
Credits: Pegasus Knight, Wonder Egg, Vykan (staff accuracy)

Notes: Any fractions are omitted.

Weapon Triangle

Weapon triangle bonus: +1 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon, -1 if bad against enemy’s weapon

Physical weapon triangle: Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords
Magical weapon triangle A (Anima): Fire > Wind > Thunder > Fire
Magical weapon triangle B: Anima > Light > Dark > Anima

(“>” means “is strong against”)

Double Attack

Property Calculations
Attack Speed = Speed – (Weapon Weight – Strength, take as 0 if negative)

Double attack if: (Attack Speed – enemy’s Attack Speed) >= 4


Property Calculations
Physical damage = Strength + [(Weapon Might + Weapon triangle bonus) x Effective coefficient] + Buddy support bonus + Height bonus
Physical defence = Defence + Buddy support bonus + Terrain Bonus
Magical damage = Magic + [(Weapon Might + Weapon triangle bonus) x Effective coefficient] + Buddy support bonus + Height bonus
Magical defence = Resistance + Buddy support bonus + Terrain bonus
Damage = [(Physical damage – enemy’s Physical defence) or (Magical damage – enemy’s Magical defence)] x Critical coefficient

Effective coefficient: 3 if weapon is effective against enemy, 1 if not.
Buddy support bonus: 0 to +3, depending on the support type and level.
Height bonus: +2 if above enemy, 0 if below or on same plane as enemy.
Terrain bonus: 0 to +10, depending on terrain type.
Critical coefficient: 3 if critical is successful, 1 if not.

Note 1: If using a Crossbow, Strength = 0.
Note 2: In Hard mode, Weapon triangle bonus = 0.


Property Calculations
Accuracy = Weapon Hit + (Skill x 2) + Luck + Weapon triangle bonus + Biorhythm bonus + Buddy support bonus + Leadership bonus + Affinity bonus + Height bonus + Range bonus
Avoid = (Attack Speed x 2) + Luck + Biorhythm bonus + Buddy support bonus + Terrain bonus + Leadership bonus + Affinity bonus
Battle accuracy = Accuracy – enemy’s Avoid [lowest value is 0, highest value is 100] [%]
Staff accuracy = {30 + [(Magic – enemy’s Resistance) x 5] + Skill} – (Distance between units x 2) [%]
Glare accuracy = (Skill / 2) + Biorhythm bonus [%]

Weapon triangle bonus: +10 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon, -10 if bad against enemy’s weapon.
Biorhythm bonus: +10 if arrow is pointing at highest, +5 if pointing at high, -5 if pointing at low and -10 if pointing at lowest.
Buddy support bonus for Accuracy: 0 to +54 depending on support type and level.
Buddy support bonus for Avoid: 0 to +45 depending on support type and level.
Leadership bonus: = +[(Number of commander’s Authority stars) x 5] for all units with the same affiliation as the commander.
Affinity bonus: +5 if user has same affinity as the map.
Height bonus: +50 if above enemy, -50 if below enemy.
Range bonus: -30 if attacking from 3 Range using a bow or 1 Range using the Double Bow.
Terrain bonus: 0 to +10 depending on terrain type.

Note: In Hard mode, Weapon triangle bonus and Affinity bonus = 0.


Property Calculations
Critical rate = Weapon Critical + (Skill / 2) + Bond support bonus + Critical bonus
Dodge = Luck + Bond support bonus
Battle critical rate = Critical rate – enemy’s Dodge [%]

Bond support bonus: 0 to +10 depending on support type.
Critical bonus: See Class Skills chart.

Skill Activation

Property Calculations
Activation rate = Specific skill activation rate + Biorhythm bonus [%]

Specific skill activation rate: Please view the Skills list.
Biorhythm bonus: +10 if arrow is pointing at highest, +5 if pointing at high, -5 if pointing at low and -10 if pointing at lowest.

Rescue and Shove

Rescue if: (Weight – 2) >= other unit’s Weight
Shove if: (Con + 2) >= other unit’s Weight

Note 1: Only units with the Shove skill can shove.
Note 2: Mounted units cannot be rescued.


Steal if: Attack Speed > enemy’s Attack Speed and Strength > enemy’s item Weight.

Note 1: User must have the Steal skill to steal items (obviously).
Note 2: Equipped and/or locked weapons cannot be stolen.

Finding Desert Items

Property Calculations
Success rate = Skill + Thief Bonus + Biorhythm bonus [%]

Thief Bonus: 60 if user is a Thief, Rogue or Whisper.
Biorhythm bonus: +20 if arrow is pointing at highest, +10 if pointing at high, -10 if pointing at low and -20 if pointing at lowest.

Weapon Ranks

Weapon Rank Required WEx Total WEx
– to E 1 1
E to D 30 31
D to C 40 71
C to B 50 121
B to A 60 181
A to S 70 251
S to SS 80 331

Note 1: Weapon EXP is not obtained for extra attacks caused by Brave weapons, Adept, Astra, etc.
Note 2: Weapon EXP is obtained even if no damage is done or the attack misses.
Note 3: Maximum Weapon Ranks are determined by class.