Roy – Young LionReturned home and worked to rebuild Pherae. |
Fa – Divine DragonDisappeared and was never heard of again. |
Marcus – Loyal PaladinEnjoyed retired life. |
Allen – Ferocious KnightUsed his fire to help rebuild Pherae. |
Bors – Impregnable KnightWorked to rebuild Ostia. |
Wolt – Dutiful ArcherHelped Roy rebuild Pherae. |
Lance – Tranquil KnightUsed his calmness to help rebuild Pherae. |
Ellen – Saint of BernWorked to help rebuild Bern. |
Thany – Cheerful KnightReturned home and was knighted. |
Dieck – Wounded TigerContinued his mercenary career. |
Ward – Confident AxefighterHelped develop the Western Isles. |
Lott – Silent AxefighterReturned home and lived happily. |
Chad – Lycian LinxQuit thievery and worked to help orphans. |
Lugh – Child of AnimaBuilt a magic school for orphans. |
Clarine – Unruly PrincessReturned to Etruria and led life as she did before. |
Rutger – Lone SwordsmanDisappeared like the wind. |
Saul – Priest of FreedomBecame a wandering missionary. |
Dorothy – Gentle ArcherReturned home and led a normal life. |
Sue – Doe of the PlainsContiuned life in Sacae as a nomad. |
Zealot – Leader of KnightsReturned home and helped rebuild Ilia. |
Treck – Peaceful KnightContinued life as a mercenary knight. |
Noah – Vagrant KnightSet out to travel to test his strength. |
Lilina – Beautiful DuchessReturned home and worked to rebuild Ostia. |
Astohl – Shadow of OstiaDisappeared without a trace. |
Wendy – Beautiful KnightLived life as an Armor Knight. |
Barth – Knight of JusticeReconstructed the divided the Ostian Army. |
Oujay – The Little HeroTraveled the world as a mercenary. |
Fir – Heir to the Sword SaintTraveled the world in training. |
Shin – Falcon of SacaeJoined a new clan in Sacae. |
Gonzales – Gentle BrigandReturned to his home on the Western Isles. |
Geese – Ruler of the SeasReopened his trading routes in the Western Isles. |
Klein – Silver PrincePut down his bow and became an ambassador. |
Tate – Rider of the WindsBecame the reunited Pegasus Knights’ first flightleader. |
Lalam – Cheerful DancerContinued life as a wandering dancer. |
Echidna – Goddess of the WestReturned to the Western Isles. |
Elphin – Seer of TruthDisappeared before anyone could notice. |
Bartre – Ferocious WarriorOpened a small bar. |
Ray – Child of DarknessTraveled the world honing his magic. |
Cath – Master ThiefSet out to travel the world as a thief. |
Miredy – Crimson KnightHelped Guinevere rebuild Bern. |
Percival – Knight Among KnightsRose to the top of the Etrurian military. |
Cecilia – Daughter of EtruriaWorked to rebuild Etruria. |
Sofiya – Prophet of NabataReturned to Nabata and was never heard of again. |
Igrene – Guardian of NabataReturned to Nabata and disappeared. |
Garret – Veteran BerserkerQuit banditry and led a normal life. |
Hugh – Streetwise MageContinued his studies in magic. |
Zeis – Black LightningHelped Guinevere rebuild Bern. |
Douglas – Lionhearted GeneralRetired and lived peacefully. |
Niime – Hermit on the MountainReturned to the mountains and disappeared. |
Dayan – Silver WolfReunited his former clansmen. |
Juno – Legendary FlightleaderWorked to reunite the Ilian Pegasus Knights. |
Yodel – Legendary BishopContinued to spread the words of Elimine. |
Karel – Sword SaintRetired to a small village in Bern. |