Before Battle (Fort Alpea)
(Haar is alive)
“So… We believe Duke Felirae already knows that Your Highness is here in this fort. The capital’s defences are incredibly strong. So, naturally, he would choose to attack here, since it’s easier to conquer.”
“…I understand. Thank you very much for your report.”
“Since things have come to this, I’ve decided to accompany you up to the final battle. If you need me to send messages, or anything else, feel free. If you have any need of me, please call me.”
(Haar goes to leave)
“…Ah, sir Haar!”
“What’s the matter?”
“What about Lucia…? Have you heard from her? Is she safe?”
“…We went to the village safehouse to find her, but all we found was a man’s body. We believe he was her messenger. We also found this…”
“No! This is… This is Lucia’s hair! But… How?”
“Don’t despair just yet. Since her body wasn’t there… This is his way of letting us know that she is in their hands.”
“Y-yes, I… I know…”
“So long as she’s still alive, we can still save her. Queen Elincia, it’s up to you to determine the best course of action.”
(Haar leaves)
“……Men, attend me!”
(Soldiers appear)
Crimean Soldier
:Your Majesty!
“Inform all the royal guards to arm themselves… and prepare to meet the rebel forces in battle.”
Crimean Soldier
:Understood! But, who will be commanding?
“I will be commanding you personally.”
Crimean Soldier:
“Your Majesty! But…you are the queen! It’s much too dangerous! Please, assign a subordinate to this duty!”
“I will not. It is my indecision that has allowed the rebellion to come this far. As the one responsible for protecting this country… I refuse to run from this problem any longer.”
Crimean Soldier:
“Yes… Your Majesty!”
(Haar died or not recruited)
[To be added]
(Image of Elincia holding Lucia’s hair)
“Lucia… Lucia, I’m sorry. Somehow, I promise you… I will save you!”
(Image fades)
“Queen… Elincia. I see sad… ness…… Does your… heart… hurt……?”
“Princess Leanne…”
“I…we together. Raise our spirits… okay…?”
“Yes. I’m sorry… Making even you worry for me…..”
“May I ask what’s happening? It seems the whole place is so noisy… What’s the bad news?”
“This fortress… will soon be under siege……”
“…It appears the enemy isn’t planning to attack the capital as we originally thought. Now even you’ve been dragged into this dangerous situation… How can I ever apologise……”
“Don’t be like that, you need not worry. Just leave Princess Leanne to this old crow. Your Majesty, you must take care of your own safety.”
“I’m sorry… Thank you for being so considerate.”
“I…sing…and h-help…Queen Elincia!”
“No! Under no circumstances! I won’t allow any such thing!”
“I…like help…Q-Queen…Elincia.”
“Princess Leanne……”
“Now, now. When my lady makes up her mind, nothing in Tellius can sway her. And me? I’m sure you wouldn’t mind having these old bones on the battlefield.”
“Sir Nealuchi… Honestly, I couldn’t… Sigh…”
“Wait until you see me… Even at my age, I’ll be one step ahead of those freshly hatched whippersnappers.”
(Soldier appears)
Crimean Soldier:
“Your Majesty! Here is Your Majesty’s weapon!”
“Good… Thank you. Amiti, the treasured blade of House Crimea… Ever since that war ended… I had hoped this day would never come… But now…”
Battle begins
Crimean Soldier:
“Eleventh platoon, preparations complete!”
Crimean Soldier:
“Eighth platoon, preparations complete. Be ready to await orders on the frontlines!”
“…There isn’t much time left. Princess Leanne, sir Nealuchi… I want both of you to promise me that you will fall back if in danger. Understood?”
“Fall back, Your Majesty? No one can hold a candle to the speed at which the raven tribe retreats. If any danger arises, I’ll take Princess Leanne to safety at my highest speed.”
“Ha ha… That’s a relief.”
(Focus moves to Ludveck’s crowd)
Crimean Rebel 1:
“Reporting, sir! Fort Alpea’s gate is sealed, and they are readying their defenses.”
“I see… Lady Lucia must have arranged some way to warn the queen. Impressive, very impressive. Ha… but alas. Even if they were to have all the energy and luck in the world, the Royal Knights wouldn’t arrive for two days. By then… the outcome would already be decided. Without her main force, the Royal Knights, the Queen won’t be able to hold much resistance.”
Crimean Rebel 2:
“All troops halt! Spread out across the eastern and western wings and surround the fort! This battle will decide Crimea’s future! Break through the castle again and bring out Queen Elincia, no matter the cost! Don’t kill her by mistake! We need her alive!”
Crimean Rebel 1:
“But, despite the fact that the Queen has few soldiers protecting her, they are still Crimea’s elites… Can we really win against them?”
“It matters not how powerful their army is, so long as their leader is weak, eh? Our victory cannot be prevented. Everything is in our favour. Oh, that’s right… our ace card… has it been prepared?”
Crimean Rebel 1:
“Yes sir!”
“The outcome of this battle matters nothing… We will not lose. Even at this stage, that weak Queen still wants to avoid combat. That hopeless naEit?.. is certain be the cause of her downfall.”
(Elincia’s side)
Crimean Soldier:
“Y-Your Majesty, dire news! The rear gate is open, and the rebel army is storming in!”
“What?! How could this happen?!”
“I think you’ll understand once you question this man.”
“You guard the inner garden, correct?”
“When I was patrolling the fort, I saw this man release a bird outside. I thought it a little suspicious, so I went to question him… and then he suddenly attacked me. So I brought him back here.”
Crimean Soldier:
“You, you scum! You helped the rebel army, didn’t you?!”
“Yes. Yes, I did. I did it because it was the best thing for the future of this country. Those Daein murderers killed my entire family, and now the queen bows down and wags her tail at them! It’s a disgrace!”
Crimean Soldier:
“Silence! You’re the traitor here! Prepare to die.”
“Wait! Killing this man will do nothing to help our situation. We have to halt Duke Felirae and his men. They’re already inside!”
Lethe (if alive):
“I’m going out there, too.”
Mordecai (if alive):
“Mordecai will fight for you, Queen Elincia.”
Brom (if alive):
“You can count on me, Your Majesty.”
Nephenee (if alive):
“Queen Elincia, Crimea needs you more than anything, and I reckon you could use my help.”
Heather (if recruited, alive):
“My homeland, being ruled by a snobby stiff like Duke Felirae? Please. I don’t think so!”
Crimean Soldiers:
“Your Majesty! We would give our lives for our queen! Allow us to fight!”
“Thank you, everyone. I am indeed the queen of Crimea, and a queen does not hide. Our enemies are fellow citizens of Crimea. But we can no longer sit idle as they destroy the harmony of our nation.”
(Ludveck’s side)
“Could our situation be any better? Just look at these fragile defenses… As fragile as the queen’s reign!”
(Focus moves to Elincia’s side)
“Everyone enter battle formations! We will now enter battle… and defeat the invading rebels!”
“…Oh? The queen’s taken command? I expected her to abandon her people, turn tail, and run for the hills. How preciously naive. We shall have to teach her that being overly optimistic can be fatal.”
Marcia arrives
“Queen Elincia! I made it!”
“The road from Felirae was completely filled with sand. However… we decided the old highway was still usable, so in the end we didn’t really lose much time. The Royal Knights will be here soon.”
“Geoffrey… So he’s coming…!”
“Yep! I came here myself ahead of the others…… So I could let you know of our situation earlier”
“…Thank you. I’m impressed you made it back so quickly.”
“My pleasure, Your Majesty! The Royal Knights are all marching here at top speed. Now, which monkeys do you want fileted before they get here?”
Royal Knights arrive
“Your Majesty! We’ll countercharge their flank! The Royal Knights will succeed again! Indomitable knights of Crimea, this is the hour you have trained for! Hold the line, and run them down! All soldiers, march!!”
“Geoffrey! Geoffrey, oh, Geoffrey!”
“Find Duke Felirae! Seize him immediately! He must not escape!”
“What a bother! They arrived far faster than I had expected. If we fight the Royal Knights head on, we’ll have little chance of victory. But I will prevail. I won’t lose to that worthless queen.”
After Battle
“Queen Elincia! I’m so glad you’re safe… Please forgive my tardiness. I’ve let you down. I’m sorry.”
“You did no such thing… It must have been difficult for you…”
“No, that’s not true at all. Just being able to speak to you, Queen Elincia… My fatigue and pain are no more.”
“Geoffrey… Thank you so much. So, what of the rebel army?”
“Without Ludveck at the helm, they’re a mess. They’re all running about trying to escape. As commanded, we are not pursuing fleeing soldiers.”
“Duke Felirae… What happened to him?”
“We captured him. He is now locked up in the dungeon…”
(Elincia leaves)
“Queen Elincia?”
“Lucia is being held captive! If we’re to save her, we need to talk to him.”
“…I understand! I’ll take you to him!”
(Underground prison)
Crimean Soldier:
“Your Majesty! General! W-we’ve received a missive! Outside… Outside the city gates…!”
“What is it!?”
Crimean Soldier:
“Lady Lucia… She’s been taken to the gallows!!”
Crimean Rebel:
“Queen of Crimea, we demand that you release Duke Felirae! Refuse, and Lady Lucia will die!”
Crimean Rebel:
“You have half a mark! If the duke is not released by then, the girl dies!”
“Queen Elincia, don’t listen to them! Don’t worry about me!”
(The soldier strikes Lucia)
Crimean Rebel:
“Quiet! You can die sooner, if you like!”
“…Your Majesty, you can’t… You have to let me do something about this.”
“Please consider Lucia already dead.”
“In the past, we once swore an oath to you. No matter what hardships awaited us, we would always be by Your Majesty’s side. My sister and I have never forgotten this oath. However… We wouldn’t want to continue living if it caused our country go to to ruin. To die for our country, that is our greatest wish. If I were in her position, I know my sister would surely do the same. …But you have to help her, Elincia. Please, just give the word.”
(Underground prison)
“Ludveck, duke of Felirae… You… How many more conniving tricks do you have in store…?”
“…By the look on your face, I can see my plan has been a success.”
“…What exactly is it that you want? To throw our country into chaos?”
“No. I want to protect it, Your Majesty.”
“Queen Elincia, you’re so naive. So helplessly naive. Your policies are strong and you have a kind heart, those are both good qualities. However, just those isn’t enough to lead the masses. This has always caused me to worry. Cold and callous decisions are sometimes required of a nation’s ruler. Even if you don’t wish for blood to flow, that doesn’t mean you must fear it… However, it looks like our Queen of Crimea wasn’t strong enough… So that is why.”
“So what you’re saying… Is that you caused a rebellion to test how strong I was? …Is that it?”
“Exactly, Your Majesty. If you truly had the power to quell the civil war… As long as I could affirm that, even if I were executed as a traitor, I would have no regrets. But, no, you were too hesitant and too concerned about harming the people… Now look what has happened.”
“Sigh… It looks you’re beginning to realise. Yet, even at this time, you still only captured me alive! Not only that, but you didn’t even command your soldiers to pursue the fleeing rebels!! If you had pursued them, perhaps Lady Lucia could have been saved.”
“…What do you want with Lucia?”
“I won’t be doing anything. So long as you accept my little proposal. Please abdicate and cede the crown to me. The rule of Crimea cannot be kept in your hands.”
“If you thought I wasn’t worthy of ruling, why didn’t you target me from the beginning? Why did you need to drag the civilians into everything…?”
“If I wanted you killed, it would be maddeningly simple to do so. Your Majesty is not cautious, in the slightest, of anyone and easy to get close to. I could just hide a blade or perhaps prepare some poisoned wine, while saying some pleasing words to you, slowly befriending you. Yet if that were the case… I fear even at death you wouldn’t have suspected a thing and would just smile happily at me. Moreso, Crimea would enter another time of turbulence. The nearby nations would declare me a traitor and use it as an excuse to invade Crimea. To prevent this scenario from happening, I had to have Your Majesty abdicate out of your own free will and then appoint me as the new king.”
“So I take it you understand everything now? And considering Lady Lucia’s life is on the line, you haven’t much choice. Now, let’s have you free me from this prison cell, and then we can discuss any further details…”
“I don’t think so.”
“What?! Are you truly willing to sacrifice Lady Lucia?! You wish to abandon somebody who grew up as your sister, and a loyal advisor who has always supported you!?”
“…Lord Ludveck, all your dissatisfaction and misgivings about me are well founded. However, your method of dealing with me is unforgivable. Using civilians and provoking them to fight a civil war, that act will cause this country to be left with a long-lasting scar.”
“So that’s why I said you were naive! What a king needs is to be strong enough to use any means possible to achieve their goals!!”
“Didn’t you say before that you caused a rebellion in order to protect the country? Then let me ask you, what is country? Isn’t it civilians who make a country? Think about it. Throughtout this conflict, do you realise how many lives you’ve simply thrown away?!”
“Ha, such naive reasoning. What is wrong about using civilians!? Without even lifting a finger, civilian numbers will rise by themselves. Human live are as cheap as grass, isn’t that the truth? These small insignificant bundles of life don’t have any impact on the country’s well-being. However, a king is different. Without a king, a country cannot stand. A country needs its king. It needs a powerful king!”
“You’re wrong. Strength without compassion does not a ruler make. Protecting people is what it means to protect the country. You care nothing for the people, so you are unfit to become king. You cloak your desire to rule with pretty speeches, but it is petty avarice nonetheless!”
“…So this is how it shall be? Very well… But Lady Lucia cannot be spared without my order. To protect your throne you’ve cast her aside… If you think about it, your actions are just as selfish!!”
“…I thank you, for letting me see my own weaknesses. … Allowing you to plant the seeds of rebellion and play havoc with the lives of my people is a failure for which I must answer. But I will see Crimea through this trial. I will give my people the future they deserve, no matter the cost.”
(Elincia leaves)
“…Ha… Ha ha ha ha! Well played, Your Majesty! Indeed, I have failed. Yet I wonder… Are you capable of watching Lucia die? I don’t believe you are. I know you will crawl back to me, your face awash with tears, begging for mercy… How I pray to see that face, Your Majesty!”
“Rebel soldiers, hear me! I am Queen Elincia of Crimea.”
Crimean Rebel:
“What!! Free Duke Felirae this instant!!”
“I refuse. Ludveck of Felirae, having conspired against the nation, will stand trial. He will not be released.”
Crimean Rebel:
“…So you’re going to let this girl die?!”
“As the queen and ruler of Crimea, I refuse to negotiate with those bent on destroying it. I hereby order all the rebels to immediately drop their weapons and surrender. Otherwise the Royal Knights will march out and defeat you.”
Crimean Rebel:
“Ha! We’re not afraid of the weak Queen’s underlings!! Your Majesty is such a kind and gentle Queen. To protect yourself, you’re just going to sit by as your most trusted advisor is slaughtered. What a pitiful woman!”
“I will be strong, Lucia…”
Crimean Rebel 1:
“Tch… Kick, scream, beg… Give us a show, wench!”
Crimean Rebel 2:
“Your Highness! Your trusted friend will now die. Let this burn forever in your memory!”
Crimean Rebel 3:
“Hey, hang that woman already!”
“People of Crimea… Behold a true queen! YOUR queen! Long live Queen Elincia!”
“Queen Elincia! It’s Sir Ike and the Greil Mercenaries! They came to our aid!”
“Now we’ll get Lucia back in one piece. We’ve nothing more to worry about. I’ll deploy my knights at once!”
(Elincia falls to the floor)
“…Hh… …”
(Inside building)
“Sir Ike… I am truly indebted to you. If you hadn’t come to help, I would have lost one of my dearest friends. Thank you… Thank you ever so much.”
“We were happy to do it. And Bastian pays well for mercenary work.”
“Yes. The count of Fayre knew of a group within the Crimean nobility who were plotting rebellion. However, since their leader was the powerful Duke Felirae, if he revealed the plot prematurely, then things would get tricky.”
“Yes, that’s true. It’s for the same reason that, once I knew of the rebels’ movements… I didn’t immediately make any decisive orders.”
“But, if the situation was left unattended to, the rebels would slowly spread across the country, and swallow up Crimea. So Bastian hoped to clean up the mess as quickly as possible. That’s what he told me anyway. “Once I am free of Crimea, Duke Felirae will surely act. That will be the best hour to eradicate them”, is what he said.”
“Also, “To fool the enemy, we must first fool our friends”. He kept drilling that into us. So that’s why we hadn’t shown ourselves until now, as we were waiting for the perfect opportunity. Lucia, I’m sorry that had to happen.”
“No… It worked out fine in the end. Please put it out of your mind.”
“…When Lucia was captured… It was as if I lost my other half. Even now, seeing her by my side, I feel so strange… Wondering how, at that time, I could make the decision to abandon her…”
“Lady Elincia…”
“Still… If the same scenario occured… I believe I would make the same decision. Lucia’s life is important, but it’s not on the same scale as protecting the country. As the Queen of Crimea, I must accomplish my duty to the country foremost.”
“Of course. Seeing Lady Elincia being able to make this decision, it truly makes me happy. As if I would hate you.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“Lucia, Geoffrey… I value your lives more than even my own. But it’s my duty to protect this country, even if that means losing you. I’ve learned a lot from all of this. I hope to keep them out of harm’s way, and I’ll never make the same mistakes again.”
“Good to hear. So what are you going to do about all the escaped rebel soldiers? If would be nice if they all surrendered, but if they decided to uprise again, then there’s no saving them.”
“The rebel army will be eradicated. We cannot allow them to sow the seeds of discontent among the people of Crimea.”
“That’s the right choice. Would you consider contracting my mercenaries for the job? It was truly unforgivable that we only helped at the very end. How about we work for free this time to make up for it?”
“…No, Sir Ike. I’ll leave that up to the Royal Knights.”
“…Are you sure?”
“Sir Ike, I thank you for your generosity. I’m certain this task will create anger among the people, and the Royal Knights may be resented for their role in it… At the same time, there will definitely be more of Felirae’s followers, those who despise the palace, showing up…”
“I see.”
“Yet, those are pains that we must accept. I must decline your offer, as I cannot burden you with such despisable acts. I will gladly accept the results of my decision. This is a responsibility that I must shoulder as queen.”
“Is that so… I respect your devotion to duty. So, you don’t need me then?”
“That’s right. I’m going to move on, together with my vassals and the people of this country.”
(Elincia sees off Ike)
“Wow, it’s been a long time since we’ve been back here.”
“I bet it’s become a spiders’ nest. Once we get back, should we have the whole crew clean up?”
“It won’t kill us if we don’t clean. As long as there’s beds to sleep on and a roof to shelter us from the wind and rain, I’ll be happy.”
“Brother, just because you don’t care, doesn’t mean I don’t care!”
“I don’t think I can stand living here either.”
“Ike, Queen Elincia’s here.”
“Huh? I thought she was busy. She shouldn’t have time to come visit us.”
“Sir Ike, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
“What is it? You look so serious.”
“When you heard from Bastian… Did he say anything about Daein?”
“No, nothing.”
“He informed me of a number of things. Apparently Daein’s reconstruction is playing out exactly like Crimea’s… He spoke of the existence of a previously unknown member of royalty. Supporting him was a charismatic young hero. All of this happened after the previous war was won. I can’t believe the people of Daein could so easily be moved…”
“He suspected that someone might be scheming, trying to manipulate Daein. Bastian seemed quite suspicious of it all.”
“So Bastian went to Daein to try and confirm his suspicions on that?”
“Yes. There was also something about Daein’s resurrection that we can’t afford to overlook.”
“What’s that?”
“…The Black Knight.”
(Image of the Black Knight)
“Even though that war already ended so long ago… I’ll never forget him… He was the one warrior who the late King Ashnard trusted. Encased in pitch-black armor, standing tall with a crimson cape… When the Liberation Army fought at the capital, he was there. He sided with Daein’s hero, the one they call the Silver-Haired Maiden.”
“How’s that possible…! How can he still be alive! Brother already defeated him!!”
“And even if Ike hadn’t killed him then…”
(Image of Nados castle crumbling)
“There’s no way he could have found time to escape the collapsing Nados castle…”
“The day after you fought, Bastian ordered some men to search the remains of Nados Castle. There was no trace of the Black Knight. No armor… No sword… No corpse.”
(Image fades)
“But how… How… Could father’s killer really still be alive…?”
“Right now, I can’t say for sure. But… If the Black Knight that was seen in Daein was indeed the same Black Knight… He might prove to be a threat to Crimea. So, I also approved of Bastian’s investigation at Daein. “I wish to use my own eyes and my own ears to see the truth of it all…” …That is what he said to me.”
“Sir Ike… What are your plans now?”
“I must go to Daein…”
“I knew you would say that. In that case, please be careful.”
“Elincia, thank you for bringing me this important information.”
“Don’t mention it…”