’m at your service, Lethe. Just like old times, yeah?
Lethe: What?! Why?
Zihark: The Daein soldiers call this war “the sub-human hunt.” You know I hate that word. I believed that Daein would change. Or at least I used to. But now… I just can’t stand by. This war is the last straw. I can’t fight for Daein anymore.
Lethe: … You may not have claws, but I think your soul is more laguz than beorc. Welcome to our tribe, Zihark.
(Zihark joins)
Mordecai talks to Zihark
Mordecai: You, I know…
Zihark: Mordecai… I never expected us to meet like this, on opposite sides…
Mordecai: Ah! Zee… eehark! Hm… No, that not it. Sorry, Mordecai says your name not right. Not right yet.
Zihark: But…
Mordecai: Zeehork? Zeeehar-ack? Zi…hark? Ahh! That is good! Zi-hark!
Zihark: Mordecai… Don’t you understand? We’re now–
Mordecai: I know. Mordecai is your friend. Allies we are. It does not matter who we fight for.
Zihark: But–
Mordecai: You have no fang or tail, but you are a beast brother, Zee-hark! Hmm… No. Mordecai forgets again. Sorry.
Zihark: Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it! I’ll go with you. That way, you’ll get my name right in no time.
Mordecai: Ah! Good idea! Mordecai likes this idea.
(Zihark joins)
Ilyana talks to Zihark (with bond support)
Ilyana: Sir Zihark. It’s not too late. Let’s not fight.
Zihark: I can’t do that… Daein has just freed itself. I can’t betray it now.
Ilyana: Even if you have been ordered by Daein to hunt down laguz?
Zihark: I-I just…
Ilyana: But this isn’t you! When I met you, you were so nice, and you never doubted yourself or your friends. You even risked your own life to fight on behalf of the laguz. And now you’re throwing it all away…
Zihark: … Ilyana.
Ilyana: Yes?
Zihark: Thank you. You’ve opened my eyes.
Ilyana: Pardon?
Zihark: I will leave the Daein army. My friends in Daein are dear to me, but I refuse to take part in any “hunt,” or lie to myself any longer.
Ilyana: Oh, Zihark, I’m so glad…
(Zihark joins)
Brom talks to Zihark (with bond support)
Brom: Huh? Well, hey there, Zihark! Long time no see!
Zihark Brom…
Brom: Ah, it sure is great to see ya! You’re looking mighty fine. Seem a bit sad, though.
Zihark: Oh, I’m all right, Brom. How’s the family?
Brom: Oh, they’re doin’ great. We had ourselves some troubles, but Queen Elincia took care of it. Ah, speakin’ of my family! About your engagement to one of my daughters… Have you given it any extra thought? All my daughters are eager to marry. Just say the word, now!
Zihark: What? All of your daughters? You told all of your daughters about me?
Brom: Ah, they’re all such dears! I can’t favor one over the others, can I? So, what do you say? My second daughter is startin’ to look a lot like me! Nice, soft cheeks.
Zihark: Um, well, I thought I was pretty clear on this the last time we went over it…
Brom: She left for Daein to see you. Have you run into her yet? Her name’s Meg. Nice girl. She looks a lot like me.
Zihark: You haven’t changed at all, Brom. You’re still the same good man that I remember from three years ago. I’m really glad I ran into you, Brom. Now I remember what I was fighting for back then. And now I know what I have to do.
Brom: Hm? What’re you goin’ on about, son?
Zihark: I’m leaving the Daein army. My friends in Daein are dear to me, but I refuse to turn my sword against the laguz any longer.
(Zihark joins)
Ike vs Zihark
Zihark: Ike…
Ike: It’s been a while, Zihark. So, you’re with Daein?
Zihark: Yep. This is weird, Ike. I never thought we’d meet again as enemies.
Ike: It’s the nature of being a mercenary. No hard feelings, Zihark. Any chance you could convince the Daein army to retreat?
Zihark: I wish. It’s too complicated right now. Too many politicians playing around.
Ike: I see… I’m not much for politics. All I do is live by my principles, my sword, and my friends. What can I say? I won’t change who I am, even if it means fighting you.
Zihark: That’s fine by me. You’re still the man I knew from the Mad King’s War. It’s about time I also threw away my doubts…
Ilyana vs Zihark
Ilyana: Hello, Sir Zihark.
Zihark: Ilyana… You’re on their side, too?
Ilyana: And you stand with the enemy…
Zihark: I don’t know why, but it feels like you’ve been in my life longer than the others. I couldn’t handle it if you got hurt. Ilyana, please pull back before something awful happens. I beg of you.
Ilyana: Oh, Zihark…
(Ilyana attacks, but Zihark doesn’t)
Lyre or Kyza vs Zihark
Zihark: What am I doing? Why am I helping these bigots in their hunt for laguz?
Ranulf, Ulki or Janaff vs Zihark
Zihark: I use my sword for Daein… But am I really fighting for Daein here? What am I doing…
(Ranulf attacks, but Zihark doesn’t)
Path of Radiance character vs Zihark
Zihark: I’m sorry. I didn’t want us to meet again like this. Forgive me.
Others vs Zihark
Zihark: Please surrender now. I don’t want to kill you needlessly.
Zihark defeated
Zihark: The Greil Mercenaries… They really are here. There’s no way we can win this. Sorry guys. I’m turning back for now. I really suggest you all retreat as well.
(Zihark retreats)
Haar talks to Jill
Jill: Sir Haar! Why are you fighting for these people?!
Haar: Hey, you stole my question! Why are you fighting in the Daein army?
Jill: There was a war to liberate Daein while you were gone. So I joined the army again.
Haar: Well, it looks like you did a good job. Daein has been liberated. So why are you still with the army?
Jill: I can’t just leave! These people are my friends!
Haar: Oh, stop with the sentimental nonsense, Jill. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re fighting your friends, too.
Jill: What about you, then? How did you end up in this fight?
Haar: Well… Somehow, I got mixed up in putting down uprisings in Crimea. And then I ended up with the Laguz Alliance because… you know, being old friends with Ike and all that.
Jill: What?! That is hardly a cause worth fighting for!! You’re unbelievable!
Haar: All right, enough debating. What do you want to do now? Do you want to fight me?
Jill: Of course not! I could never…
Haar: Then join me.
Jill: Easy for you to say!
Haar: You’re full of doubt. How do you live like that all the time? Is that how your father wanted you to live? Afraid to trust your own instincts?
Jill: But…
Haar: Daein has no business in this war. You know that, right?
Jill: But… what about my comrades? What about my friends?
Haar: Is dying how you show loyalty? If you’re really their friend, then fight alongside us! Maybe that will get them to think about what they’re doing.
Jill: Oh, Captain…
Haar: Come with me, Jill. We both know that we should follow our hearts, even if it makes us traitors. We know that better than anyone. For the sake of your father, live your life without shame.
Jill: Y-you’re right, Captain Haar! I’ve been so foolish. Just as before. I would be proud to serve with you. And… Captain Haar? Thank you. Thank you so much.
(Jill joins)
Mist talks to Jill (with bond support)
Mist: Jill! I can’t believe it! It is you!
Jill: Oh, Mist…
Mist: I’m so glad to see you!
Jill: Wh-what?
Mist: Well, I was wondering about what to do if I saw you here with the Daein army. I had it all worked out, you see? And, well, here you are! It’s great!
Jill: Mist. We’re enemies now.
Mist: No, you have to listen, Jill. Let’s not fight. There’s a really easy solution to this whole mess!
Jill: But… what?
Mist: Just listen! It’s so simple! Since Daein shouldn’t be in this war, they shouldn’t be here right now, right? And you and I are friends, right? So we can each pretend that the other one of us isn’t here! Isn’t that great?
Jill: Mist, that makes absolutely no sense. Besides, that’s no the issue here! You’re a mercenary. You know how th–
Mist: We’re not fighting. That’s final.
Jill: Mist?!
Mist: Jill, you’d never turn your weapon against me. I just know it. I trust you, because you’re my friend.
Jill: Oh, Mist… All right, that’s it. I’ve had enough of this.
Mist: Jill?
Jill: You made my last doubts fade away. I’ve made my decision. I’m not fighting in the Daein army anymore. I’m joining back up with you.
Mist: Jill! I knew you’d come around!
Jill: I feel bad for my comrades in Daein, but I’m going to stand by what I believe. I will not be ashamed anymore.
Mist: That’s the Jill I know and love!
Jill: Thank you, Mist!
(Jill joins)
Ike vs Jill
Ike: Jill? You’re back with the Daein army?
Jill: I know I owe you all so much… And Mist would grieve if you fell. But I cannot retreat. I must stand my ground!
Ike: Fine. Do what you have to do. Since neither side can retreat, we will fight. And Jill… I’m sorry it came to all this.
Jill: …I am too, Commander Ike. Are you ready?
Ilyana vs Jill
Jill: Ilyana? You’re with the Laguz Alliance? No, I mean the Greil Mercenaries?
Ilyana: Yes. Muston and the others are with me, too.
Jill: I see… We fought together in Ashnard’s War, and in the war to liberate Daein. We didn’t spend much time together, but you were a trustworthy comrade.
Ilyana: Thank you… I wonder why we’re here. Why is Daein attacking us?
Jill: I don’t know. The occupation soldiers left Daein. But Daein still cannot refuse a request from Begnion. Liberation was only a dream.
Ilyana: Yet you continue to stay with the Daein army? Why do you do that to yourself?
Jill: Because I can’t abandon my comrades.
(Ilyana attacks, but Jill doesn’t)
Lethe vs Jill
Lethe: Jill! We’re crossing the river this time!
Jill: I’m sorry, Lethe. I have to fight. I will do anything for my country…
Path of Radiance character vs Jill
Jill: My friends… It grieves me to meet again under these circumstances.
Others vs Jill
Jill: Resistance is useless! Surrender now! The Daein army will never let you through!
Jill defeated
Jill: They’re so strong… Even stronger than three years ago. Lady Micaiah, I apologize. I must head back for now.
(Jill retreats)
Ike vs Black Knight
Ike: So, you are alive. Somehow, I knew it wasn’t over yet.
Black Knight: Of course it wasn’t over. You were a boy trying to live up to the memory of the greatest swordsman in history.
Ike: And yet, I was the one who walked out of the castle that day.
Black Knight: You have your father to thank for that. When you told me that he had crippled himself, I realized that I had never fought him at all, merely his shadow.
Ike: What are you getting at?
Black Knight: I saw immediately that you were not your father’s equal, but that one day you might be. So I did the only thing I could to keep you alive… I let you win.
Ike: …You did, didn’t you? I’ve relived that fight so many times… How could I not have seen it before?
Black Knight: You were not yet capable of seeing it. But I had to let you live, so that you could continue to train and perhaps one day be worthy of Gawain’s legacy. My armor’s blessing is gone, let us see if that day is today.
Ike: I promise you that it will be. Begin.
Ranulf vs Black Knight
Ranulf: Oh, I thought I smelled you earlier. We just have to stop meeting like this.
Black Knight: …
Ranulf: Back in Gallia, in Crimea… We just ran into each other recently, too. I don’t know about the others, but I can tell who you are. You have one heck of a stench.
Black Knight: …Enough talk. Prepare yourself.
Ranulf: Still won’t own up, huh? Fine. If that’s the case, I’ll just tear your mask off and show everyone myself!
Others vs Black Knight
Black Knight: Stand aside. You are no match for me.
Black Knight defeated by Ike
Black Knight: Impressive. You have indeed begun to walk in Gawain’s footsteps.
Ike: Do you admit defeat, then?
Black Knight: No, but I have finished taking your measure. You have made great progress, but still fall short.
Ike: The next time we meet, it will be for the last time. I will avenge my father!
Black Knight: Continue to train, Ike, son of Gawain. We will meet again.
(Black Knight retreats)
Black Knight defeated by others
Black Knight: Impossible… I’ve been defeated?
Micaiah: Sir Knight!
Black Knight: Do not be alarmed, my maiden. I won’t die so easily…
Micaiah: I’ll heal you right now.
Black Knight: That won’t be necessary, though I am afraid I must retreat. I apologize, my maiden. I will pay back the debt another time.
(Black Knight retreats)
Micaiah: …Please be safe.
Brom talks to Meg
Brom: Meg? Is it you, sweetie?
Meg: Daddy… Daddy!
Brom: There, there. Don’t cry, darlin’. I’m just glad you’re safe! What a mess we’re in, huh? But, that’s war, I reckon. In any case… There’s no way I could ever fight my own daughter. You run along now.
Zihark talks to Meg
Zihark: Meg.
Meg: Sir Zihark? Wh-what’s wrong? What’s going on?
Zihark: I’m sorry, but I’m joining up with the alliance. I don’t want to betray you, but I can’t fight for Daein any longer.
Meg: No! Wh-what are you saying?
Zihark: I know this is a horrible thing for me to say, but listen. Please leave the battlefield. I don’t want to see you get hurt.
Meg: Sir Zihark! But… you can’t leave me here alone!
Zihark: I wanted to tell you that. I have to go. I’m so sorry, Meg…
Meg: Sir… Zihark…
Meg defeated
Meg: Oww! Sorry, y’all. I’m turnin’ back for now.
(Meg retreats)
Edward defeated
Edward: Ugh…! My ribs… Sorry, Micaiah. I’ve gotta fall back!
(Edward retreats)
Leonardo defeated
Leonardo: We’re totally outclassed in this battle. This is insane. Micaiah, I’m sorry. I have to turn back for now…
(Leonardo retreats)
Nolan defeated
Nolan: Blast! They’re better than I expected! I’m sorry, Micaiah. I need to turn back for a while.
(Nolan retreats)
Laura defeated
Laura: Oh no, is this… blood? I’m sorry, Lady Micaiah. I must heal my wounds.
(Laura retreats)
Aran defeated
Aran: Be careful! They’re much stronger than any of the foes we’ve encountered! They defeated me, as well… I’m falling back temporarily.
(Aran retreats)
Fiona defeated
Fiona: Most impressive! I cannot fight with a wound like this. I’ll be back shortly…
(Fiona retreats)
Chapter 8
Ike vs Septimus
Septimus: Wh-Who are you?!
Ike: Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. You don’t look too good. Maybe you should just leave…
Septimus: Wait a moment… HAH! Look everyone! Look at this one! He’s not a beast! Oh, thank the goddess! Victory is nigh!
Ike: So… Chasing us into these caves wasn’t the plum assignment that all the best generals wanted, huh?
Septimus: How DARE you! Take my spear, knave!
Laguz vs Septimus
Septimus: AHHH! Th-they’re here! Th-th-the sub-humans! The mongrels are here! They want to consume me!
Others vs Septimus
Septimus: They told me that the enemy would be burnt by the time I reached them. The only thing I’d have to do was carry their dead bodies back as proof… It’s just my luck that the enemy is alive and well! Why does this always happen to me?
Septimus defeated
Septimus: I-I knew it… I knew I would end up like this…
Chapter 9
Geoffrey vs Roark
Geoffrey: I am Geoffrey, the commander of the Crimean Royal Knights! Do you command these men?
Roark: Knight of Crimea . You are clearly guilty of treason against the Begnion Empire! Do you understand what it means to send an army against us? You’ve just killed your people.
Geoffrey: You have been warned. Queen Elincia will not accept any further acts of violence and banditry within our borders! Withdraw your troops immediately, or I cannot guarantee your safe return! Decide quickly.
Roark: How dare you take that tone with me! I’ll put you in your place!
Others vs Roark
Roark: Dog of Crimea! I’ll crush you!
Roark defeated
Roark: The empire will not forget this… Once our main forces arrive, they will slaughter you like cattle!
Chapter 10
Ike vs Sergei
Sergei: We are under the direct orders of senator Valtome! His words carry the weight of the entire Senate! Mercenaries! You know how war works. You know that Begnion can pay?br>
Ike: Save your breath. The Greil Mercenaries choose our employers. All the wealth in the Senate couldn’t buy us. Lay down your bow and surrender.
Sergei: What?! Wretched fool! You’ll rot in the ground next to that treacherous girl.
Others vs Sergei
Sergei: Fools! How dare you fight my master? He is Senator Valtome, duke of Culbert! Die in his name!
Sergei defeated
Sergei: S-Senator Valtome…
Chapter 11
Ike vs Goran
Goran: Your troops fought bravely, I commend your effort.
Ike: But your force has been obliterated. I order you to retreat. Continue this fight and you will die.
Goran: Fool, the battle is not over yet! The Maiden of Dawn has helped us overcome every adversity?br>
Others vs Goran
Goran: Followers of the false apostle! Bow down to the miracles of our savior! As long as the Maiden of Dawn watches over us, we cannot be defeated!
Goran defeated
Goran: My death means nothing… The Maiden of Dawn…will bring victory…to Daein
Chapter 12
Micaiah vs Sigrun
Sigrun: You are Daein’s Maiden of Dawn? Your reputation is known across the face of Tellius. They say you are the savior who rescued the people of Daein from the empire’s oppression. I see now that their stories were false. Daein remains a simple puppet.
Micaiah: I am not here to talk, I am here to fight. This is Daein’s only chance of survival.
Sothe vs Sigrun
Sothe: I knew I’d run into you. You never leave the apostle’s side.
Sigrun: You… You used to travel with the Greil Mercenaries.
Sothe: Used to. Not anymore. I’m a member of the Daein army now.
Sigrun: Does Sir Ike know about this?
Sothe: It doesn’t matter. I’m my own person.
Sigrun: You’re right, it doesn’t matter. If you are after the apostle, you are my enemy. Prepare to meet the goddess.
Jill vs Sigrun
Sigrun: If I may ask… Are you not Lord Fizzart’s daughter?
Jill: How did you know?
Sigrun: I am Sigrun of the Holy Guards. Have you not heard my name from Haar?
Jill: Yes, I remember… You were the one who negotiated to let my father’s men and their families stay in Begnion.
Sigrun: That’s right.
Jill: …I’m so sorry. I’m sorry we have to meet under these circumstances.
Sigrun: Lady Jill… It’s not too late. Would you please withdraw?
Jill: No… I can’t. I know that this mission is terrible. Even so, I cannot abandon my comrades or my country.
Sigrun: I see… Very well. I shall remember your conviction when the battle is done.
Zihark vs Sigrun
Sigrun: I remember you… You used to travel with the Greil Mercenaries. Why are you fighting us?
Zihark: I couldn’t abandon the people of my homeland.
Sigrun: I see… You are from Daein. Then there is no way for us to avoid this confrontation?
Zihark: I’m afraid not. Just like you want to protect your own country, I want to protect mine.
Sigrun: … I am sorry to hear that.
Others vs Sigrun
Sigrun: Fear is our greatest enemy! Defend the apostle with your lives!
Sigrun defeated
Sigrun: Nnngh… I must not… falter…
Sanaki: Sigrun! Pull back! Get out of here right now!
Sigrun: No, Apostle Sanaki. I shall fight until my last breath! I won’t leave your side until… you are safe.
Sanaki: Sigrun!
(Sigrun retreats)
Micaiah vs Kieran
Kieran: I am Kieran of the Crimean Royal Knights! Prepare yourselves, evildoers of Daein!
Micaiah: I don’t care what you say. This is our only choice! We can’t stop fighting!
Sothe vs Kieran
Kieran: You! You used to travel with the Greil Mercenaries!
Sothe: Wait, I know you… Crimea’s Royal Knights, Fifth Platoon leader…
Kieran: I am the second commander of the Royal Knights now!
Sothe: Ah, you did well for yourself. Are you still travelling with Oscar?
Kieran: Yes, he’s my archrival!
Sothe: Um, what’s your name again?
Kieran: It’s Kieran! How dare you forget my name!
Sothe: Oh, right, now I’ve got it. I hated the way you’d announce your name in the middle of the battlefield. That was annoying.
Kieran: And now you insult me! Even though we know each other, I will not go easy on you! You are my enemy now! This is your last chance to run. I’ll give you to the count of three! One… Two… Three…
Sothe: Hey now, don’t get mad. Other than the announcing thing, you were all right. But I have to fight. Prepare yourself!
Jill vs Kieran
Kieran: Dracoknight Jill! Why did you return to the Daein army?!
Jill: I…
Kieran: Last time we fought together, you betrayed your heartless homeland to fight on Crimea’s side! You used to know how to tell right from wrong! What happened?
Jill: Sir Kieran…
Kieran: Why do you look so sad? It isn’t like you! Come, join us in righteousness!
Jill: I truly envy you. You fight with pride and loyalty in your heart. I wish I could do the same, these days…
Zihark vs Kieran
Kieran: Zihark! What are you doing in the Daein army?!
Zihark: I couldn’t abandon the people of my homeland.
Kieran: You are originally from Daein?
Zihark: That’s right. I want to protect my country, just like you want to protect yours. That’s why I fight for the Daein army.
Kieran: I am sorry to hear that… I will not go easy on you just because we know each other.
Zihark: Thanks, Kieran. I prefer it that way.
Others vs Kieran
Kieran: Lying in wait for your enemies! What a dirty trick!
Kieran defeated
Kieran: Ugh… Aargh! We will pull back temporarily! I’m not fool enough to let my men die meaninglessly!
(Kieran retreats)
Sothe vs Tanith
Tanith: Sothe. How you’ve grown. I didn’t recognize you at first.
Sothe: … You haven’t changed much.
Tanith: I don’t understand why you are with the Daein army, but it doesn’t matter. All I need to know is that you stand before me. Are you my enemy, then? Or is this some kind of mistake?
Sothe: It’s no mistake. I’m your enemy. And I’m prepared to fight.
Tanith: Then this conversation is useless. Have at you!
Jill vs Tanith
Tanith: Jill! Why does Daein continue to fight us? Does the Maiden of Dawn hunger for blood? Or is she a warmongering fool who doesn’t listen to reason?
Jill: She is none of those things! Lady Micaiah fights for the people of Daein!
Tanith: For the people, you say? Look around you, naive girl! Is all this death for the people?!
Jill: I-I can’t explain! We don’t have any choice in the matter!
Tanith: Fools! You merely assume that you have no choice!
Zihark vs Tanith
Tanith: You used to fight alongside the Greil Mercenaries! You now fight for Daein? But General Ike is on our si–
Zihark: Yes, I’m aware of that. Even so, I can’t pull out of this fight.
Tanith: Then you are the apostle’s enemy! Prepare to die.
Others vs Tanith
Tanith: Come to me, you dogs. Whatever might you think you possess pales to that of the Holy Guard.
Tanith defeated
Tanith: Ugh! I must… protect the apostle! I am a Holy Guard! It is my duty…
Sanaki: Tanith! Stop fighting! You must not throw your life away!
Tanith: I cannot fight any longer… but I can become your shield. I will not let the enemy harm you. Not even a scratch.
Sanaki: Tanith…
(Tanith retreats)
Chapter 13
Micaiah vs Ike
Ike: Micaiah, we have to talk. This is insane.
Micaiah: What’s insane about a people fighting for their country?
Ike: There’s got to be something we can do! Let us help, please!
Micaiah: Why would you want to help us, after everything we’ve done? No, after everything I’ve done…
Ike: We know you don’t want this fight. Isn’t there any way for us to avoid it?
Micaiah: …No. No, I’m afraid there isn’t.
Ike: Just talk to me! We can find a way!
Micaiah: You don’t understand. We can’t stop. I’m sorry, but I can’t explain it more clearly than that.
Ike: Micaiah, I don’t want you to die. I don’t want all of your soldiers to die. You have to let me help you.
Micaiah: Ike… Now I see it. Now it makes sense.
Ike: What makes sense?
Micaiah: Sothe always spoke so highly of you. Now I know the reason. You truly are a good person. It’s a shame…
Ike: Why is that a shame?
Micaiah: Because it makes what I have to do even harder. Please prepare yourself. Let’s put an end to this.
Ike: As you wish. Good-bye, Micaiah.
Micaiah: (The light of life! Shine a ray upon my path and) …strike my enemy!
Sothe vs Ike
Sothe: Commander Ike…
Ike: Are you prepared this time, Sothe? Are you really sure about this?
Sothe: Yes. Our battle has no justice. There is no victory in this war. Only pointless killing. But this is the path I’ve chosen.
Ike: Then stick to your chosen path. I’ll strike you down with one blow. That’s the least I can do for you.
Sothe: …Thank you, Commander.
vs Ike
Ike: Why would you seek me out? I won’t have any mercy on my enemies. That goes for former allies, too!
Ike defeated
Ike: They’re holding out longer than I expected.
Titania: Ike! Our forces on the western wall broke through the Daein defenses! They’re requesting reinforcements. We should move our forces to the breach.
Ike: All right. I just hope we’re able to keep Micaiah from doing anything rash. All units, to the western wall!
(Battle ends)
Micaiah vs Soren
Soren: Our last battle, in the valley. Was that your strategy?
Micaiah: …
Soren: That was impressive. You killed thousands of beorc soldiers with your little ambush. Well done.
Micaiah: I…
Soren: The Maiden of Dawn… What are you? One of the Branded, that’s for sure. But there is something else about you… Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power.
Micaiah: Yes, and you would know. There’s something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so…ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common.
Soren: That doesn’t matter in the slightest. The only thing that does matter is that you are a dangerous adversary. You are also in Ike’s path, so it falls to me to remove you. It’s almost a shame. Farewell, Maiden of Dawn.
Micaiah: So, you fight for someone, as well. So very much alike… But I will defeat you. I will protect the ones I love!
Soren defeated
Soren: …Ugh… What a terrible place… to die…
Ike: Soren, retreat!
Soren: But, Ike…
Ike: Aren’t you supposed to be my strategist? Use your head! I need your help.
Soren: …I see. As you command…
(Soren retreats)
Sothe vs Path of Radiance character
Sothe: Get ready. Even if I have to fight my old friends, I won’t stop until I die!
Jill vs Mist
Mist: Jill! Why? Why are you doing this?!
Jill: I’m sorry, Mist. There’s no way we can turn back now.
Mist: But, Jill…
Jill: Mist…run. I won’t be expected to kill you if you just turn and run!
Mist defeated
Mist: Oww! Hey, that hurts! Sorry, Ike. I’m going to pull back.
(Mist retreats)
Titania defeated
Titania: Ugh… They got me…
Ike: Titania! Retreat and don’t exert yourself. We wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t here. We need you.
Titania: Ah, I understand, Ike. … You’ve… grown to become a legend… Greil… are you watching? Be proud of your son.
(Titania retreats)
Ranulf defeated
Ranulf: Arg! Like being hit… with a mountain…
Tibarn: Ranulf! Enough! Get back! I can’t let you die! What would I tell King Caineghis and Skrimir?
Ranulf: …I’m sorry, King Tibarn…
(Ranulf retreats)
Boyd defeated
Boyd: Ugh! They hit me good. I hate to say it, but I have to pull back!
(Boyd retreats)
Oscar defeated
Oscar: The enemy uses good tactics. Sorry, Ike. I’m pulling back for now.
(Oscar retreats)
Shinon defeated
Shinon: Why do these softheads keep fighting?! There’s no chance they’ll ever win this battle! I’m pulling back for now. I’m not wasting my arrows on these fools!
(Shinon retreats)
Gatrie defeated
Gatrie: Ugh! Hey, you’re pretty good! Better than I expected, honestly. Ike, I’m pulling back.
(Gatrie retreats)
Rolf defeated
Rolf: I… I guess it’s over…
(Rolf retreats)
Rhys defeated
Rhys: Ugh! That’s it for me… I’m pulling back now, everyone.
(Rhys retreats)
Mia defeated
Mia: They’re strong! I can’t defeat them! But I’ll be stronger tomorrow, and then we’ll see who wins!
(Mia retreats)
Final Chapter
Zihark talks to Micaiah
Zihark: Micaiah! Pull back your troops! We don’t want to fight you. There’s got to be a way to stop all this!
Micaiah: I can’t, and there isn’t. We have to keep fighting. Until the last of us falls, we have no choice.
Zihark: What’s happened to you all?! Why get yourselves into such a hopeless war? Why did you do those horrible things in the valley? I know all of this must have a reason! Please tell me… Tell me how my country lost its soul.
Micaiah: I’ve nothing to say to you.
Zihark: I see. No words to waste on a deserter like me, is that it? I’m sorry I wasted your time.
Micaiah: Zihark–
Zihark: No, please… Just know that I could never draw steel against you. Good-bye, Micaiah.
Micaiah: I… I’m so sorry, Zihark. I can’t get you involved in this, too.
Jill talks to Micaiah
Jill: Lady Micaiah! Why do you insist on continuing this fight?!
Micaiah: Jill…
Jill: Even now, Daein blood spills on the battlefield. You must stop this! There must be another way!
Micaiah: I can’t, and there isn’t. We have to keep fighting. Until the last of us falls, we have no choice.
Jill: Please! Listen to what I’m–
Micaiah: Apostle’s dracoknight. Leave here immediately. I warn you only once. Next time, I will attack!
Jill: Lady Micaiah! Please, I beg of you! Lady Micaiah!
Reyson talks to Micaiah
Reyson: The Maiden of Dawn… Lady Micaiah. I would speak with you. You are not an evil person. I already know that.
Micaiah: …
Reyson: That is why I am puzzled. Why do you continue to fight? Would you have your country destroyed like this?
Micaiah: …
Reyson: Please, say something. You have the power to end all of this violence. Say the word, I beg you!
Micaiah: Please go. The people of the Serenes are not safe from the chaos set loose upon us. This place isn’t safe for you. Take Rafiel with you and leave the battlefield as soon as you can.
Reyson: That’s all you have to say? Your men die all around you, while you stand here giving me orders? So be it.
Ike vs Micaiah
Micaiah: I can hear it… It’s very close…
Ike: Hey, what’s wrong with you? You don’t look well…
Micaiah: …What? Oh, um… I’m fine.
Ike: Are you? How much good can you do your men if you can hardly see straight? Pull your troops back, Micaiah.
Micaiah: …There’s no need. I will stay here with everyone else and fight to the end!
Ike: You’re very brave, Micaiah, but sometimes bravery isn’t enough to win the battle.
Others vs Micaiah
Micaiah: What’s that? Who’s talking?
Micaiah defeated
Micaiah: Ungh…
Sothe: Micaiah! Micaiah, are you all right?!
Micaiah: So… Sothe…
Sothe: Can you hear me? Then let’s pull back! You’re in no condition to fight!
Micaiah: …
(Micaiah retreats)
Ike vs Sothe
Ike: Good-bye, Sothe.
Sothe: Commander.
Astrid vs Sothe
Astrid: Oh… It’s you, Sothe. I’d sincerely hoped we wouldn’t meet like this.
Sothe: Me too, Astrid.
Astrid: I knew you were with the Daein army, but I hoped that, if I didn’t see you, I could pretend it wasn’t true. Now, however, I’m glad I saw you. How you have grown. You look like a true soldier now.
Sothe: …I’m not the only one who’s grown. You look every bit the true knight now, Astrid.
Astrid: You really think so? Thank you, Sothe. That means a lot to me.
Sothe: I know the answer, but I still have to ask. Will you pull back? We don’t really have to do this, do we?
Astrid: I was about to ask you the same thing. I don’t want to fight you, Sothe. Please fall back.
Sothe: …I thought as much. Let’s get started. I’m sorry, Astrid.
Astrid: I am sorry as well, Sothe.
Ilyana vs Sothe
Ilyana: Hello, Sothe. Shall we get started?
Sothe: Uh, I thought you’d hesitate to fight me. I’m… a little surprised.
Ilyana: You’ve made your choice, Sothe, and I’ve made mine. It’s really that simple, isn’t it? Anyway, I’m starving. If I don’t eat something soon, I think I’ll pass out…
Sothe: Well, we can’t have that. Ready when you are, Ilyana.
Jill vs Sothe
Jill: Sothe, I–
Sothe: Let’s cut the small talk, Jill. We both fight for the side we believe in. There’s no point in talking things over. Let’s finish this.
Jill: You’re right… Let’s just get past this.
Zihark vs Sothe
Sothe: I’ll forget about our time together during the Mad King’s War and the Daein Emancipation. You should do the same. We should fight without reservation and without sentiment.
Zihark: I agree, Sothe. I do hope you survive, for Micaiah’s sake. But you’ll have to defeat me first.
Path of Radiance character vs Sothe
Sothe: I know we’re not enemies, but I must fight. I will not explain it further.
Others vs Sothe
Sothe: I’m sorry, but I can’t stop now. Winning is the only way we’ll survive this.
Sothe defeated
Sothe: They just keep coming at us… We have to pull back. We’ll regroup and strike them again later.
(Sothe retreats)
Zihark talks to Tauroneo
Zihark: General Tauroneo! Finally, I found you! Please, tell me what happened to Daein! Why are you fighting?
Tauroneo: There is nothing to say. We have parted ways. That is all.
Zihark: What are you trying to hide?! Daein has now committed atrocities on par with those committed by Ashnard! I want to know why you’d continue to fight a war like this!
Tauroneo: And I say that there is no need for you to know. Mercenary Zihark, return to your allies in the apostle’s army.
Zihark: I will find out what’s going on here! If my country can’t save itself, then I’LL save it! But I’ll never raise my sword against you. Good-bye for now, General. I hope our next meeting goes better.
Tauroneo: …Forgive me.
Jill talks to Tauroneo
Jill: General Tauroneo!
Tauroneo: Jill… I will tell you one thing. I do not blame you for leaving Daein. You must live by your own beliefs. That is what your father would have wanted.
Jill: But–
Tauroneo: I must live by my principles as well. You cannot convince me to betray my king and countrymen. I have done so once in the past, but that was long ago. Now, I intend to fight for my country to the end.
Jill: I understand… General.
Ike vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: General Ike, of the apostle’s army! I challenge you to a duel!
Ike: …All right.
Tauroneo: I see so much of him in you… your stance, your spirit, the expression on your face… You remind me so much of Gawain. Let’s see if your swordsmanship matches your father’s!
Ike: Test me. You knew my father well. Tell me how I measure up.
Rolf vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: Rolf? Is that you? How you’ve grown. Kids always grow up so fast.
Rolf: General Tauroneo… You’re still fighting in the Daein army? Let’s not do this. No matter how strong you are, Daein can’t win this war, and I don’t wanna hurt you.
Tauroneo: You’re right, Rolf. Daein can’t win. In most ways, we’ve already lost everything. But I must fight on. Rolf, you stand on the battlefield as a man now. I won’t hold back. You shouldn’t either. Show me what you’ve learned in the last three years.
Rolf: OK, General, if you really wanna. But, just to tell you… Uncle Shinon’s been teaching me, so this might sting…
Calill vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: Is that you, Calill? You look well! I heard you married Largo and opened a pub. How is Largo these days?
Calill: That fool went and lost his arm in an accident. No more fighting for him, that’s for sure.
Tauroneo: Oh! Well, uh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Calill: Oh, but he’s doing fine otherwise. A tough one, that man. Our business is doing great, and he’s married to the best woman in the world! That’s worth an arm or two, I’d say.
Tauroneo: Indeed. I’m glad you two are happy.
Calill: How about you, General? I told Largo that I’d visit you in Daein and see how you were doing.
Tauroneo: Me? I just… I only wish to meet a glorious end on the battlefield, fit for a general of Daein.
Calill: Mmm-hmm. Men are so full of it. I mean, honestly, are you even listening to how stupid that sounds?
Tauroneo: Wh-what do you mean–
Calill: What I mean is that you’re stupid. You have people who care for you on both sides of this suicidal battle. And here you are, in the thick of things, looking to throw your life away! You selfish fool! Looks like I’ll have to do this myself. I’m taking you back with me, General. The hard way.
Tauroneo: You have an interesting way of making your point.
Ilyana vs Tauroneo
Ilyana: …Sigh.
Tauroneo: Taking a break on the battlefield? Things don’t seem to rattle you, Ilyana.
Ilyana: I’m not taking a break. I’m just sad I have to fight against you, General. Well, that, and I’m really, really hungry right now…
Tauroneo: I should’ve known. Let’s get this over with so you can get back and have something to eat.
Ilyana: …General Tauroneo, I hope we can meet again under different circumstances.
Tauroneo: I hope so as well, Ilyana. We’ll have to see what happens.
Zihark vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: What a strange twist of fate that we would end up facing off against one another.
Zihark: Agreed. It seems that fate is cruel in lots of ways lately.
Tauroneo: Daein owes you, Zihark. Your efforts liberated our country. For that, you will always have our thanks. However, Daein cannot retreat from this war. We may face old friends as our enemies, but we cannot stop.
Zihark: …
Tauroneo: I will not apologize for this war, and I cannot explain it to you. You should do what you must. We are two soldiers now, facing off against each other on the battlefield.
Zihark: …Very well. I hope we’ll get to talk more about this later, General.
(Tauroneo attacks, Zihark does not)
Jill vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: Jill…
Jill: General Tauroneo…
Tauroneo: How tragic that we meet again as enemies. It was hard enough for me the first time.
Jill: I’m sorry… I–
Tauroneo: Raise your head. Stand tall.
Jill: …
Tauroneo: If you haven’t done anything to disgrace your family’s name, do not cast your eyes away from anyone.
Jill: I have not disgraced anything. I joined this army so I could avoid that.
Tauroneo: I know Jill. I’m envious of you. But this is the only way it can end.
(Tauroneo attacks, Jill does not)
Path of Radiance character
vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: Ah, so we meet again. I won’t have mercy on you!
Others vs Tauroneo
Tauroneo: I am Tauroneo, a general of Daein!
Tauroneo defeated
Tauroneo: As I expected. They’re too strong… We’ll need more drastic methods… And this injury is too deep… I have to retreat.
Ike vs Nailah
Ike: Hold on a second! When did you decide to side with them?
Nailah: I spoke to Micaiah. She made me see her side of the conflict. Besides, she needed the extra help.
Ike: She must be an amazing talker. What did she say?
Nailah: I could tell you, but you wouldn’t really understand. The situation is quite complicated. But Daein has no way out. One side or the other will be sacrificed.
Ike: Queen Nailah…
Nailah: Don’t worry your pretty head about it, beorc hero. You and I are warriors–you of the sword and I of the fang. We understand what to do now.
Ike: Are you…enjoying yourself?
Nailah: If we can’t avoid fighting, we might as well enjoy it, agreed? Besides, I’ve been curious about your swordsmanship. You seem strong, for a beorc. Show me what you can do.
Ike: How could I say no to that? Ready when you are, Your Majesty.
Ranulf vs Nailah
Nailah: Hm. I’d always assumed that you cats were weak, but I was wrong. I’ve been watching you fight this battle. You’re really very good.
Ranulf: Queen Nailah, while I’m honored to receive praise from you, I’d really rather not fight you. I think I’d much rather run away with my tail tucked firmly between my legs, to be honest.
Nailah: Don’t be so modest, Ranulf. You’ll be a good challenge, I’m sure, and those are rare for me. Ready?
Ranulf: Thrown around by Skrimir, cornered by General Zelgius, and now this. Can someone tell me why I always seem to pull the short straw?
Tibarn vs Nailah
Nailah: …I must confess, I’ve wanted this since I first laid eyes on you. I can hardly hold myself back right now.
Tibarn: Lady, the feeling is mutual. Why do you think I winged my way over here? It looks to me like we can have a nice, private time right here. No interruptions. Just you and me.
Nailah: Hawk King Tibarn. I think that a few more scars on your face will complete that rugged look you’re going for.
Tibarn: For a beautiful woman like you, I’ll gladly offer my head. Of course you’ll have to bring me down to the ground first.
Nailah: Challenge accepted. I think you’ll regret it once I add your feathers to my necklace, though. Oh, and let’s not tell Rafiel about this, agreed? He wouldn’t understand these urges of ours.
Skrimir vs Nailah
Nailah: Ah, the lion prince! You’ll give me the challenge I’m craving, won’t you? I’m having trouble finding decent enemies.
Skrimir: Gladly, Queen Nailah. I’ve wanted to fight a wolf ever since I heard the legends of your people as a cub. Let me show you why I am the heir to the lion king. You’d better hope you eastern laguz heal as well as we do.
Ilyana vs Nailah
Ilyana: Wolf Queen…
Nailah: Ilyana. I am not familiar with beorc magic. You might actually stand a chance, if you strike quickly.
Ilyana: Um, OK… But… Queen Nailah? Would you promise me something? If we both live through this, will you take me for some good Hatari cooking?
Zihark vs Nailah
Nailah: Zihark… You used to fight for Micaiah.
Zihark: Queen Nailah. Do you fight for Daein now?
Nailah: Well, let’s say I’ve replaced some of the deserters.
Zihark: That’s right, I’m a deserter. I don’t have to defend my decision. I made the right choice.
Nailah: Zihark, I don’t care. These are beorc problems. What I’m interested in is you and your blade. Shall we get started? I remember you as a skilled swordsman. I’m excited to see your work up close.
Zihark: I don’t know if my blade can match your jaws, Queen Nailah, but I’m honored to face you. At your ready.
Jill vs Nailah
Jill: Queen Nailah! You’re fighting for Daein now?
Nailah: To tell you the truth, I’m interested in fighting you, Jill. An armed beorc trained to fight from the back of a wyvern… Now, that’s what I call a challenge!
Jill: Very well, Queen Nailah. I don’t know why you’ve switched sides, but if it’s a fight you want, you’ve found one!
Laguz vs Nailah
Nailah: The laguz of the west. I’ve been itching to test your mettle.
Others vs Nailah
Nailah: Being outnumbered isn’t such a bad thing. At the very least, I’ll get a good workout.
Nailah defeated
Nailah: … Maybe… I should not have been so cocky…
Rafiel: Queen?!
Nailah: Stop squawking, Rafiel, I’ll be all right. … It makes me happy that you worry for me as you do. But I’ll have to retreat for now.
(Nailah retreats)
Zihark talks to Pelleas
Zihark: King Pelleas. Would you please listen to what I have to say?
Pelleas: Zihark. What is there to talk about? You’ve deserted your country and your people.
Zihark: I just don’t understand. I thought I knew you. You are a good, kind man. Why do you continue to fight for those bloodsucking senators?
Pelleas: I don’t want to talk about it.
Zihark: Your Majesty…
Pelleas: It doesn’t concern you anymore. You’ve abandoned Daein–and us. If you want to stop us, use your sword–not words.
Zihark: My sword and my allegiance do lie elsewhere now, it’s true. But I am not without honor. I will not draw my sword against the man I call my king, no matter what.
Pelleas: …I’m sorry, Zihark. At least you’ll be spared from the curse of the pact.
Jill talks to Pelleas
Jill: King Pelleas! Please wait. I must talk to you.
Pelleas: Jill. I’m afraid I have nothing to say to you. You abandoned your own country.
Jill: No, I… Yes, I suppose that’s true. I just couldn’t understand why we would bow to the empire, after fighting so hard to free ourselves from their grasp! Why are you fighting an army that isn’t even an enemy of Daein?
Pelleas: You don’t need to understand.
Jill: King Pelleas…
Pelleas: Jill, you do what you think is best for you. Go your own way. But don’t return to Daein. Ever.
Jill: But I can’t do that! In the end, I am a native of Daein. This is where the body of my father lies. This is my home. My only home…
Pelleas: …I’m sorry, Jill. But there’s no need for you to fall prey to the curse as well.
Ike vs Pelleas
Ike: You’re King Pelleas? The son of Mad King Ashnard? I expected you to be…bigger.
Pelleas: You are the hero of Crimea, General Ike. You killed my father…
Ike: It was nothing personal. Your father had to be put down. Wait, are you shaking?
Pelleas: I’ve never killed anyone before… I’ve never even stood on a battlefield before today.
Ike: Then why did you come here? Do you want to die?
Pelleas: I do, but it won’t change anything… I promised Micaiah that I wouldn’t run from my destiny. General Ike, you may be able to take me down easily, but I will not run!
Ike: Just what Daein needs…another mad king. Let’s see if you’re as tough as your father.
Soren vs Pelleas
Soren: The new king of Daein, Pelleas. How convenient. I can end this farce right now. Surrender or die.
Pelleas: Who are you? That mark on your forehead… Is it a mark of Spirit Protection?
Soren: No. It’s something rather different.
Pelleas: But that shape… It looks so much like mine!
Soren: Is that so? You might still more powerful than you let on. Still, I doubt this changes anything. Prepare yourself, Pelleas.
Pelleas: But wait! There’s so much I want to ask you!
Ilyana vs Pelleas
Pelleas: Ilyana… I’m sorry. If I were a better king, this wouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry…
Ilyana: Your Majesty, I don’t know what’s happened. All I know is that my friends are hurting each other. If that means I have to stop you to save them, then I’m going to try. I’m sorry…
Zihark vs Pelleas
Pelleas: Zihark… I only ever wanted to help our people. I’m sorry it came to this.
Zihark: So am I, Your Majesty. I don’t understand any of this, but I do know that it has to stop.
(Pelleas will attack, but Zihark will not)
Jill vs Pelleas
Pelleas: Jill, you told me once that you wished for me to become a good king for our people. I tried so hard… But I couldn’t fulfil your wish. I’m so sorry.
Jill: It’s all right, Your Majesty. I’d wrongly assumed that you had turned into a tyrant. Please forgive my desertion.
(Pelleas will attack, but Jill will not)
vs Pelleas
Pelleas: If you thought to end this battle quickly by fighting me, you have made a grave mistake.
Pelleas defeated (default)
Pelleas: To die in this lonely place… It’s my fate… But… For Micaiah… I must… I…must live…
(Pelleas retreats)
Pelleas defeated (unknown)
Pelleas: It would be better if I died here, but…I’ll keep my promise, Micaiah. I will live…
Micaiah: Your Majesty! Fall back, quickly!
Lethe talks to Zihark
Lethe: Zihark!
Zihark: Lethe… There’s no chance you’d surrender?
Lethe: I am a soldier. I will fight to my death.
Zihark: …I knew you’d say that. Then I’m coming with you. I’m at your service, Lethe. Just like old times, yeah?
Lethe: What?! Why?
Zihark: The Daein soldiers call this war “the sub-human hunt.” You know I hate that word. “Daein will change.” At least that’s what I believed. But now… I can’t just stand by. This war is the last straw. I can’t fight for Daein anymore.
Lethe: …You may not have claws, but I think your soul is more laguz than beorc. Welcome to our tribe, Zihark.
(Zihark joins)
Mordecai talks to Zihark
Mordecai: You, I know…
Zihark: Mordecai… I never expected us to meet like this, on opposite sides…
Mordecai: Ah! Zee…eehark! Hm… No, that not it. Sorry. Mordecai says your name not right. Not right yet.
Zihark: But…
Mordecai: Zeehork? Zeehar-ack? Zi…hark? Ahh! That is good! Zi-hark!
Zihark: Mordecai… Don’t you understand? We’re now–
Mordecai: I know. Mordecai is your friend. We are allies still. It does not matter who we fight for.
Zihark: Huh!
Mordecai: You have no fang or tail, but you are a beast brother, Zee-hark! Hmm… No. Mordecai forgets again. Sorry.
Zihark: Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ve got it! I’ll go with you. That way, you’ll get my name right in no time.
Mordecai: Ah! Good idea! Mordecai likes this idea.
Ilyana talks to Zihark (with bond support)
Ilyana: Sir Zihark. It’s not too late. Let’s not fight.
Zihark: I can’t do that… Daein has just freed itself. I can’t betray it now.
Ilyana: Even if you have been ordered by Daein to hunt down laguz?
Zihark: I-I just…
Ilyana: But, this isn’t you! When I met you, you were so nice, and you never doubted yourself or your friends. You even risked your own life to fight on behalf of the laguz. And now, you’re throwing it all away…
Zihark: …Ilyana.
Ilyana: Yes?
Zihark: Thank you. You’ve opened my eyes.
Ilyana: Pardon?
Zihark: I will leave the Daein army. My friends in Daein are dear to me, but I refuse to take part in any hunt or to lie to myself any longer.
Ilyana: Oh, Zihark, I’m so glad…
Brom talks to Zihark (with bond support)
Brom: Huh? Well, hey there, Zihark! Long time, no see!
Zihark: Brom…
Brom: Ah, it sure is great to see you! You’re looking mighty fine. Seem a bit sad, though.
Zihark: I’m all right, Brom. How’s the family?
Brom: Oh, they’re doin’ great. We had ourselves some troubles, but Queen Elincia took care of it. Ah, speakin’ of that family! About your engagement to one of my daughters… Have you given it any extra thought? All my daughters are eager to marry. Just say the word!
Zihark: What? All of your daughters? You told all of your daughters about me?
Brom: Ah, they’re all such dears! I can’t favor one over the others, can I? So, what do you think? My second daughter is startin’ to look a lot like me! Nice, soft cheeks.
Zihark: Um, well, I thought I was pretty clear on this the last time we went over it…
Brom: She left for Daein to see you. Have you run into her yet? Her name’s Meg. Nice girl. She looks a lot like me.
Zihark: You haven’t changed at all, Brom. You’re still the same good man that I remember from three years ago. I’m really glad I ran into you, Brom. Now I remember what I was fighting for back then. And now I know what I have to do.
Brom: Hm? What’re you goin’ on about, son?
Zihark: I’m leaving the Daein army. My friends in Daein are dear to me, but I refuse to turn my sword against the laguz any longer.
(Zihark joins)
Ike vs Zihark
Zihark: Ike, I’m sorry, I… I must raise my sword against you.
Ike: Zihark, what’s going on here? Why do you sound so desperate? This isn’t like you at all!
Zihark: I’ll take my secret to the grave. Besides, you know I don’t like to complain. At your ready, Commander.
Ilyana vs Zihark
Zihark: Ilyana, we’ve no time for doubts now. This mess has to finish its course. Let’s get this over with.
Ilyana: Sir Zihark… I wish it didn’t have to be this way…
(Ilyana attacks, but Zihark doesn’t)
Kyza or Lyre vs Zihark
Zihark: With this stroke, the last of my ideals is cut down…
Ranulf, Janaff or Ulki vs Zihark
Zihark: This is for Daein… This is for our survival!
(Ranulf will attack, but Zihark will not)
Path of Radiance character
vs Zihark
Zihark: There’s no time to dwell on our sorrow.
Others vs Zihark
Zihark: I must not think… The enemy in front of me is the only thing I will focus on.
Zihark defeated
Zihark: They’re strong. We can’t even slow them down. Sorry, I’m turning back.
(Zihark retreats)
Zihark talks to Jill
Zihark: Jill! Wait! Just put the axe down and tell me what’s going on!
Jill: Zihark… I’ve nothing to say to my enemy. I am a knight of Daein! It is my duty to kill Daein’s enemies!
Zihark: Whoa, hey now! Can we just drop the crazy act for a minute?! Why are you doing this? What’s happened to Daein? All right, I see you won’t be calming down anytime soon. I’ll leave, then. Take care of yourself, Jill.
Jill: Zihark… You are a good man. It’s better you don’t know. There’s no need for you to suffer.
Haar talks to Jill
Jill: Sir Haar! Why are you fighting in the apostle’s army?!
Haar: Hey, you stole my question! Why are you fighting in the Daein army?
Jill: There was a war to liberate Daein while you were gone. So I joined the army again.
Haar: Well, it looks like you did a good job. Daein has been liberated. What are you doing still in the army?
Jill: I can’t just leave! These people are my friends!
Haar: Oh, stop with the sentimental nonsense, Jill. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re fighting your friends, too.
Jill: What about you, then? How did you end up in this fight?
Haar: Well… Somehow, I got mixed up in quelling the uprisings in Crimea. And then I ended up with the Laguz Alliance because…you know, being old friends with Ike and all that.
Jill: What?! Old friends? That’s your reason? You’re unbelievable!
Haar: All right, enough with the talking. What do you want to do now? Do you want to fight me?
Jill: Of course not! I could never…
Haar: Then join me.
Jill: Easy for you to say!
Haar: You’re full of doubt. How do you live like that all the time? Is that how your father wanted you to live? Afraid to trust your own instincts?
Jill: But…
Haar: Daein has no business in this war. You know that, right?
Jill: But…what about my comrades? What about my friends?
Haar: Is dying how you show loyalty? If you’re their true friend, then why not show them the error of their ways by fighting alongside me?
Jill: Oh, Captain…
Haar: Come with me, Jill. We both know that we should follow our hearts, even if it makes us traitors. We know that better than anyone. For the sake of your father, live your life without shame.
Jill: Yes, sir, Captain Haar! And…thank you, sir.
(Jill joins)
Mist talks to Jill (with bond)
Mist: Jill! I can’t believe it! It is you!
Jill: Oh, Mist…
Mist: I’m so glad to see you!
Jill: Wh-what?
Mist: Well, I was wondering about what to do if I saw you here with the Daein army. I had it all worked out, you see? And, well, here you are! It’s great!
Jill: Mist. We’re enemies now.
Mist: No, you have to listen, Jill. Let’s not fight. There’s a really easy solution to this whole mess!
Jill: But…what?
Mist: Just listen! It’s so simple! Since Daein shouldn’t be in this war, they shouldn’t be here right now, right? And you and I are friends, right? So, we can each pretend that the other one of us isn’t here! Isn’t that great?
Jill: Mist, that makes absolutely no sense. Besides, that’s not the issue here! You’re a mercenary. You know how th–
Mist: We’re not fighting. That’s final.
Jill: Mist?!
Mist: Jill, you’d never turn your weapon against me. I just know it. I trust you, because you’re my friend.
Jill: Oh, Mist… All right, that’s it. I’ve had enough of this.
Mist: Jill?
Jill: You made my last doubts fade away. I’ve made my decision. I’m not fighting in the Daein army anymore. I’m joining back up with you.
Mist: Jill! I knew you’d come around!
Jill: I feel bad for my comrades in Daein, but I’m going to stand by what I believe. I will not be ashamed anymore.
Mist: That’s the Jill I know and love!
Jill: Thank you, Mist!
(Jill joins)
Ike vs Jill
Ike: Jill…
Jill: General Ike!
Ike: I need to speak with you. Lower your axe, just for a moment.
Jill: No, I can’t. Don’t ask me about what’s happening in Daein. We are your enemies. Please treat us as such. This battle must happen.
Ike: …All right, have it your way.
Ilyana vs Jill
Ilyana: War is always sad. It never changes. It is always cruel. Can’t we just pretend that it’s all over?
Jill: I know. No matter how many times you experience it, you can never get used to it. But no, Ilyana, we can’t. I’m sorry.
(Ilyana attacks, but Jill doesn’t)
Lethe vs Jill
Lethe: I’ve nothing to say to you. Let’s fight, Jill.
Jill: I’m proud to have had a friend like you. Thank you for everything, Lethe. Hold nothing back!
Sigrun vs Jill
Jill: I apologize for targeting the apostle during the battle in the valley. We violated the code of chivalry. There is no excuse for our actions.
Sigrun: The apostle has already forgiven you, and I have nothing to add. However, I do regret having to lose so many lives in this useless battle.
Tanith vs Jill
Tanith: Jill Fizzart! You shall pay for your treachery! May the goddess have mercy on you, where I cannot. Prepare to die.
Jill: I understand. It doesn’t matter what I’ve done. It was all to protect my country and my people!
Mist vs Jill
Mist: Jill! Wait! Listen to what I have to say!
Jill: Mist. I don’t think there’s anything for us to talk about. We’re soldiers. Let’s leave it at that.
Mist: But, Jill…
Jill: Come on, Mist. I’m going to fight, so you’ll want to defend yourself.
Path of Radiance character
vs Jill
Jill: I don’t care who I have to fight! I’ll fight until the end for the glory of Daein!
Others vs Jill
Jill: I am Daein’s dracoknight, Jill! I shall defeat you for the future of Daein!
Jill defeated
Jill: The enemy is moving fast… We can’t keep up with them. Lady Micaiah, I’m afraid I must pull back temporarily.
(Jill retreats)
Ike vs Kurthnaga
Ike: Prince Kurthnaga!
Kurthnaga: It’s so hot… I’m burning up! My body, it’s on fire!
Ike: Can you hear me? I guess not. Kurth, what’s happening to you?
Kurthnaga: I don’t want to fight… I… I don’t want to take any more lives…
Others vs Kurthnaga
Kurthnaga: Don’t come near me! I can barely… I don’t want to do this! Get away!
Kurthnaga defeated
Kurthnaga: Ugh… Gh… Im-impossible! I wasn’t… This can’t… Guh…
(Kurthnaga retreats)
Tibarn talks to Rafiel
Tibarn: Rafiel… Exactly what in the goddess’s name are you doing? You herons are making me tear my feathers out! Do you WANT to die? After all this time apart from your family, you want to die? Did that crazy wolf hit you on the head!
Rafiel: Tibarn, no, it’s not like that. I just want–
Tibarn: Hey, I know you’re worried about this Maiden of Daein. But that’s no reason to join up with the bad guys.
Rafiel: Bad guys? Tibarn, it’s not like that! They are not evil, and I’m not against you, or anyone for that matter!
Tibarn: Then explain to me what’s going on. Go ahead. I’m listening.
Rafiel: I…I want to help Micaiah. That’s all, really! That’s why I thought I should be by her side for this battle…
Tibarn: Right, then that means you’re an enemy now. Are you ready, Rafiel? You’d better hope that queen of yours taught you some fancy moves if you’re planning on surviving me.
Rafiel: Tibarn, I… Sniff…
Tibarn: H-hey, Rafiel, c’mon now. You know I wouldn’t hurt you! Sorry I scared you, all right?
Rafiel: Sniff…sniff…
Tibarn: Rafiel, stop! There’s no crying in battle! Get up, NOW! Please?
Ike vs Rafiel
Ike: Rafiel! What are you doing? Why are you fighting for Daein?!
Rafiel: Please forgive me, Ike. I only wish to help Micaiah.
Ike: Then join back with Tibarn! If you stay here with Daein, you’re our enemy! And if you’re my enemy, then I’ll have no choice but to take you down.
Rafiel: But I just want to help Micaiah! I’m not against you! Please, put the sword down!
Ike: I don’t know how to deal with this. Rafiel, you leave me no choice. I’ll have to knock you out and drag you over to Tibarn. Maybe he’ll know how to deal with you.
Rafiel defeated
Rafiel: …Uhh!
Nailah: Rafiel! You can’t push yourself any further. Get away from here, now! I forbid you to die before I do!
Rafiel: … As you wish, Nailah. Everyone… Please, forgive me.
Brom talks to Meg
Meg: Daddy!
Brom: Meg! I’m glad you’re safe and sound. How’s my baby girl?
Meg: I’m doin’ swell. It’s good to see you, too, Daddy.
Brom: Meg, can you do Daddy a favor? I don’t know what in blazes is going on, but family has gotta stick together! Why don’t you be a good little girl and mosey on over to your daddy’s side.
Meg: No…I can’t. I’m sorry, Daddy. Micaiah is a good person. I believe in her. I want to fight for her.
Brom: Well, shucks, this ain’t no good at all! I hope those higher-ups get their act together soon. But one thing’s for sure. You’re my girl. No way are we gonna fight. Not for anybody or anything!
Zihark talks to Meg
Zihark: Meg, why are you still with the Daein army? They’re in the wrong, and you know it. I know it’s selfish of me to ask, but I’m pleading with you. Come with me.
Meg: I can’t… I’m sorry. I hope that this doesn’t get in the way of our wedding, but I can’t do that.
Zihark: Is it because of Micaiah?
Meg: Yes. Everybody knows that this whole war is a mess and that none of us should be fighting right now. But Lady Micaiah is fighting for her people, and I’m gonna stick with her until the very end.
Zihark: Meg, I understand how you feel.
Meg: But I don’t consider you my enemy! Not at all. Not ever! Please, try to understand.
Zihark: I’m so sorry, Meg. I should be standing alongside you, but my country has lost its mind. I didn’t want to hurt you, too.
Meg: Let’s hope for the fight to end soon… Then, we can be together again and get back to making wedding plans!
Zihark: Right…
Jill talks to Meg
Jill: Meg! I’m glad I found you! Lower your sword and listen to me!
Meg: No, I can’t! I’m not supposed to talk to my enemies.
Jill: Enemies? Am I an enemy to you, Meg?
Meg: Um… Not really. But this being a battlefield and all, I just thought it’d be easier for both of us if–
Jill: Meg, I could never attack you, no matter the circumstance.
Meg: I couldn’t hurt you either, Jill. It’s probably a bad thing for a soldier, but I don’t care. You’re my friend.
Jill: I don’t understand what’s going on… This war is so meaningless. Can’t you tell me why Daein is still fighting?
Meg: I’m sorry, Jill. I can’t. It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s because I want to protect you. All I can say is that I feel as helpless as a plow without an ox. I wish we could all be together like a family again.
Jill: Meg…
Meg defeated
Meg: Oww! Hey, that smarts! Sorry, Micaiah, I’m going back for now.
(Meg retreats)
Edward defeated
Edward: I want to keep fighting, but my body is telling me otherwise! Sorry, Micaiah! I’m pulling back for now.
(Edward retreats)
Leonardo defeated
Leonardo: We can’t hold them off… Sorry, Micaiah. I’m falling back for now.
(Leonardo retreats)
Nolan defeated
Nolan: They’ve got superior numbers on their side. Sorry, Micaiah… I’m retreating for now.
(Nolan retreats)
Laura defeated
Laura: Oh no… The enemies have come this far already? Sorry, Micaiah. I’ll have to turn back for now.
(Laura retreats)
Aran defeated
Aran: I’m wounded. I must retreat for now. Tell the general… our front line of defense is collapsing.
(Aran retreats)
Fiona defeated
Fiona: What power! It’s as if they have the might of the dark god on their side. I cannot continue this fight!
(Fiona retreats)
Volug defeated
Volug: (I have nothing left… I must pass…)