Three years ago, Crimea freed itself from Daein tyranny. Its nobles used that freedom to berate the queen and scrabble for power.
Disgusted with their greed and arrogance, Ike and the Greil Mercenaries left the court behind and returned to work. Thanks to their efforts and to Queen Elincia’s even-handed rule, Crimea has avoided a bloody civil war. Before departing the capital once again, Ike receives disquieting news from Queen Elincia. The Black Knight, the man who murdered Ike’s father, has once again been seen in Daein. The queen’s words hang heavy over Ike as he leads the mercenary group back to their headquarters.
Rafiel, eldest prince of the heron clan, returns in the company of the wolf queen, Nailah, and the mage Tormod to tell a dire tale.
The shocking story he relates ignites a terrible fury in the hearts of the laguz. The assassination of the previous Begnion apostle sparked the massacre of the heron clan, as well as the burning of their home, the Serenes Forest. That murder and the resulting catastrophes were long thought to be the work of Daein’s former ruler, the Mad King, Ashnard. Now, however, Prince Rafiel, a survivor of the massacre, reveals that those directly responsible… were none other than the senators of Begnion. Upon hearing this tale, the hawk king, Tibarn, is consumed with an unspeakable rage. He shares this information with the raven king, Naesala, and the beast king, Caineghis, and they form a Laguz Alliance. Together with the heron royal family, they send messengers to the leadership of Begnion, demanding an explanation from the senators. Begnion rebuffs their requests, however, denying any wrongdoing and refusing to investigate Rafiel’s claims. As if to emphasize their decision to silence the laguz inquiries, the empire goes so far as to murder an alliance messenger. This callous act of arrogant defiance pushes the alliance into declaring war upon the Begnion Empire. Gallia’s sub-commander, Ranulf, considers the merits of attempting to simply overpower Begnion. He recognizes, however, that pitting brute force against Begnion’s magic and tactical prowess will result in massive alliance casualties. He decides to enlist the strength and knowledge of his old wartime ally, Ike, and the Greil Mercenaries. Ike is an acquaintance of Begnion’s apostle, however, and is at first reluctant to become involved in the conflict. Yet, when he considers the senators’ cold- blooded murder of the alliance messenger, he can feel the anger that burns in the laguz’s hearts. Determined to force the senators to answer for their crimes, he agrees to help the Laguz Alliance.
Chapter 1
The Laguz Alliance sacks Flaguerre with ease and sets off immediately for Mugill. The fortresses of Flaguerre and Mugill are both key to the defense of western Begnion and have figured for many years in the military plans of Gallia, Crimea, and Daein. The fortress of Mugill is well defended by thick walls and countless blades. However, the Laguz Alliance knows that, if they are to win this war, Mugill must fall. Ike and his companions march on, though thoughts of the medallion and the dark god entombed within fill their hearts with dread.
Chapter 2
The tactics used by the Gallian army prove effective, and like Flaguerre before it, Mugill falls to claw and steel. Before Begnion can react, the laguz overwhelm the remaining border defenses and cross into the Telgam region. With both defensive keeps overrun, Telgam falls like ripe fruit at the feet of the Laguz Alliance.
Inspired by their success, the alliance takes advantage of this momentum to strike toward the very heart of the Begnion Empire.
Dukes Gaddos and Seliora are horrified by the speed of the laguz advance. Banding together with the landowning nobles of the northern territories, they mass their armies in Seliora to oppose the Gallian assault. Using the Ribahn River, a tributary of the mighty Miscale, as a defensive front, the Begnion forces make their camps along its western bank in the Sestohl Plains.
Chapter 3
The apostle Sanaki, empress of the Begnion Empire, does not wish war with the laguz and searches feverishly for a peaceful resolution.
However, many imperial senators see the war not only as a means to expand their own influence but also as a convenient opportunity to exterminate the laguz once and for all. These ambitious senators meet with Vice-Minister Lekain and vigorously advocate a full-scale war. Having seen their homeland invaded, Begnion citizens desiring peace are now few and far between. Against the apostle’s wishes, Begnion’s military is now fully committed to the war with the laguz. Zelgius easily escapes the talons of the bird tribes meant to delay him and the Central Army. He arrives at the Sestohl Plains to reinforce his weakened allies. The laguz forces are surprised by the sudden appearance of this new enemy and seek counsel from Ranulf of Gallia. Ranulf orders a retreat with all speed, thus avoiding a full-on engagement with the Central Army. General Zelgius chooses not to pursue the fleeing Gallian army. Instead, he orders his army to hold position on the eastern banks of the Ribahn. Divided by the river, the two armies are deadlocked, able to do little more than glare at one another in hatred.
Chapter 4
The Laguz Alliance, bolstered by the hawk tribe and by Soren’s tactical genius, thunders across the Begnion-held river. Emboldened by their success, they move east with amazing speed and capture the northern stronghold, Castle Seliora. The Laguz Alliance has made a vital step in its march toward the Begnion capital, Sienne. Begnion has now lost a valuable defensive line in the Ribahn River, and the Central Army has been forced to retreat east, taking refuge in Castle Gaddos. The morale of the Begnion soldiers is kept high by their faith in General Zelgius, while the Begnion nobles smolder with resentment at their defeat.
Chapter 5
General Zelgius’s plan succeeds in breaking the morale and momentum of the laguz forces. Skrimir accepts a challenge to single combat with Zelgius and barely escapes with his life. His defeat sends a wave of doubt and fear through the Laguz Alliance. Ranulf, knowing that the situation has turned against them, orders a full retreat, and the beast tribes use the three days offered by Zelgius to recross the Ribahn and begin the long march back to Gallia.
Chapter 6
During the war between the Laguz Alliance and Begnion, the three remaining countries on Tellius– Daein, Crimea, and Goldoa–have thus far remained neutral. In Daein, the war for independence is over, and Prince Pelleas has been crowned king. Daein is now free from Begnion’s rule and is once again universally recognized as a sovereign nation. Micaiah decides to honor the promise she had made and continue on as the general of Daein’s armies until the country stabilizes. Most of her companions remain by her side, helping to restore their beloved country. It is their hope that Daein will recover soon, both politically and socially. Focused as they are, they realize that they can spare no time on outside concerns, including the current war in Begnion. However, King Pelleas has a mysterious change of heart and orders Micaiah into the war–on Begnion’s side.
Chapter 7
The Daein army takes to the field and deals a heavy blow to the army of the Laguz Alliance. This sudden aggression shocks the Alliance like a lightning bolt on a clear day. With their only avenue of retreat blocked, the forces of the Laguz Alliance begin to despair.
As the last shred of hope is fading, Skrimir appears before his troops and rallies them on, bolstering their failing strength.
Gallian morale is further improved by the appearance of Tibarn and Ike’s forces, who aid the beast army with talon and steel.
Chapter 8
The diversion created by the Greil Mercenaries allows the Laguz Alliance to slip successfully past the Daein army’s blockade. Yet General Zelgius and his Central Army show no mercy and continue their relentless pursuit of the Laguz Alliance. The weakened alliance is forced to a hard choice: they must pass through the northern edge of the Serenes Forest. From there, they will try to make their way to a hidden road that will lead them out of Begnion and back to Gallia.
Chapter 9
Goldoa, the land of dragons, lies secluded in the southwestern corner of Tellius. No foreigner, laguz or beorc, is permitted within its borders. The alliance emerges from the lava tubes and into Goldoa by accident. The dragon king, Dheginsea, is displeased by this trespass. However, Ike’s former companions Nasir and Ena appeal to Dheginsea to allow the passage of the Laguz Alliance.
Reyson’s actions during the last war earn them the grudging respect of King Dheginsea, who allows them safe passage. Meanwhile, Begnion calls off its pursuit of the alliance and finds its passage into Gallia blocked by the nation’s great mountains and deep forests.
The Central Army’s momentum breaks upon these obstacles like an ocean wave against solid rock. Senator Valtome arrives to take command of the Central Army. He orders Zelgius to march on to Gallia by way of Crimea. Observing diplomatic protocol, Valtome petitions the queen for passage as well as supplies and additional troops.
Queen Elincia, however, goes against the wishes of the Crimean nobles and resolutely denies each of Valtome’s requests. Her reply enrages Valtome, who sees Crimea as little more than a vassal of the empire. Ignoring Zelgius’s counsel, Valtome orders his army to enter Crimea and take whatever they need from the villages along the way.
Chapter 10
After Elincia’s meeting with Valtome, the Crimean Royal Knights return to the capital of Melior, leaving the border villages between Crimea and Gallia completely undefended. The Begnion Central Army crosses the border once more, but Crimea makes no move to march against it. Valtome sees this inaction as a sign of Crimea’s capitulation to Begnion’s demands. The Begnion forces occupy the Crimean castles and forts on the border with Gallia and prepare to launch their attack. The Laguz Alliance finally makes its way back to Gallia, but word of Begnion’s approach allows them no time for rest. The news that Gallia’s ally, Crimea, has allowed Begnion to travel through its lands comes as a great blow to the Laguz Alliance.
Chapter 11
Apostle Sanaki arrives without warning at the Central Army’s main camp in Crimea. With a strength born of conviction, she exposes the senators’ vile plot to undermine and usurp her. Valtome counterattacks with a claim crafted by the senate– that the apostle is a fraud who, along with her prime minister, Sephiran, is attempting to deceive all of Begnion and lead them away from the goddess’s graces. To the citizens of Begnion, the senators are chosen by the goddess and are worthy of the same respect given to the apostle. As for the apostle, her image is tarnished when the senate imprisons Prime Minister Sephiran in her name. An ever-growing number of Begnion’s citizens are willing to believe the senators’ claim that the apostle is an agent of evil trying to deceive them. So it is that the Central Army is divided. One camp believes in the apostle, and the other supports the senate. This new turmoil fans the flames of chaos into a mighty conflagration, burning across Tellius.
Chapter 12
Apostle Sanaki’s army, with Ike at its head, wins a great victory over Daein at Oribes Bridge. However, Apostle Sanaki elects not to pursue the retreating Daein forces. Instead, she petitions King Pelleas for permission to pass through Daein. After waiting for several days, she receives no reply, and Sanaki reluctantly orders a march. Avoiding the heart of Daein, the army skirts along the mountains and makes its way south.
Chapter 13
Daein launches a surprise attack against the apostle’s army, devastating her forces. It is all Apostle Sanaki can do to allay her remaining troops’ burning desire for revenge. She knows that there is no hope of victory if her weakened forces are divided.
However, she cannot move forward while danger follows at her back.
This dilemma weighs heavily on the apostle’s troops, crushing their morale. Meanwhile, the Daein forces pull back to the fastness of Nox Castle. Micaiah, unable to explain her mission to her soldiers, keeps Daein’s army together through sheer force of will.
Queen Elincia and the dragons of Goldoa persuade both armies to accept a temporary truce. The blue light that burns within the medallion grows more fierce with each passing day. To prevent the awakening of the evil trapped within, the fighting must be stopped.
However, the apostle and her army refuse to abandon Sephiran’s forces in Begnion. Though they hoped that Daein would cease fighting, they knew battle was inevitable. The bloodshed begins anew.