Before Battle (Castle Crimea)
“I see… So, that’s what’s going on. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I’m very sorry your village was affected by this. You have my sincere apologies.”
“Oh, no, Your Majesty. We don’t need no apology. We’re just happy we could help.”
“Lucia… Brom’s story confirms what we’ve suspected all along.”
“Yes, as we thought. Duke Ludveck of Felirae is firing up a rebellion. We should have seen it coming. To be honest, Queen Elincia, there have been a number of indications that something like this was under way. We’d hoped to uncover something more tangible than hushed rumors… I should have told you sooner.”
“No… I bear some responsibility as well. The discontent among the populace…is due to my lack of experience as a ruler. Now that a rebellion is gaining momentum, innocent blood will surely be spilled…”
“I have always held the well-being of the Crimean people as my highest priority… I’ve done my utmost in Crimea’s name. …And all I’ve ever desired is a country where war and hunger are unknown.”
“Beggin’ your pardon, Queen Elincia.”
“…Yes, Brom?”
“Your Majesty is doin’ a bang-up job of it. This country’s a safe place to live, and that’s more than most can say! Once you get the hang of things, I’m sure you’ll be the name future kings and queens try to live up to. We know you can do it!”
“And it ain’t like ALL the young bucks out there got bees in their bonnets! There’s a whole mess o’ folk doin’ their darnedest to make this a fine country. They wanna make you proud, Your Majesty.”
“I… Thank you.”
“All nations experience unrest when the reins of leadership change hands. It’s true the world over. But for Ludveck to start beating the drums of war as if this were unheard of… What utter nonsense! We must not allow it! Your Majesty, would you be so kind as to appoint me to the task of his capture? I myself will march into Felirae and seize Ludveck and his rebels.”
“No, Geoffrey. We can’t do that. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough evidence to arrest him.”
“Don’t worry, Brother. If we have no evidence, then I suppose we’ll have to dig some up. Your Majesty, I’d like to take on that job.”
“Lucia, I appreciate your dedication. You have my permission to proceed…”
Before battle (Felirae)
“Well, well… My dear Lady Lucia. Quite a way from home, aren’t we?”
“Please do excuse the sudden visit, Your Grace. Princess Leanne, Lady Lethe… This is Lord Ludveck, duke of Felirae. I was thinking that our laguz guests might enjoy the fine fruits this region is known for. We’ve traveled quite a long way… I hope it won’t be too much trouble.”
“Don’t be ridiculous! I could be nothing but delighted by a visit from you, Lady Lucia. Although I must admit… I would be all the more pleased if you had come such a long way just to see me.”
“…You are too kind, Lord Ludveck.”
“Please, feel free to take your ease. You are welcome to stay in Felirae as long as you desire.”
Before battle (Cave)
“…This is it! This document is an order written by Ludveck himself, marked with his signet. If we show this to the royal assembly, we’ll surely have the backing to indict him.”
“Thank you so much…both of you. We have to quell this uprising before things get out of hand.”
“If there is no war, we are happy. But if there is war, it is good we came.”
“Ludveck is poor prey. He hides behind a shield of words, not realizing that words can be seen through.”
“Yes, and that’s quite fortunate for us. But we still have to get out of here without being detected.”
(Great! We found them!)
“M-my lady! You mustn’t raise your voice…”
“Who’s there?! Show yourself!”
“Princess Leanne! Sir Nealuchi! I thought you had returned to the royal palace… What in the world are you doing here?!”
“Oh ho ho… Forgive us… We just couldn’t help but be concerned for you.”
“Well, what can I say? This just means we’ll have to be even more careful to get out of here safely.”
“…Someone is coming.”
“Guards? This cave has only one exit… I guess that means we do this the hard way. We’ve obtained enough evidence to indict Ludveck, so there’s no point in sticking around. Let’s go!”
(Lucia arrives)
“This way!”
After battle
“As we suspected, Ludveck is intent on rebellion. His followers are spread across the land, inciting insurrection. We have the documents to prove it.”
“Queen Elincia, I stand ready to defend the realm! I will lead the Royal Knights into Felirae, and we will seize the duke!”
“I am hesitant to resort to the sword without at least attempting diplomacy. At all costs, I must stop the people of Crimea from fighting one another.”
Crimean Soldier 1:
“Your Majesty! News from the countryside! Duke Ludveck has assembled an army and announced his intentions against you! The rebellion in Felirae is growing quickly!”
“I see…”
“He must have realized that his operations were no longer a secret. Your Majesty, we have no time to waste. We must stand against this, for the future of Crimea!”
“…I understand. Geoffrey, leader of the Royal Knights… I hereby authorize the use of military force against the rebel army!”
“Yes, Your Majesty. At once!”
“I will begin marshalling forces. This rebellion must be stopped…before nobles in surrounding areas catch wind of it.”
“…Am I doing the right thing? Oh, Father… Uncle Renning…”
(If Marcia is alive)
“Welcome back, Marcia. Did you learn of Sir Ike’s whereabouts?”
“No… I’m sorry. I’ve got nothing but sore feet and a tired pegasus. I’ve talked to a few local villagers who say the Greil Mercenaries have been working low-paying odd jobs here and there. Nobody seems to know where they are now, but everyone agrees that this is the first time they’ve been gone for so long.”
(If Marcia is alive)
Crimean Soldier:
“Your Majesty. I have returned from my post.”
“Welcome back. What information do you have on Sir Ike?”
Crimean Soldier:
“Well, actually… I must apologize, Your Majesty. I could only track down rumors. Apparently, the Greil Mercenaries have been working low-paying odd jobs. Nobody seems to know where they are, but local villagers report that this is the first time they’ve been gone for so long.”
(Sir Ike…)
“Princess Leanne, please try to keep your spirits high. I assure you, we will continue to investigate Sir Ike’s whereabouts.”
“Oh! Princess Leanne! You spoke?!”
“Quite a shock, yes? My lady has been studying your language, which we often call modern speech.”
“That’s wonderful! It’s hard enough visiting a strange land, let alone learning the language.”
(Not at all…!) Me…not big…no pr-problem. Queen Elincia has tr-trouble…heart.
“Ah… I’d forgotten… The heron tribe can peer into the heart. I can’t hide the pain I’m feeling… At least not from you, Princess Leanne.”
“Queen… El…Elincia.”
“…Why does this happen?! My people fight, brother against brother… And no matter what I do, I can’t stop it! I’m a miserable failure. I just want to crawl into a cave somewhere. How can anyone believe in me now?”
“I never asked for any of this… I never wanted to be queen!”
(Don’t cry… You can count on me.)
“…Sniff… I can’t… I can’t do it anymore…”