The capital of Renais. After the twins’ absence, seeing their home ruined by war brings them terrible grief. Orson, a former Knight of Renais, has been assigned to guard Castle Renais. However, he switched allegiances, betraying his oaths of loyalty to his homeland. Eirika marks her homecoming by vowing to see Renais healed.
(Chapter starts)
(Eirika, Ephraim and their company runs to the outside of Castle Renais)
“What has happened to our home? What has happened to Castle Renais? How did it come to be so ruined? So desolated?”
“Spies report that the castle is being held by the traitor Orson.”
“Orson… In retrospect, I realize he’s been acting odd for a while now. He seemed so… dispirited.”
“His wife passed away some six months back. The loss may have been too much for his mind to bear. His love and devotion for his wife were well known among the knights.”
“Now, he sits alone in the king’s former bedchambers. He makes no effort to govern. No one is allowed to enter the chambers, and he takes no meals.”
“What could he possibly be doing?”
“I do not know. The spies had no insight into his behavior. He does nothing to deal with the dark creatures and bandits roaming the land. Reports say all of Renais is engulfed in chaos. Region after region is revolting, and Orson’s reign is already crumbling. Left alone, it may very well collapse under the weight of its own neglect.”
“We cannot allow the situation to reach that point. We’re going home, Eirika. We’re going to the castle.”
“I hear you, Ephraim.”
(Myrrh come nearer to the twins)
“Um, Ephraim?”
“What is it, Myrrh?”
“I-I will fight with you. Now that Selena has returned my dragonstone to me… I’ll do what I can until its power runs out. Let’s take back your home.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“For the two of you… I simply want to help.”
“All right. I understand. But you must make me a promise. You are never to stray from our sides. Got that?”
“Of course…”
(Scene change to inside the castle, Orson runs into the castle, locks the door to his dear wife)
“What is it, Monica? You seem so happy today. Of COURSE I know what today is. I’d never forget your birthday! I have a present for you, dear. I think you’ll like it….”
(Lyon and Riev enter the room where Orson is, then outside, the guards are talking to each other)
Guard 1:
“You know something? That Orson… He gives me the creeps. What do you think he’s doing back there? I’ve heard lots of bizarre rumors from the master of the mess hall. …Do you think he needs help? Could he be dangerous?”
Guard 2:
“I don’t care. I’m here for the money. As long as I get paid, I’m happy. But on the subject of rumors, have you heard the stories of the secret treasure? There’s supposed to be some fabulous wealth hidden in Castle Renais. I tell you, if I find it, I’m gone.”
(Scene change with Orson in the room with his wife (although not shown here))
“Heh heh heh?br>”
(Riev moves into Orson’s view)
“It does my heart good to see you looking so happy, Orson. See what joy your treachery has brought you? I told you treason would be sweet.”
Eet out. This is Monica and my place. I will not have our home disturbed by anyone. I did as you asked. I betrayed Renais. My promise has been kept.
“Heh heh heh?How long are you going to continue this nonsense? Eirika and Ephraim have joined forces. Even now, their united forces march toward the capital, toward you.”
“You can’t imagine they’ll forgive you for your treachery, can you? I expect the sin of your betrayal has shattered you entire family’s name. And after all you did to free your wife from the cold clutches of the grave?It’s a shame she’ll be sent back there dangling from the hangman’s noose.”
“No! That can’t happen–“
“Heh heh heh?Oh, but it can, and it will. Unless you do something to stop it. You understand what is required, don’t you? You have your orders, Orson. Heh heh heh?br>”
(Riev leaves and Orson goes over to Monica)
“…Monica, I’m sorry. I have something I must do. Please wait for me here. Oh, darling, don’t look so sad. I’ll be back soon, and then I’ll never leave. I must do this to protect our happiness. You understand that, don’t you? All right then. I’ll be back.”
(Lyon and Riev go into an front room)
“Heh heh heh?He believes that thing is his wife?Aren’t people amusing?”
“Urr?Why?This terrible?Uh! Urr?gaa?AhhErr?br>”
“Oh my, your nasty little illness rearing its ugly little head again? There’s no need to worry. The pain will pass shortly?Leave everything to your humble servant, Riev. Heh heh heh?br>”
(Riev and Lyon teleport away)
(Battle starts)
(When you fight Orson)
“…I won’t let you come between us. Monica and I will live here happily together. Forever…”
(When Orson is defeated)
(Ephraim and Seth are in a room)
“Prince Ephraim, Princess Eirika. The castle has been secured. And…”
“What is it?”
“…This way. This is the room Orson was holed up in.”
(Eirika, Ephraim and Seth enter the room where Monica is)
“You, you’re Orson’s…”
“Darling. Darling. Darling…darling…darling…darling…”
“…What?! This…is horrible…”
“This same magic was used to control Emperor Vigarde. She’s already dead, and her corpse was used to…”
“Who? Who could…”
“You needn’t look any longer, Eirika. Let’s go outside.”
“Darling. Darling…darling…”
(Seth appear)
“…You can’t say this thing is truly alive anymore. I’ll…”
“No… I’ll do it. …The two of them spent every day in here, did they? Orson was mad. But I think he was happy…”
(The scene changes, the twins are now in the throne room)
“We’ve finally made it back. Yet…”
“Mmm… We can repair the castle, and what was stolen, we can do without. But the wounds and suffering inflicted upon the people of Renais…”
“It’s too late to undo their pain. Once I become king, I must set our country right. I doubt the people will give me a warm reception, though. I did abandon them. All I can do is try to win back their trust, no matter how long it takes…”
(Seth come in, to the twins)
“Princess Eirika, Prince Ephraim. You should look outside.”
(They go outside the castle, maybe on a corridor)
“Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika! The king has returned! Our king! Glory to Renais! Long live King Ephraim!”
“…They’re not cheering for you. They cheer because Orson’s misrule is at an end. They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today. But how will the hearts of the people move tomorrow and the next day? That is for you to decide.”
“I will not let their hopes and dreams be shattered again. I will be king. Like my father before me, I will dedicate myself to their happiness.”
“And I will do all I can to help, Ephraim.”
(The scene changes, now back to the throne room again)
“Prince Ephraim, Princess Eirika. Before Renais fell, King Fado entrusted me with this message: “Raise the twins?bracelets in the hall of kings. The seal will be broken. The resting place of the Sacred Stone will be revealed…?br>”
“I understand.”
“So we’re supposed to raise our bracelets over our heads, right?”
“Let’s try it, Eirika.”
“I’m ready, Ephraim.”
(The bracelets shine brightly, the throne moves aside, revealing a stairs to an underground chamber. The twins and Seth go downstairs)
(Ephraim take the Sacred Stone of Renais)
“This is the Stone of Renais…”
“Yes. This is one of the five stones that defeated the Demon King.”
“If Lyon had acquired our bracelets, the stone would have been destroyed by now. Together, we protected the only power that can help us stop Lyon’s insanity.”
“Yes. It’s the only hope left to us. Hope for you and me, and the last true hope for peace…”
“Let’s get back, Eirika.”
“…Huh? Brother, look! Our bracelets, they’re…”
“What is this? Are they reacting to the light of the stone? Eirika’s Lunar Brace and Ephraim’s Solar Brace glow in response to the Sacred Stone. With the power of the bracelets, the twins can now change classes.”
(A confirmation message will appear, asking you if you want to change the classes of the twins. If not, instead of changing class, you will receive a Lunar Brace for Eirika and a Solar Brace for Ephraim, which you can use on them anytime you want)
(Back to the chamber with the twins and Seth)
“I can’t believe the bracelets contain so much power…”
“I wonder if Father anticipated all of this long ago. When I was growing up, I never thought about becoming king. I only wanted to be a good soldier, a good warrior. The best on the battlefield. Father never understood what I wanted, but… I never understood him, either.”
“It was the same when Grado invaded Renais. I should have stayed home to defend the kingdom… Instead, I raced off to fight for personal glory.”
“Brother… I don’t think you know how well Father understood your feelings. When I last saw him, he was concerned for nothing but our safety…”
(Seth appears)
“Eirika is correct. King Fado asked after your exploits every day. He always told me what a fine king you would one day make.”
“Now Prince Ephraim, Princess Eirika. Please follow me. The Sacred Twins of Renais should be near the stone’s reliquary.”
(Seth takes the Sacred Twins from the chests)
“Ah, here we go. This lance can only be one of the Sacred Twins of Renais. Please, Prince Ephraim, take this sacred relic and feel its weight.”
“So this is one of our Sacred Twin relics, is it? I’ve never seen them. Look, there’s a name inscribed here. Siegmund, the Flame Lance.”
(Got Siegmund)
“And this blade is sister to the lance, the other Sacred Twin of legend. Princess Eirika, if you would?”
“Of course. There’s a name carved here as well. Sieglinde, the Thunder Blade…”
(Got Sieglinde)
“These are the ancient weapons of our ancestors–the weapons of heroes. They were enshrined generations ago, to be used only by the king… and only in times of dire need. Such an awful power they possess, and yet we need them to restore peace. I’ve seen enough of the horrors of war, but I can’t turn my back on it. If we merely turn our eyes away, we surrender our world to atrocity. And so, I must fight. I’ll do whatever I must do to bring back the peace we once knew.”
(They go outside the sacred chamber, combining with the others)
“What is happening? Have you found the Sacred Stone?”
“Yes. Here it is…”
“Wow! It truly is spectacular. This goes some way to brighten the dark shadows that loom over us.”
“Our countries?Sacred Stones have been shattered by Grado’s men. The Stone of Renais is our last remaining weapon.”
“No, it’s not. You have forgotten the stone of my beloved Rausten. Remember, there were five Sacred Stones for our five nations. The Stones of Grado, Frelia, and Jehanna are gone, but hope is not. We have the Stone of Renais, after all, and that of Rausten is safe. Our road is clear, my friends. I must guide you to Rausten.”
“You’re right. L’Arachel, we’re counting on you to lead the way.”
“Of course. And you will all be welcome to stay in the palace. And, Eirika, you shall be my guest in my own private quarters! Let us be on our way.”
(Chapter ends)