C support – addressing
Type 1: Hey, ___! You’ve got blood on your boot. Hah! Made you look. Seriously, call if you need anything.
Type 2: ___, if you begin to feel that this battle is beyond your control, who you gonna call for help? I hope so!
Type 3: Hey, Duke Tanas! Still laying on the fried onions, I see! Doing OK? Just let me know if you need a hand.
Type 4: Hey, Prince ___! Why’s a fine royal such as yourself messing around out here? Call if you need help.
Type 5: Hey, ___! Did you just call my name? I thought I heard you. Let me know if you do need anything!
Type 6: Hey, Lord ___! Did you see that guy just fall? Listen, you’ll let me know if I can lend you a hand, right?
Type 7: Hey, General ___! You OK? I could give you a hand. Just say the word.
Type 8: Hey, King Tibarn! Is that really the best you can do? Kidding! Let me know if I can help you.
Type 9: Hey, Queen ___! You are even more beautiful when you’re mad. Can I help you with anything?
Type 10: Hey, Raven King! Making any friends out here? Yeah, well, let me know if you need anything.
Type 11: Hey, King ___! You OK? I can cover your back if you get in a tight spot. Just holler.
Type 12: Hey, Lady ___! Five to one someone’s gonna try to steal you. If they try, call me for help!
Type 13: Hey, Bro! Watch your back, someone was just sneaking up behind you. Call for me if you need help.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Hah! Just try and stop me.
B support – addressing
Type 1: Hey, ___. Let’s team up and thrash ’em together. Whaddya say?
Type 2: Hey, Lord ___. Let’s band together…and thrash those idiots together!
Type 3: Hey, Duke Tanas. You’re not really my type…but…let’s team up and thrash these guys. Whaddya say?
Type 4: Hey, Prince ___. Let’s join forces and thrash these deadbeats together. Whaddya say?
Type 5: Hey, ___, let’s team up and rearrange these no-goods. Whaddya say?
Type 6: Hey, Lord ___. Let’s team up and teach these guys a lesson or two. Whaddya say?
Type 7: Hey, General ___. Let’s team up and rip through them like a stack of old scrolls.
Type 8: Hey, Tibarn. Wanna join forces and make these babies cry in their armor?
Type 9: Hey, Queen ___, whaddya say we team up and make these soldiers do the surrender dance?
Type 10: Hey, Naesala, let’s fight together ’til these monsters beg for mercy.
Type 11: Hey, King ___. Wanna band together and show these turkeys a real battle tactic or two?
Type 12: Hey, Lady ___, what say we team up and trash these turkeys?
Type 13: Hey, Bro. Come join me and we can thrash ’em together, one by one. Just some good, clean, family fun!
B support – addressed
Type 1: Oh yeah, sure! Leave it to me when things get hot!
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, we’ve made it this far, we can make it to the end. Then we can laugh about it when it’s all over!
Type 2: ___, you can’t go this far in the fight and stop short of winning. Live and we can laugh about it later!
Type 3: Duke Tanas, quit biting your nails! Just stay calm and focus on survival. This’ll seem funny in ten marks’ time.
Type 4: Prince ___, come on, make your fellow laguz proud! Live through all this and you’ll have the last laugh.
Type 5: ___, can I say, it has been a real honor fighting with you. Don’t let me down now! You gotta live!
Type 6: Lord ___, we’ve made it this far, we can make it to the end. Then we can laugh about it when it’s all over!
Type 7: General ___, I’ve learned from your example. Now, show me how to live so we can survive this together!
Type 8: King Tibarn, we’ve made it this far, we can make it to the end. Then we can laugh about it when it’s all over!
Type 9: Queen ___, you’re the one soldier I expect to see standing last. Live so we can laugh about this later.
Type 10: Naesala, we’ve made it this far, we can make it to the end. Then we can laugh about it when it’s all over!
Type 11: King ___, we’re young with a lot to live for! Survive all this so we can laugh about it for years to come!
Type 12: Lady ___, we’ve made it this far, we can make it to the end. Then we can laugh about it when it’s all over!
Type 13: Bro, we’ve made it this far. We can’t give up now. I want to be two old men laughing about this some day.
A support – addressed
Type 1: Done! That’s a gentleman’s promise! Now let’s go smash ’em to bits!